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Maine For John Edwards


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John Edwards Endorses Barack Obama!

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My Interests

Thank you John and Elizabeth Edwards for reminding the Democratic Party and the nation that it is the people, not the politicians and special interest groups that really matter! I hope Senators Obama and Clinton continue what you have started.

Democrats United in 2008!

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PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept or post comments which are negative, derogatory, contain offensive language or images, etc., since they do not reflect the attitudes and behaviors of John Edwards and his campaign. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.


The following Maine Democrats and leaders have endorsed John Edwards for President:

* State Senator Beth Edmonds, President of the Maine Senate
* State Senator John Martin of Eagle Lake, Assistant Majority Leader of the Maine Senate
* State Senator Joseph Brannigan of Portland
* State Senator Joseph Perry of Bangor
* State Representative Jeremy Fischer of Presque Isle
* State Representative Emily Cain of Orono
* State Representative Charles Fisher of Brewer
* State Representative Chris Barstow of Gorham
* State Representative Richard Cleary of Houlton
* State Representative Edward Finch of Fairfield
* State Representative Jon Hink of Portland
* State Representative John Tuttle of Sanford
* John Knutson of Ellsworth, Chair, Hancock County Democratic Committee and former Chair of the Caucus of County Chairs
* Cathy Newell of Bridgton, Chair, Oxford County Democratic Committee
* Dory Richards-Waxman, former Chair of the Portland Democratic City Committee and former member of the Portland School Committee
* Albert Boothby, Jr., former Chair of the Brunswick Democratic City Committee
* Rick McCarthy, Chief of Staff, Maine Senate President Beth Edmonds
* Greg Howard, member of the Brunswick Democratic City Committee
* Lori Gramlich, Portland School Committee and member of the Maine Democratic State Committee.
* Henry Beck, City Councilor, Waterville and President of the Maine College Democrats
* Oliver Radwan of the Bowdoin College Democrats and former President of the Maine College Democrats (2005-06)
* Alex Cornell du Houx, former President of the Maine College Democrats (2004-05)
* Chris Van Alstyne of the Colby College Democrats and Executive Board Member of the Maine College Democrats
* Dave Garrity, Former DNC member and State Party Vice-Chair

Add your name to the list!


My Blog

Thank you, John and Elizabeth Edwards!

Thank you John and Elizabeth Edwards for reminding the Democratic Party and the nation that it is the people, not the politicians and special interest groups that really matter! I hope Senators Obama ...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:53:00 PST

Maine Congressman Mike Michaud Endorses John Edwards

From the John Edwards Blog acy Russo in News Feed of10/19/2007 at 1:11 PM ESTToday, Senator John Edwards received the endorsement of Democratic C...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:25:00 PST

JRE in the News and Daily Digest 8-13-07

DailyKos Diary on Tour: Bleeding Heartland Bus Tour Kick off Post:
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:25:00 PST

Daily Digest 8.7.07

IssuesWatch it, rate it, comment and share it:John Edwards asks a straightforward question: Will the Democratic Party and Presidential Challengers commit to not taking money form lobbyists?:http://www...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 01:00:00 PST

Blogger "The Divine Democrat" on John Edwards

JOHN EDWARDS CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: I like John's site because it is always kept up to date. I also like what he did in New Hampshire. He was running late due to bad weather while campaigning in NH. He was...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:18:00 PST

Daily Digest 7.31.07

Talking points for today's actions (in order of importance)-----Send a message to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. The man whobrought us Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and illegal spying on Americans isnow...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 01:44:00 PST

John Edwards a modern day RFK?

The Capital TimesMadison, Wisconsin 03340 Rob Zaleski: John Edwards a modern day RFK? Rob Za...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:29:00 PST

Daily Digest 7.30.07

Note:It has come to my attention that the daily digest is often too verbose to actually digest. Therefore, I am going to try out a new format this week to make it easier for John Edwards supporters to...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:42:00 PST

Edwards Unveils Bold Economic Plan

Reposted from: www.johnedwards.comEdwards Unveils Bold Economic Plan to Restore Fairness, Reform America's Tax Code, & Reward Hard Work July 26, 2007Des Moines, Iowa Today in Iowa, Senator...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:32:00 PST

Daily Digest 7.27.07

Campaign Focus, Schedule and Events:The Tax Plan: We need everyone's help to push our new tax plan to get rid of Bush's taxcuts for the rich and provide more support to working families. Here are thre...
Posted by Maine For John Edwards on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:56:00 PST