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Diane Russell

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

The foundation of our democracy is the engagement of its people.
People can't get engaged if they can't eat. They can't get engaged if they are working two jobs and still cannot afford to keep and heat their home. And people can't get engaged if their child has a high fever and no health insurance. We not only measure our economic future, but our democratic future on how we address these issues while protecting what it is that makes Maine such an incredible place to live.
I was born and raised in Western Maine, and was there the day our town went down in history as the last town in the country to get rid of the crank phone. Yes, the crank phone! I started out as a public relations person, but ended up doing public relations, citizen lobbying, community organizing and public policy work - all focused on eliminating barriers to the engagement of our people.
As part of that commitment, I am a founding Board Member of Opportunity Maine Campaign, a non-profit organization that used the citizen's initiative process to get legislation passed designed to make college more affordable for all Mainers. This has been one of the greatest experiences of my life, providing me an opportunity to talk with Mainers across the entire state about the impact an educated workforce can have on the long-term sustainability of our economy. FMI: www.opportunitymaine.org.
Additionally, I serve on the citizen board of Common Cause Maine. In that role, my colleagues and I negotiated a pilot project on ranked choice voting that should take place in 2009. Additionally, I have worked with Jon Bartholomew, Dr. John Koza and the good folks at Maine Street Solutions to move the National Popular Vote Compact forward here in Maine. If this passes, we will be one step closer to directly electing the President of the United States.
Recently, I was asked to run for representative in the Maine State House, District 120, in Portland. I have accepted the invitation to run and look forward to meeting more of my neighbors. It is important to have positive debates about how best to ensure sustainable economic development, job growth and fair taxation while also protecting and preserving the best of Maine's landscape and culture.
Part of engaging people is being willing to hear from folks and encourage them to become part of the process. To that end, please send me a message. I am always up for a cup of coffee with people interested in career options, politics and just plain networking.
Best wishes, as always!

My Interests

Coffee. Politics. Coffee.

I'd like to meet:

This is a listserv I created a little over a year ago and manage. The idea is to share job opportunities within the Progressive community so that we can cultivate Maine talent and provide jobs that keep our talent here at home!
If you are looking for a new job, have jobs to share or just want to keep an eye out for new opportunities, please feel free to join!Find a Job; Share a Job

Subscribe to MaineProgressiveJobs

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Depending on my mood, I can be heard listening to Shine Down, Evanescance, Sarah Brightman, Enya, Sarah McLachlan, Velvet Revlover, Blink 182, Eminem, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, PSC, Dresden Dolls, Three Days' Grace, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill or Green Day. I'm sure I've missed numerous artists in my iTunes, but you get the variety by now.


Red Dragon, Underworld, Sweet Home Alabama, Apocolypse Now, Bourne Identity (the alternate ending), Lord of War, Lord of the Rings, The Constant Gardener, Chasing Amy & Dogma, All About Eve, Dark Victory, Maurice, Analyze This, The Godfather (how original, I know), Heat, Tombstone (fave). BTW, just saw "The Departed" - it rocks. Go see it.


The West Wing, Lost and C-SPAN. In previous days, I've been known to skip C-SPAN and go to the Gallery to listen to the debates directly.


I collect antique books. There's something about seeing a note written in 1914 inside a hardbound book from the same era. It's like touching a place in history and being part of it. As for reading, I focus on a lot of non-fiction research around politics. I also have a love of literature: Pride & Prejudice, Mists of Avalon, Crime & Punishment, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (it will go down in this genre), Eragon (same as Harry), The Once & Future King (King Arthur freak), Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Letter and Jane Eyre. I'm sure there are more, but you should get the idea by now.


Samantha Smith, Bobby & Jack Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Ben Franklin (I lived in Philly - he's our hero), Martin Luther King (he put the "civil" in civil rights), Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Gerry Talbot (led the civil rights movement here in Maine). I wish I could say that I had more heroines, but they seem to be written out of the history books oddly enough.

My Blog


Last night, I sat in front of my giant picture window watching the fireworks from the Promenade a street down. The lights were off and I sat in the dark watching the explosions rock the shore front of...
Posted by Diane Russell on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:01:00 PST

Opportunity Maine: Vision to Reality

As I stood in the Senate Chamber today, the reality of the situation began to become starkly clear. We sat listening in awe to a Democratic Senator requesting a "tabling" of the Opportunity Maine legi...
Posted by Diane Russell on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:28:00 PST

Maine Progressive Jobs Listserv

Hey Folks,Just wanted to let you know, I just started the Maine Progressive Jobs Listserv so that folks around Maine can start sharing job postings and career searches with one another. It's a great w...
Posted by Diane Russell on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 07:03:00 PST

Urban Camping

Two very dear friends of mine have been going through serious break-ups, one a wee bit fresher and more painful than the other. It just so happens that we have all moved into the same neighborhood wit...
Posted by Diane Russell on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 11:24:00 PST

Woman's best friend

As a Leo, I've long prided myself on being a "cat person," at one point in life even being called the "cat lady" from my early attempt at rescuing every cat that came my way. Following a spray-a-thon ...
Posted by Diane Russell on Mon, 01 May 2006 11:52:00 PST

Interesting Political Animations

Ben of Ben & Jerry uses Oreos to illustrate our budget spending. Charming, yet informative. Watch how the Oreo Cookie Crumbles.Lara Logan smacked down the "negative Iraq War Coverage" charges on Howar...
Posted by Diane Russell on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 03:12:00 PST

Just Another Soldier

Nearly every day, we learn of soldiers whose lives have been ended by the occupation of Iraq. Sometimes we hear numbers; other times we have a moment when we learn their names. How often do the number...
Posted by Diane Russell on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:30:00 PST

Missing Glasses

It's amazing how little accessories define who you are on so many levels. I didn't realize how much my glasses did this until they went missing four weeks ago. One of the first things people look a...
Posted by Diane Russell on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 08:11:00 PST