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The following Maine Democrats and leaders have endorsed John Edwards for President:
* State Senator Beth Edmonds, President of the Maine Senate
* State Senator John Martin of Eagle Lake, Assistant Majority Leader of the Maine Senate
* State Senator Joseph Brannigan of Portland
* State Senator Joseph Perry of Bangor
* State Representative Jeremy Fischer of Presque Isle
* State Representative Emily Cain of Orono
* State Representative Charles Fisher of Brewer
* State Representative Chris Barstow of Gorham
* State Representative Richard Cleary of Houlton
* State Representative Edward Finch of Fairfield
* State Representative Jon Hink of Portland
* State Representative John Tuttle of Sanford
* John Knutson of Ellsworth, Chair, Hancock County Democratic Committee and former Chair of the Caucus of County Chairs
* Cathy Newell of Bridgton, Chair, Oxford County Democratic Committee
* Dory Richards-Waxman, former Chair of the Portland Democratic City Committee and former member of the Portland School Committee
* Albert Boothby, Jr., former Chair of the Brunswick Democratic City Committee
* Rick McCarthy, Chief of Staff, Maine Senate President Beth Edmonds
* Greg Howard, member of the Brunswick Democratic City Committee
* Lori Gramlich, Portland School Committee and member of the Maine Democratic State Committee.
* Henry Beck, City Councilor, Waterville and President of the Maine College Democrats
* Oliver Radwan of the Bowdoin College Democrats and former President of the Maine College Democrats (2005-06)
* Alex Cornell du Houx, former President of the Maine College Democrats (2004-05)
* Chris Van Alstyne of the Colby College Democrats and Executive Board Member of the Maine College Democrats
* Dave Garrity, Former DNC member and State Party Vice-Chair
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