::::::::::My perfect first date::::::::::
A beautiful snowy winter night where it's about just fitting. Doesnt really matter if it's a movie, a beautiful dinner, or throwing rocks and broken glass at carolers faces for not being jewish. It's that amazing fit.---------- ::::::::::::::My ideal relationship::::::::::::::
Two people who just love living life together. And who love sunday mornings of cuddling, vodka, and warm chocolate jalapeno tuna muffinballs.----------- ::::::::::::::Learned from past relationships::::::::::::::::
You really have to listen to each other and you really have to communicate. Take the time with each other. And don't make out with your girlfriend's sister.------------ ::::::::::::::I am looking for a::::::::::::::::::::::
Someone whose hot and doesn't talk much. Someone sweet and caring, large breasts and understands that sex with others is not 'cheating', it's 'love expansion'. And most of all, 'functional' women who love crack and heroine. Now there's a gal. Career minded while also being clever enough to sell mom's microwave for one more hit . Go Huskies!....................
My dream girl...
"DJ Brett is a turntable maestro. He'll make your party turn this mother out better than the Bishop Don Magic Juan at the North Hollywood Greyhound station.
The guy is just straight genius on the ones & twos."
- Barry Price, 20th Century Fox - In regard to Dj Brett at The Golden Globes
"The greatest dose of hip hop and funk" & Pick of the week"
- LA Social Scene
Brett and heavyweight Champion James Toney in Brett's first and award winning film Fight Night. Which Brett co-starred, wrote and co-produced.
Me and Reiner, he went into silly mode and said "Touch heads, touch heads".
I went into a beatbox rendition of Don't Stop Believe'n and after the show Steve came up to me and said "Funny stuff man, funny stuff man". Journey ROCKS!
I grew up on Saturday Night Live- Bill and his singing, Chevy and his falls, and here I got to open for Garrett Morris... It felt like comin full circle.
Me, James Caan and my socks... classy huh. On the set of Las Vegas, to make us all laugh, he came out of the bathroom scene with toilet paper hangin from his nose.... Caan, u rock.
Now since this section seems to be celebrity photos, you're probably wondering who these girls are. They are the first girls to really make me feel like 'celebrity'... they came to a show and named themselves after a part of my act. My first Jew-Boo-ettes. :)
My Dad and my Mom. They are my heroes.