Thorstan Osborne, M.H. profile picture

Thorstan Osborne, M.H.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Thorstan Osborne , I have worked as a master herbalist, and natural health consultant for about nine years here in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of Kentucky...

I maintain several acres of woodlands and a greenhouse in order to protect native and rare medicinal plants. I find profound joy in the wonders of mother earth, and hope to be able to share that joy with you...

I will be posting periodical blogs here about unusual and helpful plants, as well as free plant and seed offers for anyone willing to share their lives with these awesome plants...

Please feel free to email me anytime. I look forward to getting to know you better, and sharing what I know with you.

Too many people too often forget that WE ARE A PART of nature, just as much as birds, flowers, and trees...

- Thorstan

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to my blog to be alerted when they are posted!

My Interests

Natrual Medicines
Folk healing

Help build our school!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet folks with a genuine interest in medicinal plants, ethnobotany, or simply a deep love and appreciation for nature...

I have gotten several questions about my "top" friends here on myspace, for example "Why am I not one of your top friends?", "why is so and so on your top friends?", I even had someone offer me CASH to put their company profile as my number one spot (it wasn't enough hahaha)....
Wow! Who would have thought that being a "top rated" friend was so important? So to answer all of your questions; (if you've been watching my profile you'll already know this...) I randomly and periodically change my top friends, no order, no rhym, no reason...
I am flattered that so many of you value my "top" ranking but since I can only display a max. of 24 and I have so many absolutely great people on my list, I figure that, for now anyhow, this random display is my best option.
I thank each of you for being my myspace friend, and welcome you to add me if you aren't already...

My Blog

******Calendula / Marigold [free seeds!]

Calendula officinalis is in the Asteraceae (or daisy) family, which is the largest family of flowering plants on the planet. This pretty yellow flower is often called a "pot marigold". Many folks here...
Posted by Thorstan Osborne, M.H. on Sat, 10 May 2008 11:53:00 PST