*)O(*Graceful Warrior*)O(* profile picture

*)O(*Graceful Warrior*)O(*

Strong like the ocean, gentle like the rain, river wash my tears away; Aphrodite

About Me

CURRENT MOON moon phases ************************************************************ **HMMMMMM!!!! Let's see...where to start...I am the first born of 6 children into a VERY Mormon family. Florida Native & proud to say!!!! I am a Singer/Songwriter, Princess, Reiki Master, Healer, Teacher, Witch, Goddess and I'd like to think a pretty spiritual person all the way around. Some of my MOST FAVORITE sayings are; "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience" ~ "If that which you seek you find not within, you will never find it without." and, last but certainly not least, "There are many different paths up the mountain, but the view of the moon is always the same". Oh, and I LOVE YOGA!!!! NAMASTE'!!!
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 53%
Stability |||||||||||| 50%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Interdependence |||||||||||||| 56%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 56%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism |||||||||||||| 56%
Materialism |||||||||||| 43%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 43%
Conflict seeking || 10%
Need to dominate |||||||||| 36%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Avoidant |||||||||||||| 56%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63%
Wealth |||| 16%
Dependency |||||||||||| 43%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 43%
Physical security |||||||||||| 50%
Physical Fitness |||||| 24%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 50%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 63%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 70% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
You scored as Ecclectic Pagan. A veritable blend of all the pantheons and perhaps a dash of a few other religions as well, you're the versitile Ecclectic Pagan. You have no problem wearing an ankh while setting an offering to Herne on your alter just below your image of Hera. You don't believe in coloring within the lines, and are a bright free-thinker. While you respect the views of your fellow pagans, as far as you're concerned, religion is the sky, and there's no one about to clip your wings with lines and limitations.

Ecclectic Pagan


Celtic Pantheonic Pagan


Shamanic Pagan


Zoroastrian Pagan


Roman Pantheonic Pagan


Eastern Pagan


Greek Pantheonic Pagan


Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan


Kabbalistic Pagan


Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)


Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans


Catholic (Pagan?)

What kind of Pagan are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Wiccan. A practitioner of a nature-based/revering or folk belief system, art or religion. Not all Witches follow the same belief system. Some practice what is called the "Old Religion" which has its roots in Pagan pre-monotheistic folkways and beliefs and which usually follows the agricultural seasonal cycles. Many Witches believe in a polytheistic deity structure usually based upon the local gods and goddesses of the area of origin. (from www.witchvox.com)



Simply Pagan


Religo Romana


Celtic Traditions













What type of Pagan are you?
created with QuizFarm.com What is Your Magick Path?
NIGHT MAGICK - Night Magick is a complete curriculum of magical development based on the Yin primal force, as opposed to the major religions of the world, which are predominantly Yang. You emphasize the use and balanced developement of the Physical/Etheric Body, the Astral/Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the Causal Body. Through regular and consistent practice, you, the Night Magician will develop psychic abilities, increased vitality, stronger focus, and union with your Oversoul.
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Witch: you are in touch with all the elements. You are well balanced and will do very well in this life. You probably have a small very close circle of friends instead of a large group of aquaintances. You keep a level head in times of trouble and are the one your friends depend on for good advice. You will most likely be very happy with your life and successful in all that you do.
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How to make a LuAnn
3 parts intelligence
1 part crazyiness
1 part beauty
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Top it off with a sprinkle of emotion and enjoy!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
Lis forLiberal
Uis forUnnatural
Ais forArty
Nis forNaughty
Nis forNerdy What Does Your Name Mean?

My Interests

Music, music & more music. It keeps me sane ;-) I also enjoy learning, I LOVE KNOWLEDGE!!! It's power ya know.

I'd like to meet:

Creative, spiritual, open & like-minded people.*** Show me a man who knows his own heart; to him I shall belong. -Jewel- ***


Ah music, the world would be so lost without it. I'm pretty eclectic, I like it all. My most favorite type is folky, alternative stuff & good, ol' Rock-n-Roll of course.


The Mists of Avalon, Hocas Pocus, Witches of Eastwick, Practical Magic, all Harry Potter's & Lord of the Rings, Labyrinth, Never Ending Story, Last Unicorn, Princess Bride, Xanadu, Ever After...noticing a pattern here???? Pretty much anything fantasy, magical, mystical & princess like. (Oh, and What The Bleep Do We Know, although it's really a documentary on Quantum Physics, if you haven't seen it, you should, WHOA!!!!!)


Television? What's that?


OK, Finally finished Illusions by Richard Bach, it is a good story if you can just get past all the boring airplane stuff, but it is a good story. Moving on now to The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff, and in between that I'll be reading Succulent (what a great word!) ok, let's try this again..... Succulent Wild Woman by Sark & Brisingamen by Diana L. Paxson. Lots to read! Lots to read indeed!


