Honey profile picture


Support our troops. End the war.

About Me

My hair is real, my boobs are real, but my smile is sometimes completely fake. I'm an odd combination of sexy and goofy - but mostly sexy! Not a day goes by that my openness isn't rewarded with the surreal and the sublime (and the occasional turd.) I'm passionate about politics and the dire situation that the world is in today. I constantly feed my head, and I'm a foodie too. I'm an atheist, and becoming much more stridently so as this country slips further into Jesus-freakdom. I believe that cannabis, plural marriage (between adults,) and prostitution should be legal. My favorite forms of exercise are wandering at a rapid clip, deep belly laughs, and gesticulating wildly. I make a strong ally, a devoted friend, and an ardent lover. I live fully and rarely apologize. Ooh, I like talking about myself!


My Interests

Support the Troops. End the War

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Aiding efforts to IMPEACH BUSH

and bring his criminal administration to justice

Progressive politics, electing John Edwards President in '08

resisting the NeoCon agenda


my myriad of insecurities, shoes, movies, Black people,

working out, weed, gourmet food, whiteboys, holistic health / herbs and hippie shit, shisha, pornography, fetishizing non-western cultures, goats, massage, doggies, really expensive teas, gourmet cheese, mischief, debauchery of all sorts.

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I'd like to meet:

Whomever taught my 3 year old niece to say, "You think this is a game?" when she doesn't get her way. Someone to play with my hair while I watch C-span. Revolutionaries, moguls, STEPHEN COLBERT, Eric Bana, Seth McFarlane, Kieth Olbermann, Clive Owen, Johnnie Depp, Heidi Klum, Amy and David Sedaris, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and (yes) Keanu Reeves. And Ann Coulter, in a dark alley, with full immunity from prosecution.


all sorts of shit

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More Funny Stuff at GOYK.COM

Catherine Zeta Jones IS glamour!


Napoleon Dynamite
Immortal Beloved
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Matrix
The Color Purple
Raising Arizona
Full Metal Jacket
Trading Places
A Soldier's Story
Dead Man
Silence of the Lambs
The Funeral
Dangerous Liasons
My Cousin Vinny
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
Igby Goes Down
Once Were Warriors
Like Water for Chocolate
Before Night Falls
The Untouchables
The Thing (Carpenter)
My Own Private Idaho
The Moderns
I Shot Andy Warhol
Romeo is Bleeding
Ordinary people
etc., etc....

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PROJECT RUNWAY!!! America's Next Top Model (I'm sort of obsessed with Miss Jay)

Top Chef, 3o Rock, The Office, Real Time w/ Bill Maher, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, American Dad, Work Out, Arrested Development, C-Span's Washington Journal, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Paula's Home Cooking, Dr. 90210, Good Eats, Daily Show / Colbert Report, BET's Uncut. History and Discovery Channels are my shit! And I'm waiting for a wife-swapping show where they have to fuck.


Oh, I read!

Some of my all time fav's include: Tropic of Cancer, On the Road, The Grapes of Wrath, Emotional Inteligence, Sex and Race vol II, The SCUM Manifesto, The Godfather, Freud's Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The Bluest Eye, Back to Eden, Sperm Wars, my Anatomy Coloring Book, pretty much anything by Richard Dawkins, and lots of cookbooks.


holding out for one

My Blog

Senator Kennedy

I just wanted to join other concerned Americans everywhere in wishing Ted Kennedy strength in the face of his tough diagnosis. I'm sure he will confront this cancer with the courage that he has exhibi...
Posted by Honey on Tue, 20 May 2008 11:23:00 PST

BREAKING NEWS: Edwards Endorsement

Just saw reports that John Edwards is going to formally endorse Barrack Obama this evening. I've still got alot of work to do this afternoon (yes, I work! lol!) so I'll load up any video or links...
Posted by Honey on Wed, 14 May 2008 02:39:00 PST

FYI: Its still legal to shoot an unarmed Black man to death in cold blood.

    NY math: 50 shots + 1 unarmed man = 3 aquittals. Shoot a nigga in the back. Shoot a nigga in his soles. Choke, beat, harass. Shove a plunger up his ass. NYPD, baby. Widowmakers, niggabr...
Posted by Honey on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:25:00 PST

Stick a fork in Obama

He's done. Unelectable in the general, just like I said. No way can he beat McCain. Period. Good night. Not because of his dirty, dirty ties to Antonin Rezko & Nadhmi Auchi and the scammed, tax s...
Posted by Honey on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:07:00 PST

Oh, Joe!

Sleeplessness (and the absence of Mika Brzezinski) has caused me to break my MSNBC boycott & watch Morning Joe today. Among other gems, Andrea Mitchell said "Whatup with that?" to Senator Clinton and ...
Posted by Honey on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:05:00 PST

Who wants some?

  I'm sure you all know by now - from tv, the internet, or just your own intuition - that the end is nigh for the the union of Star Jones & Al Reynolds. Speculation of doom began when the eg...
Posted by Honey on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:44:00 PST

Exactly how much money is a "shitload?"

I imagine it is the amount one needs to swagger down front street with 'Omi on your arm in THIS ensemble. As much as I'm feeling the oversized safety pin, I wasn't sure about the twinkly sweater unti...
Posted by Honey on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:20:00 PST

Jamie Rubin Nails It (and Andrea Mitchell)

Jamie Rubin Nails It (and Andrea Mitchell)http://noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/03/26/jamie-rubi. ..Powered by ShareThis Yet another reason why I envy Christiane Amanpour....
Posted by Honey on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 03:20:00 PST

Im So Sad...

... and scared, for my country. This election is the Democrats' race to lose. With the Republicans in disarray, ALL we need to do is nominate someone unobjectionable to most Americans. So we choose a&...
Posted by Honey on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:09:00 PST

NO JOHN! Nooooo!!!

Posted by Honey on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:32:00 PST