Discouragement Kitten profile picture

Discouragement Kitten

Sorry... You probably can't do it..

About Me

I'm here to tell you that you can't do it - whatever that might be.
Your friends probably don't like you that much, if at all - hell I'm just here for some crunchy bits. That vacant look you find so cute in my eyes is really indicative of the fact that I cannot face you to tell you the truth. The awful truth is that you're mediocre in everyway - if you even achieve the level of mediocrity.
Your intelligence is slightly below average at best.
You can't really accomplish anything you set your mind to. Shit, that's probably one of the most damaging common lies people are told.
Your phobias in all reality probably will always hold you back.
It's unlikely that you will lose that extra 40 lbs.
To sum it up, I've met balls of kitty fur behind the couch with more charisma, creativity, smarts and luck than you.
I'm sorry; I don't relish telling you this. I just tire of watching you bust your ass to accomplish things that will never come to fruition.
My best quality - I can ascertain if I hate you on sight. It's opposite of the whole "love at first sight" asscock.. Some say this keen sense borders on magic - personally I think it's sheer talent.
If you want to chat with me - AIM - DiscouragementK
Below photos were made by the only stale piece of bread I like:
This was my date with Jeffrey - simply enchanting...
I got into a little spot of trouble here...
This one was made by DBJ aka PhotoAssassin
I was naughty.
Below photos made by The Witch
Pussy is delicious and nutritious..
I'm thinking of joining up with the circus.
Below photo by Lesl!e
Check this out:
Grey and I took this guy out. Grey is a MANIAC. Don't piss Grey off.
Courtesy of Paco
Maybe Grey will join the gang too...
Contributed by m*e*g*a*n

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

A realistic human.

People that don't have private MySpace profiles. Jesus ass cramming shit licking christ - you're all a bunch of fucking queers - and I don't mean queer in the homo way - I mean queer in the you're the kind of limp dick pussy that sucks all the fun outta life way.

Crispin Glover.


Encouragement Kitten , Gus , Dragon Ninja Pete , Norton Da Great

My Blog

Cripple Slapstick - Could Anything be Awesomer?

It appears the blog I posted last week was removed - as well as several others..  Stuff has been disappearing off my profile left and right lately - apparently someone's crusties are in a twist.Quest...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:24:00 PST

God didn’t love you enough to give you a top drawer disease like AIDS

Question: I do what I can to relate to the peoples of the world. Now and then, such an approach bites you in the ass. So... I invited a once-removed mutual friend over one night on the recommendation ...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:52:00 PST

Fetid twat twice baked burp cloud of advice

Question:Dear DK, I have a friend who has a reproductive problem, she has endormetriosis. Though not impossible for her to get pregnant, the chances are slimmer than for a woman with a healthy system....
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 08:26:00 PST

Uninspired crotch droppings - this planet is full of ’em...

Question:Dear Discouragement Kitten, Last week at a work party I let my boss kiss me. I dont like him but some of my friends do so thats why I did it (bragging rights). Now its all weird to be around...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:09:00 PST

Mined from the blood tinged tears of Tanzanian mothers of dead AIDS infants

Question: I am hammered. Answer this me this, Discouragement Kitten, why is it that women are so damned materialistic and suffer through endless cycles of bad dates morphing into bad boyfriends to hus...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:34:00 PST

Crazy Fuck Pot Callin’ the Kettle Wench Black

Question:My Dearest Extremely Wise and Exponentially Loquacious Discouragement Kitten, An ex-friend of mine - I'll call her "Witcher" - telephoned me out of the blue after over nine months of no conta...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 01:03:00 PST

The new rage - kimchi asshole tickle rape....

Question:If you're doing the advice thing again, i've got something i need your take on. So my mom, step-dad and younger-siblings are moving. I dont really WANT to go, becuase i'd have to leave all my...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:42:00 PST

Banana Boat Slurp and Burp Surprise

Question:I asked you about whether or not I was a Stalker, almost a year ago, and although I was walking into walls staring at this guy, we eventually hooked up. So, because of your advice, even thoug...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:21:00 PST

Dear Discouragement Kitten - Why am I Such a Moron?

Question:Discouragement Kitten, My friend moved to West Virginia with some white trash man that beats her up and calls the cops on her ever time she has a drink (they met in Rehab). Two questions: 1)...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 01:18:00 PST

Are you a filthy lying shotgunned whorefart?

Question:Dear Discouragement Kitten, When I get into drunken arguments with my husband and he tells me I'm lying, I burn myself with my cigarette! He really pisses me off sometimes. Should I just bur...
Posted by Discouragement Kitten on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:51:00 PST