This Perpetual, Healing Flame is Lit for A Miracle, For Healing, Wholeness, Restoration and Peace for My Twin-Flame and True Love. . . Please Join Me in Sending Out A Sacred Prayer. . . And You Have My Eternal Thanks.I am a Mystic on the Unfolding Path of the Beloved. My Sacred Practice is centered in Painting, Writing, Altarwork, Ritual and continuing to Open my Heart to the Gift of Love. I am a Healer who continues to Heal the wounds of childhood trauma, and share with others what I have learned through my journey. The Raven-River Goddess, guides me in and out of the Celestial Underworld, where insight, understanding and healing takes place. She sings in my Soul, her celestial, wordless Songs and guides me out into the Great Mystery and Home again, where I continue to walk one step at a time upon the Sacred Red Road and attempt to fully engage in this Gift of the Human Experience.
I am Blessed & Honored to be in Sacred Relationship with my Twin-Flame.
I am a fourth generation Curandera (Empath, Ritualist, Dreamer): a facilitator of Comprehensive and Integrative, Mexican-Native American Healing Work (Mazatec). I am an initiated Witch in the Solitary Welsh Tradition. I integrate Creative Arts, Reiki, Massage, and other forms of Energy Healing; Tarot, Dreamwork, Angels, Altar work and Ritual. I specialize in working with sexual trauma through Soul Retreival. I have an M.A. in Women's Culture and Spirituality, an MFA in Creative Healing Arts, and over 30 years of experience. I am available for all levels of Reiki Attunements, Workshops, Classes and Apprenticeships in the Denver area. Remember, the Soul can be Wounded, but it can never be Destroyed.