I am a Maine resident who is a registered voter in a small town with a population of about 800. My father is a member of the United Steelworkers Union and is campaigning for Edwards.
I am supporting John Edwards for the following reasons:
John Edwards is Pro-Choice.
John Edwards is the strongest supporter of equal rights for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) people.
John Edwards campaign slogan is "One America", which means that every American should have the opportunity to work and build a better life."In today's Two Americas, it is no coincidence that most families are working harder for stagnating wages when there are nearly 60 lobbyists for every member of Congress. America's image overseas has been tarnished by the war in Iraq, our refusal to join the world in working to halt global warming, and repeated violations of Americans' constitutional rights." (Quoted from www.johnedwards.com)"Corporate greed is robbing our children of the promise of America and it is time for us to fight back," Edwards told a raucous crowd. "And right here, beginning in the heartland of America, here in Iowa, you're going to rise up, you're going to stand up, you're going to speak up and you're going to say to America, ..Enough is enough, we want our country back, we want our democracy back, we are better than this.'"John Edwards wants to end poverty.
He has created a detailed plan to give America true Universal Health Care, families without insurance will have truly affordable health care.
John Edwards has proposals to help fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
John Edwards has a plan for funding public schools so they can help Autistic children and their families, and wants to provide continuous lifelong supportive services for those that have been diagnosed.John has a very touching video called 37. 37 Million Americans live in Poverty. 37 reasons to end Poverty. Its a beautiful video that all of us can relate to.I want a Better America for my children. That's why I am supporting John Edwards for President in 2008.
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