Stevie Nicks, Ann Wilson, Dar Williams, Jewel, my little brother Will, my friend Vicki & my Honee-Grammie Which Stevie Nicks song are you?
Congrats, you are one of the most inspiring Stevie songs ever. "Sometimes it's a bitch, soemtime's it's a breeze..."
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You are a true Wiccan. I am very proud of you. Here is the Wiccan Reded for you:Bide the Wiccan Laws we mustIn Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Live and let live,Fairly take and fairly give. Cast the Circle thrice aboutTo keep the evil spirits out. To bind the spell every timeLet the spell be spake in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch,Speak little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon,Chanting out the Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon,Chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new,Kiss the hand to her, times two. When the moon rides at her peak,Then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North wind's mighty gale,Lock the door and drop the sail. When the wind comes from the South,Love will kiss thee on the mouth. When the wind blows from the West,Departed souls will have no rest. When the wind blows from the East,Expect the new and set the feast. Nine woods in the cauldron go,Burn them fast and burn them slow. Elder be the Lady's tree,Burn it not or cursed you'll be. When the Wheel begins to turn,Let the Beltane fires burn. When the Wheel has turned to Yule,Light the log and the Horned One rules. Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,By the Lady, blessed be. Where the rippling waters go,Cast a stone and truth you'll know. When ye have a true need,Hearken not to others' greed. With a fool no season spend,Lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part,Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law you should,Three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow,Wear the blue star on thy brow. True in Love ever be,Lest thy lover's false to thee. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:An ye harm none, do what ye will.
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You Are From the Moon
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon. You're in touch with your emotions and intuition. You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory. Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone). A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. What Planet Are You From?
You Are The Moon
You represent the unconscious side of life, what happens in dreams.
You are capable of great genius - but also of great madness.
Emotions tend to be primal for you, both your fears and your fantasies.
Your intuition is always right, listening to it is the difficult part.
Your fortune:
You are about to embark on a very important journey - and a very difficult one.
Some of your deepest dreams will be realized, as well as some of your deepest nightmares.
Follow your creativity and visions; stay away from your weaknesses.
You are taking a voyage to the center of yourself, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover. What Tarot Card Are You?
You Are a Prophet Soul
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.
Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.
No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.
A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul What Kind of Soul Are You? What..who were you in your previous life? (Many outcomes and pics)
Congratulations, you're an old soul! You've lived so many times, that you have experienced much more than the rest of us. It's not certain what you were in your last life, but you have probably lived a life of them all. In your present life, you are wise and knowledgeable, very creative, and attract people to your shining soul. Enjoy this life, who knows what wonderous place you'll go to when it's ended.
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My Blog

Some DEEP SHIT man!!!

Lately I've been having a lot of what one might call "epiphanies" about myself & the destructive, unhealthy patterns in my life that seem to be stuck on auto-repeat. I am really trying to make a c...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 11:43:00 PST

*Gypsy* ~ one who roams; wanderer

I'd like to start this blog out with the words of my idol, the *beautiful* and VERY TALENTED *Stevie Nicks*&&&..   So I'm back, to the velvet undergroundBack to the floor, that I loveTo a ro...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:27:00 PST

My foot & my music.........

YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!   WOO HOO!!!!!   YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!   YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   For those of you who care..... I went to the doctors today for my 2nd follow up since the fire & I'm hap...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 08:49:00 PST


Well, I went to the doctors today for my follow up since the kitchen fire Friday night. (For a complete story on that, go to my boyfriends blog, for those of you who don't know he's Taoist Pooh &...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:58:00 PST

Random Thoughts.......

SIGH!   LIFE!!!   Remember when you were a kid and everything was just so easy, so basic, so simple. No worries, no problems, no insecurities, no drama. Just simple, happy life. Remember al...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:00:00 PST

Whoa is me!!!!!!!

Whoa is me...................   I am so confused right now! Yesterday I was given the opportunity to move in with my boyfriend. WOO HOO! Makes sense, especially since meeting him I've stayed at h...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 09:17:00 PST

Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle   I stretch and I yawn, wipe the sleep from my eyes I've finally awoken from this slumber, a slumber of lies I've been asleep it seems, I've come to this realization Asleep to the ...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 01:50:00 PST


Wounded   Blindly you wandering Searching for what's whole Noticing only the obvious Incoherent to the unknown Only seeing what you think you know   Touching all that passes you Unaware of t...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 02:24:00 PST

Self Preservation

Self Preservation   Chipping away at the pieces of you Revealing again my inner light My true soul, my true being I'd forgotten I was this bright   Peeling you away Little by little Some p...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 12:48:00 PST

Just Listen

Just Listen   There is not one person that's more beautiful then the next Nor is there anyone smarter or stronger or better then the rest We are all the same, with the same potential to be our b...
Posted by *Graceful Warrior* on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:38:00 PST