I think, I feel, I suffer Opera, Milk Chugs, Stratovolcanoes, Molecular Biology, White Sox Games, White Flowers, French Champagne, Biochemistry, Linguistics, Spanish, Italian, Russian.I like to freeze raspberries & mint leaves in my ice cubes. If I'm gonna have a drink it might as well be strongSpeaking more than than one language is like living more than one life..
PEOPLE WITH INSANE sense of humor, Creative People, Passionate people Intelligent Wordly,Cultured People. People with depth & Colour OPINIONS! Someone to teach me somthing.Oh and Steve O and Chris Pontius from Wild boyz. I'd also like to meet Terrence Howard.. Mr. Chemical engineer/Actor man so he can take my panties off with his teeth lol
I don't fuck around when it comes to music.
Belly, The beach, Romeo and Juliet, Full metal jacket, Lilo and stitch,JOY LUCK CLUB, Scarface,Goodfellas,Taxi driver, Elizabeth (with Cate Blanchett)and the HBO specials Big daddy, anything with Adam Sandler or Drew Barrymore together prefferably Princess Diaries. I AM A SUCKER FOR HAPPY ENDINGS...
Juggernaut Bitch Rangers
I love the greats. The ones with the most beautiful,complex, incisive sentences whether in English, Spanish or Italian. Science (biological or physical)and related subjects are also books of interest to me. Traditional etiquette books,or about cultures, Monarchy and Linguistics. I'm not a fan of fiction..but a GREAT novel is alway cool.I fuckin' hate self help/supermarket psych and shit that tells you "how to" "you should" live etc Self-help is for jerks! Don't listen to Dr. Phil read a philosophy or religion book and think about what it says!!
"I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death""I thought I was fucked without shoes until I met a man without feet" "You are either born an artist, or you are not." -Maria CallasDr.Kay Redfield Jamison, Ernest Hemingway, Jimi Hendrix Vincent Van Gogh,Virginia Woolfe,Vivien Leigh, Richard Dreyfuss, Blu Cantrell, Sting, Amy Winehouse, Gaetano Donizetti, and countless other succesful people who live or have lived with bipolar disorder as well as their contributions to science, music and art. Elizabeth Tudor You may have a greater prince, but you could never have a more loving one." She kept it gangster. Angela Gheorghiu because of her tendency to orate rather than conversate. Classy.