The Creepy Kentuckian profile picture

The Creepy Kentuckian

Baby Butt Wipe...........DVD!

About Me

Hey Folks, I thought I'd finally redo this little sombitch, I'm 27 from the shithole known as Prestonsburg Kentucky and I'm into pretty much the opposite of what everyone else likes around here. I hate Nascar, Trucks, Tires, and chewing tobacco (although I find women who chew tobacco to be very very HOT). But I do like movies (mostly horror but believe it or not I'm a drama fan too), Heavy Metal (the classic kind),collecting horror memorbilia...mainly original one sheet posters, and shows like South Park, Penn & Teller's BULLSH!T and other nonsense, so if you think you can put up with me give me an email (no psycho hose beasts please).

My Interests

dvds, playing guitar, writing songs, coming up with great falsetto melodies, picking my nose, trying to find new old bands that are worth a fuck, horror, wrestling, playing with my pussy (my cats I've got 3 of em), pissing off people with my music......just general stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody that likes horror, metal and/or PRO FUCKING RASSLIN'....especially females with nice lung warts!


Saxon, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, Elton John, Budgie, Judas Priest, Nashville Pussy, Dio, Blue Oyster Cult, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Ozzy, Led Zeppelin, KISS, AC/DC.......alot of the classic bands! I'm also a fan of 80's pop/rock stuff like Pat Benatar!!


The Goonies, The Beyond, Gates of Hell, Phantasm (including all it's sequels), Carrie, Halloween, Stand By Me, Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, Star Wars 4-6, A Nightmare On Elm Street 1-4, Terminator trilogy, The Bad Seed (1956), Any Clint Eastwood movie (even Bridges of Madison County.....Clint is a tough lovin' man), Police Academies, Rock Star, Eddie & The Cruisers, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Almost Famous, Cannibal Holocaust, Dawn of the Dead (1978) , American Beauty, Indiana Jones, Back To The Future, Any Sho Kosugi movie, umm Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo, The Legend of Billie Jean alot of 80's movies......that covers a good part of it.

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South Park, Wrestling, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Without A Trace (I'd tongue bath Poppy Montgomery), Unsolved Mysteries (remember to call 1-800-876-5353 if you have any leads), any talk show like Springer, Maury shit like that.....all fun shit to pass the time, I hate to admit it but I love Fox News.....maybe its Laurie Dhue or however you spell her name.....also like watching Nancy Grace.....I don't know what it is but I find her hot as fuck!!! WHOO HOO


Fangoria's 101 Best Horror Films you've never seen (although I'd seen at least half of em) (I haven't Read but I've got beside of me to read when I'm bored) To Be The Man: Ric Flair, Sound of The Beast History of Heavy Metal, Gross Movie Reviews 1 & 2 (we did the forward for 2).


Zakk Wylde, Fred Dekker, Angus Scrimm, Butters, pre-govna Ahnold, Lucio Fulci, Dario Argento, George Romero, Mickey Maggots and last but not least: George Hardy "You can't piss on hospitality.......I won't allow it!" and everybody needs a little "Breakferst"!!!!

My Blog

Theres no criticism like CENSORED criticism

I was looking through MySpace and came across the official MySpace of one of our favorite directors.....well I'll just let you guys guess at who it is here's partially what it said in his introduction...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:07:00 PST

DEADPIT Radio needs its fans to propagandize the internet!

Thats right folks.....its time to make our voices heard from abroad.  Here's the plan:  copy and paste the article below to every website, email, newsgroup you can think of.  DEMAND tha...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:23:00 PST

Tommy Lee Wallace on DEADPIT Radio Dec 1st

Hey folks, after a night long of Umberto Lenzi flicks (Man From Deep River, Eaten Alive, and Cannibal Ferox) which in all actuality probably wasn't as good of an idea as we originally thought.&nb...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 02:13:00 PST

Sheri Moon Zombie is on the show THIS FRIDAY folks!

Incase you haven't heard......thats right bitches.....its THIS FRIDAY then ol CK and UB are taking a week off to eat some innocent turkeys.....I'm sure that'll make our buddy Scott Goldberg happy. At ...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:17:00 PST

To all those Pit haters out there.....

I've noticed there are a few who email us and a few we would like to consider as friends who say we hate on the mainstream too much.  Do we really?  I think we give a fair portrayal of the m...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 01:33:00 PST VS THE WORLD!

  Hey folks, haven't done a blog in a while.......I figured what the hell.  On the night where Fangoria stole our idea and brought it to the satellite radio world...I figured what the fuck.&...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 08:48:00 PST article over on

Tell em ol CK sent ya:
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Sun, 07 May 2006 02:23:00 PST


  Next Friday begins MAY OF THE DEAD...The Darkest Month of Horror The World Has EVER Known!Our first guest is:  G. HOWARD KLAR From George A. Romero's DAY Of The DEAD! be sure to check it ...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 01:45:00 PST Horror Talk Radio 4-21-06 with Tiffany Shepis!

Uncle B and The Creepy one are back this week with one of our favorite scream queens, TIFFANY SHEPIS as the special guest. Also we discuss why we hate Eli Roth and run down the week's latest horror ti...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 02:39:00 PST 4-14-06 with Allen Danziger of TCM 74!

DEADPIT.COM is back online with another week of HORROR TALK RADIO. This week we rundown the latest news in horror. We review some new movies in: Chainsaw Sally, Ravage, Night Things, The Screaming De...
Posted by The Creepy Kentuckian on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:34:00 PST