Guitar, Guitar, Guitar, and then Painting, Dogs, SPirituality, and hangin out and chillin ......and whatever else is as cooooool as can be
Jesus,Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaugn, Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, JAck Black, Vincent Van Gogh, PAul CEzanne, PAblo Picasso, Michaelangelo, Waylon Jennings, Will Farrel, ELvis, Bob MArley, Johnny Cash, Hank WIlliams Jr and SR,Lynyrd Skynyrd, Janis Joplin, and anyone else who is the real deal.......
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Hendrix-all songs- Bob Marley pretty much everything yeaaaaa....Elvis,Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash,Country SOuthern Rock.and Lynyrd Skynyrd, Audio Adrenaline,P.O.D., Matisyahu, Jack Johnson, Stanley Jordan, Tom Petty, Santana, Heather Lind, Jeff Beck, Classic Rock and BLues, Jazz , Reggae, Christian Music,...alot of stuff pretty much everthing even some Old School Hip Hop and Classical music to sleep to or drive tooo but not both at the same time ..... Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock-
Jesus of Nazareth, Walk the Line, Fight Club, Napolean Dynamite , Office Space, Karate Kid, Rocky-and Black SHeep,TOmmy Boy,MAtrix,.......a bunch of others cant think right now.......
Omnifarious Finale'- Acrylic and varnish on Canvas - 36"x48" - 2006. don't watch tv Genius brought to you by Eric Svitic- videos on top installation below
meow... This is Genius- I wish this was my catA Work of Genius by Anti Liu.
Jesus, Jimi Hendrix,John Paul II, Bob Marley,St. Francis, Vincent Van Gogh,Rocky haha .......