growing, sunbathing, being added to salsa (I can have a really great time with a tomato), ballroom dancing, scuba diving, I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights but my physician says the cold will kill me, I've recently stared heating things up with chili...
This is me in Virgin Gorda
Important Cilantro News
Attention friends and sexy herbs (wink wink you know who you are):Something must be done about a new website brought to Cilantro's attention, namely Yes, I know it's truly horrifying (especially the photos where they are setting me on fire!)Here is an upsetting, cilantro-bashing excerpt: "To me, cilantro tastes like the most rotten putrid onions ever imagined. It explodes in my mouth and ruins my food. I have felt that surely my taste buds must be different from the rest of the world. How else could everyone else tolerate and even like this foul tasting herb? Why would anyone voluntarily eat this? My husband says it doesn't taste like anything to him and he doesn't notice it? How can this be? Cilantro has taken the pleasure out of Mexican food. I would support any effort to eradicate all cilantro from the world with the exception of a lab somewhere to determine if it has medicinal purposes. It is truly nasty. Thanks for allowing me to vent."We must rise against the Cilantro haters and their anti-cilantro community. Step 1: Identify the enemy. These are the people we are fighting against:
And here are some of the cruel actions that they are taking:
Using children to fight your fight? Even Cilantro doesn't sink that low...
You may ask yourself, but what can I do?
Be Cilantro's friend, show your support, and most of all join the mailing list at
Please help, I could be assasinated at any moment!
Definitely not Parsley, I hate that stupid bitch... But Lime, Soy, Garlic and I know how to have a good time together, if you know what I mean...
The Cilantro Revolution
Has Just Begun...