In terms of my career, I am working as a teacher, in the field of World History/Global Cultures, and related areas of study. I am also an inspirational writer. The writings that I am currently working .. primarily upon Optimal Human Relationship and Interpersonal Communication, as a basis of Psychological Maturation, Spiritual Fulfillment, Holistic Healing, and Creative Inspiration.My personal lifestyle and ethical values are very wholesome, grounded in my substantial sense of personal integrity and constructive emotional maturity. I am a very sincere, trustworthy, compassionate, warmhearted, empathic, intuitive, unselfish, emotionally generous, open-minded, cheerful, relaxed, good-humored, tolerant, non-judgmental, accepting, person.I treasure deeply caring relationships with family and friends. I would like to make friends with other members of this MySpace social network who share at least some of my basic values, and who would like to explore how caring human relationships, involving good interpersonal communication, unselfish generosity of spirit, and synergistic/co-creative connection of hearts and minds, can contribute to the progressive transformation and revitalization of individuals, groups, global cultures, and contemporary society. Relatedly, I have a strong interest in discussing ways of developing a deeply caring, inclusive, sense of local and global community, grounded in a sense of sacred kinship or family feeling between all people, and all living beings.
My Multiply Site
Co-op America: Green Business Interview: Kusikuy
This article discusses how Americans, and people in other relatively affluent nations, can use their purchasing power to support businesses marketing "fair trade" products that provide good wages to workers and artisans in relatively impoverished areas of the world. Thus, fair trade principles can contribute to global poverty reduction.