Uncle Bill profile picture

Uncle Bill


About Me

Co-Host and Co-Hillbilly of Deadpit Radio- www.deadpit.com I am a 25 year old nihilist from the 7th Layer of Hell, also known as Eastern Kentucky. I am an avid lover of most types of music and film, but I am especially fond of hard rock/metal from the 70's and 80's and horror films from the last 30 years. I play both the guitar and drums, but I am more proficient at the latter. I have been in several bands, but the one I am in currently is by far the most creative. If you have an open mind, and are not easily offended, check us out at www.hellord.cjb.net. I am also a writer and contributor for two seperate horror sites: The Deadpit Horror Radio Show-www.deadpit.com- and The Horror Newsletter-www.horrornewsletter.com. I am really fascinated by the social, political and psychological undertones of many great horror films, but I also love a good splatterfest. I see no distinction between low brow or high brow movies or music- if it appeals to me, and is true to its form, I will like it. I am in a great relationship right now with someone I really care a great deal for-hi Crystal- and I wouldn't have that any other way. In my spare time, I am also a college student majoring in Counseling and Social Work, although that is the boring aspect of my existence. I don't really like normalcy- for instance, I don't share a lot of the same interests of most people in this area. I don't like Nascar, hunting, mechanics, pretending to be ethnic, etc., as nauseum. I like to read about theory and methods, and I have an inclination towards good conversation.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!ToolsForMySpace.com

My Interests

Studying music, playing music, listening to music, psychological theories and practices of therapy, reading,watching horror films, writing:mostly editorials, philosophy, history, computers(though I suck with them), electronics.

I'd like to meet:

Bill Clinton, John Carpenter, Uwe Boll....lol, Angus and Malcolm Young, John McCain, Kerry King and Hanneman, Debbie Rochon, Deborah Foreman, Quentin Tarantino, Dave Mustaine, Blackie Lawless, Al Franken, Jon Stewart, Richard Frankiln, Robert Macnamara, Paul McCartney, Steve Howe, Ace Frehley, list goes on and on.......




The X-Files
South Park
The Avengers
ah, don't watch that much TV.


Man's Search for Meaning- Victor Frankl
The Sane Society- Erich Fromm
Civilization and Its Discontents- Sigmund Freud
The Stranger Beside Me- Ann Rule
Inside The CIA- Ronald Kessler
Anthem- Anne Rand
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
Around the Wrld in 80 Days- Jules Verne
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Thinner, Carrie, Christine, IT, and Pet Semetary- Stephen King
Dark Furies- Various
Born on the Fourth of July- Ron Kovic


Bobby Kennedy, Carl Jung, FDR, Carl Rogers, Erich Fromm, John Carpenter, Dario Argento, Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, Lloyd Kaufman, Mark Frist, Stan Lee, Robert McNamara, Sam Kinison, etc.

My Blog

The DNC List

These are people who have either A) never contacted us despite numerous attempts to set up an interview, or B) have given us a really bad excuse for not doing an interview. C'mon folks,...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Mon, 14 May 2007 07:23:00 PST

I was just curious...

...about how many people notice that we use the phrase "I was just curious..." constantly during interviews to elicit information....lol. I hadn't really noticed it that much until this week...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:21:00 PST

Rock 'N' Roll Nightmare

I was reading Rolling Stone last night (something that I don't do as a habit, but they had a really cool interview with Rose McGowan and Rosario Dawson about 'Grindhouse'), and they stated that m...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:43:00 PST

RIP Bob Clark- A True Legend

Things have been so hectic for so long that I haven't had a chance to do this properly, but I wanted to take this time to pay a final farewell to one of my favorite horror film directors, as...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:22:00 PST

The Bad Guy

Johnny Ramone. I've really had a hard time figuring out whether to love or hate the guy for a long time now. For those of you who don't know who Johnny Ramone was, he was the guitarist for The Ramones...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 07:07:00 PST

Inside the Deadpit Studio Part I

Well, hell, I suppose that I am just severely bored right now, so I figured I would give any of the fans of the Deadpit show a little behind-the-scenes look at our last couple of interviews and shows ...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 01:49:00 PST

Meet Deadpit at Fright Night Film Fest

Howdy horrors, Just a brief note for those of you who haven't listened to the show in the last few weeks. CK and I will be appearing at the Fright Night Film Fest in Louisville, KY on Sept. 2nd and 3r...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:10:00 PST

Interviewing Linnea and horror "journalists"

Howdy Horrors,   I guess it's about time that I actually try posting something on this blog. My life is just way too exciting to be bothered by the confines of such a tiresome device......re...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 01:43:00 PST

Bow to the WAL-MART!!!

I just finished watching a South Park episode about Wal-Mart that absolutely cracked me up. I encourage anyone who hasn't seen it to check it out sometime on Comedy Central...or you can buy ...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 07:55:00 PST

The Beauty of Simplicity or I Hate Fuckers Like This

There are very few things that get under my skin anymore, and I generally consider myself to be fairly calm and subdued. However, one thing that I am really tired of is the death of the simple questio...
Posted by Uncle Bill on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:00:00 PST