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Fucken Turducken Yo!

About Me

I'm 23 years old. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My personality is kinda hard to describe because it crosses into way too many categories. I'm a nice guy that is always looking to have a good time. I have my ups and downs but for the most part I am a pretty cool person. There is nothing more important to me than my friends and family. I'm not that good when it comes to writing about myself so if you want to know more just ask.

My Interests

Reading, Racing, playing sports, and most of all SLEEPING.

I'd like to meet:

Chuck Norris, Einstein, George S. Patton, Friedrich Nietzsche, Optimus Prime, Issac Asimov. There are plenty more but I think that covers all the bases.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

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I have very broad interests as far as music is concerned. I will listen to anything from classical to rap to heavy metal. I guess you could say that I am a music whore. Some of my favorite bands would have to be Rammstein, Korn, Eminem, Green Day, Lil Wayne, Led Zeppelin, Jay-Z, Linkin Park, Kid Rock, DJ Tiesto, and System of a Down. In addition to all that I occasionally listen to some tecno, usually that crazy j-pop stuff from Japan but I'm not that picky. As long as it has a crazy ass beat, I will listen to it.


Favorite movie of all time would have to be Donnie Darko. I know its kind of wierd to a lot of people but I love it. It is just one of those movie that make you think instead of just giving you all the answers. Second would have to go to Moholland Drive. I say that because despite the fact that I have seen it so many times, I still cant figure out what it is about. Another one of my favorite is High Tension. This is a french made film that just came out in June of 2005. It is one of the best slasher films I have ever seen and the realism is jsut bone chilling. The best part about this movie though was the twist at the end, it just confused the hell out of me. Like I said before I just love a movie that makes you think a little


I don't really watch a lot of tv. I might watch an episode of something once in a while but I dont think I have watched a full season of a show in a long time. If I do watch tv its probably something like Jerhico or Lost.


I haven't actually read any books in a while. Its not that I don't like to read, I just haven't made time for it. The last book that I read, which was also my favorite, is Forever Peace. It toys with the idea that if everyone cared for eachother and shared some type of connection that there could be everlasting peace. It suggested that in our world it is far too easy to kill or harm individuals rather than understand and tolerate them. It went on to explain that if people would take the time to find a connection with other people, regardless of their nationality, race, or creed, the world would be a much better place. A unique idea but highly improbable considering that most people aren't that considerate.


Chuck Norris. Who needs good acting when you got mad ninja skillz!