By now yall should know who I am, and if you're into Va Hip-Hop and you dont something's wrong.
If you're looking for my bio, I moved it to my blog.
And now to set the record straight, I am one of the original founders of Bloody Reign & Disorganized Union, a key member of many other families, and have contributed to success of almost EVERY successful artist in central Va at one point or another.No disrepect to your favorite rapper but if they were honest with themselves they'd tell you what time it is. Not gonna waste time slandering anyone who fits the desciption, those people know who they are and if there be a problem we can discuss that amongst us men.All I ask is for the proper respect that I deserve.Seems these days that some people would like to forget where they came from, and others would like to take it a step further and re-write history so they can eliminate me from the picture all together.
Others even wanna conspire on me on a personal level because they fear the truth and therefore plot to take me out the game.
It is not my intention to bring about friction, that is something that already exists here, but I have let things get out of hand an so it's only right that I bring truth to light, and put things in the proper perspective.
Peace and Love to everyone that has supported the cause through the years, especially those who have played a part in the present day movement and anyone that's done good business with me.
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T-West Performing "Dream" produced by Diallo from the soundtrack to the Laurence Hewwit film "My Brother My Keeper" at the official world premier in Washington D.C.'s historical Lincoln Theater