John (AKA Sylver Dragun) profile picture

John (AKA Sylver Dragun)

Wisdom is nothing more than common sense applied to knowledge. ©

About Me

OK, where to start. I spent 20 years in the US Marine Corps. I have been out for about 10 years. I'm a computer programmer and have been for 10 years. I've been married 3 times, and am currently seperated. We've been seperated for the past 4 years and are now getting divorced. She currently lives in Spokane, WA with her boyfriend. She also has my 2 youngest daughters ages 8 and 11. I just bought a house here in Boise. I have 6 kids and 4 grand kids.
You Are 28 Years Old
28 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
Name: John
Birthday: 07/19/1958
Birthplace: Springfield, Missouri
Current Location: Boise, Idaho
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Irish
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black hiking shoes
Your Weakness: Beautiful Women
Your Fears: Lonelyness
Your Perfect Pizza: Garlic Chicken
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Retire for good
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: Damn, I'm tired
Your Best Physical Feature: Chest
Your Bedtime: 11:00
Your Most Missed Memory:
Pepsi or Coke: Dr Pepper
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Either
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Swear: Hell yes
Do you Sing: If you can call it singing
Do you Shower Daily:
Do you want to go to College: Been there, done that
Do you want to get Married: Been there, done that
Do you belive in yourself: Of course
Do you get Motion Sickness: Nope
Do you think you are Attractive: Some what
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: Both are dead
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Do you play an Instrument: Nope
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nope
In the past month have you Smoked: Nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Nope
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Nope
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Nope
In the past month have you been on Stage: Nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nope
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: Nope
Ever been Beaten up: Yes
Ever Shoplifted: Yes
How do you want to Die: Quickly
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I'm never growing up
What country would you most like to Visit: Africa, even though it is not a country
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: any
Favourite Hair Color: any
Short or Long Hair: both
Height: any
Weight: any
Best Clothing Style: any
Number of Drugs I have taken: any
Number of CDs I own: any
Number of Piercings: 1
Number of Tattoos: 3
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Too any to count
Who is your soul guardian?
A faerie watches over you. You are charming and cunning. You have a way with people that you can lead them and they will follow. You're active and ambitious. You're smart and outgoing. You're faerie is always by your side. Whether or not you may always see it, your faerie is always there, keeping an eye on you and protecting you. You're faerie is like your conscious. It will always lead you down the right path.
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Which of the Four Elemental Goddesses are you?(With Pics)
You are the Goddess of Water. You are a very loving, you show your emotions out in the open. You are full of wisdom. Also dreamy... You would rather be sleeping then awake. But are still very happy. You are most inspiration to the other Four Goddesses since without water there wouldn't be life.Other Water Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya, Ran, Kupala, Salacia
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You scored as Ecclectic Pagan. A veritable blend of all the pantheons and perhaps a dash of a few other religions as well, you're the versitile Ecclectic Pagan. You have no problem wearing an ankh while setting an offering to Herne on your alter just below your image of Hera. You don't believe in coloring within the lines, and are a bright free-thinker. While you respect the views of your fellow pagans, as far as you're concerned, religion is the sky, and there's no one about to clip your wings with lines and limitations.

Ecclectic Pagan


Roman Pantheonic Pagan


Greek Pantheonic Pagan


Celtic Pantheonic Pagan


Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan


Shamanic Pagan


Zoroastrian Pagan


Eastern Pagan


Kabbalistic Pagan


Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)


Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans


Catholic (Pagan?)

What kind of Pagan are you?
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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)

Earth Dragon
Nature is your thing, you protect the forests with the essence of the living world. You're goal is to protect the world but with so few numbers of your kind you are failing your task. You are a powerful adversary and can causing earthquakes with a bare wink.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Are Internal - Realist - Powerful
You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.
You are a realist when it comes to luck.
You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.
You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...
But you do your best to try to make your own luck.
When it comes to who's in charge, it's you.
Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler.
You don't care much about what others think.
But they better care what you think! The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test

My Interests

Buddhism, Hinduism, Reiki, Asian studies, Incense, Karaoke, chakras, ayurveda, nature, Spirituality, Meditation, Nature, Taoism, Native American Spirituality, Sacred Geometry, Oriental/Alternative/holistic medicine, Fitness, Yoga, Water, Self Improvement, Reading, Ambition, Hiking, Video Games, Anime, Energy, Balance of Mind Body & Spirit, Family, Ancient History, Metaphysical, Love, Wicca, Pagan, Egypt, India, Religions, Mythology, New Age, Crystals, Herbalism, Aromatherapy, Pagan Traditions and Rituals, Peace in the World.

What Subversive Alternative Paradigm Are You?
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You scored as White Lighter

You are a White Lighter! You seek the dawning of the New Age and the raising of the consciousness of mankind (which of course happens in 2012, and all in one day). You seek only to do good, and are determined to cut out that pesky dark side once and for all. You know your own role in the coming Earth Changes is important, and you must let all know so they know whom to turn to at that crucial moment!

White Lighter






Aimless Eclectic


True Alternative








You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.












What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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CURRENT MOON moon phases
The outdoor, camping, fishing, hiking

I'd like to meet:

Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the imagery we find here may inspire us or torment us. Understanding the moon requires looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in this luminary that circles the earth every month and reflects the sun in its progress. Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it is only those willing to work with the force of dreams that are able to withstand this reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.
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What do your eyes behold? {Beautiful pictures in results.}
Your eyes behold joy.
Your eyes are full of happiness and love. You are satisfied with yourself and almost everything going on around you. If something is going wrong you try to fix it the best way you can and if that doesn't work, you try to move on.
When someone looks into your eyes they can't help but smile.
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What Level of Witch are you
Congratulations you have achieved level 4 witch status... you have studied hard and learned well!!
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Anyone and everyone


Just about all music, Rock, R&B, POP, Hip Hop


I like all Scifi


Charmed is the best ever, Star Gate SG1, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Atlantis, SciFi, I like the History channel, the Learning channel, and the Discovery channel, the science channel


SciFi, Fantasy, and Sword and Sorcery


You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
You are a black dragon! Master of the shadows and nightmares. People claim you to be evil but you're just misunderstood. You just want to be alone.
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Your results:
You are Superman Superman 80% Supergirl 67% Spider-Man 60% Catwoman 60% The Flash 60% Robin 55% Hulk 55% Batman 55% Green Lantern 40% Wonder Woman 37% Iron Man 35% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
You Are 54% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How Evil Are You?
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ??
You're like a Mermaid!
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You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.
Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly Which of the X-Men Are You?
~~Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers~~
You are one of the few out there whose wings are truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and divine, you are one blessed with a certain cosmic grace. You are unequalled in peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of Light your wings are massive and a soft white or silver. Countless feathers grace them and radiate the light within you for all the world to see. You are a defender, protector, and caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver of the wrong, chances are you are taken advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often. But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in everyone and so this mistreatment does not make you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will try to help misguided souls find themselves and peace. However not all Angelics allow themselves to be gotten the better of - the Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting for the sake of Justice and protection of those less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever change - the world needs more people like you.Image Copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available through - words added by myself.
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What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Werewolf:

The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths. You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which makes you warm and caring to those you love.

Strengths: Protection is a number one priority, and therefore you always gaurd the ones you love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates. Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also expect it from the ones who are close to you.

Flip Side: Even though you care for those you love deeply, if they betray you, anger races through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up for itself if need be. You would have no problem hiding your anger if something sets you off balance.

Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

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