I live in a condo in a small beach community with a room mate and two cats, Spike and Gizmo! :) I'm currently working with a new production company call C/D Entertainment while I learn more about the glorious life of a producer. At night I try to pick up work as a secret agent (oops, guess its not a secret anymore)saving the world and kicking butt. When I'm home, I like to spend as much of my free time on the sand, just enjoying the sun and the surf. As often as possible I try to get together with my friends and do what ever it takes to just enjoy living life. Then again spending time with old friends, creating art, sharing talents and living out dreams, is always at the top of my list. Check out some of the projects at www.cdentertainment.tv and www.clearwaterst.com!!!
What Color Is Your Aura? http://www.blogthings.com/whatcolorisyourauraquiz/
What does your aura color say about you?