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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

follow jimsinicki at
I've changed my life, well I'm changing my life. Things are good. I've hit a rough spot, sunk down low but now here I am. Gloves are on, standing straight up ready to throw punhes. The final bell hasn't rung yet!
I'm the classic ole' american boy I enjoy sports, music, and hanging out with people (although I realize now that I haven't spent nearly enough time with the people who matter most). I'm learning new lessons in life, learning to smile when it's hard, and most of all learning to become a better person.
I used to play in many different bands across the country but since then I've slowed it down so I can come home and figure myself out... although I do have the itch to get back up on stage. WHO KNOWS... you may see me rocking that crowd again somewhere VERY soon!
I'm a die hard Milwaukee brewers fan. Have been since august 5,1983. I was born to cheer for this team, and Would give anything to see them go all the way. And for the record the answer is yes! Yes... I cried when we made the playoffs this season!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't know if there is anyone I have to meet before I die. There are some people I think it would be cool to meet but for the most part I realized one thing. You wait forever to meet these people and tell them how great you think they are... But then it hits you... This person puts pants on the same way you do. One leg at a time.

My Blog

Jim left town... East bound

Heading to Florida Today until tuesday March 10th. Call the cell phone if you need, but I think I'll have internet down there so no worries
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 02:48:00 GMT

Message for the Gas Rat fans

I remember when we started this thing quite some time ago. I remember not knowing how to get to the Wolter house, not even knowing where Eagle,WI was, but I drove through rediculous amounts of snow an...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:13:00 GMT

5-2-08 The Mirimar theater recap (video diary)

Friday morning, the birds were chirping, the rain was falling, and in Bay View, Wisconsin a 24 year old was waking up with a throat that seemed to be on fire!!! What a great sign before a sh...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 18:22:00 GMT

Tour diary 4-15-08 Chicago,IL (Liars club) --video--

It's currently wednsday 12:15 pm, I've not slept in this late in forever! But I feel refreshed, I feel good, and I feel very not hung over, is there any better feeling known to man? Maybe lo...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 22:13:00 GMT

Last night we partied like it was march 8, 2008

The red has been rolled out, the camera flashes are finally dying down and this hangover is all but gone. Last night was the big release party for our brand new album "All The Things I Forgot To Menti...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:43:00 GMT

The end of a Fraud

So thats it. Just like this the big never ending cricle of shit is over. No longer will I go by the number 1288283, and you know what? THANK GOD! I've got so many secrets kept inside, most of which yo...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 16:57:00 GMT

Big rock show this weekend!!!! March 8th @ BBC

Listen up boys and girls, we are only days away from the big cd release party for Leah Jee's new release All The Things I Forgot To Mention!!!!!! There's going to be amazing bands, good friends, and m...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:13:00 GMT

help us advertise for this AWEOMSE event

We're asking everyone to help us out with some advertisement for the big show cd release show for ALL THE THINGS I FORGOT TO MENTION on March 8th and the B.B.C. How do I do this you may ask? Well I'l...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:47:00 GMT


The hits just keep coming. as if Seeing Leah Jee and The Boys, Now You Have Audio and Evenstar wasn't enough for your entertainment in a single evening We've jsut confirmed the final band. How's th...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 21:21:00 GMT

Another GREAT band added to the CD release show!!!

We just announced another band to the CD release show on March 8, 2008 at the BBC. I'm very VERY VERY excited to announce this one, are you ready?? Opening the show: EVENSTAR! Like I said, I'm v...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 20:15:00 GMT