Oliver Thedieck profile picture

Oliver Thedieck

Oliver Thedieck - classical guitarist

About Me

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Oliver Thedieck was born in 1978 in Hanover , Germany . At the age of 11 he started learning the guitar with Rüdiger Schwarz at the Musikschule Osnabrück .

In 1999 he enrolled for the BA Music course at Bath Spa University College where he studied with James Woodrow.

After his degree in Bath he moved to Munich , Germany in order to further his academic and artistic career. Despite his guitar studies he takes a large interest in composition, conducting and music education.

He has worked as a busy soloist and chamber musician, with a special interest in contemporary music. This enabled him to meet a great deal of composers, e.g. Tom Johnson, Graham Fitkin or Leo Brouwer .

For Florian Malecki, a Dachau -based composer, he successfully premiered his 9 studies for guitar in February 2008. The CD production and the printed sheet music –including a synopsis by O. Thedieck- is available from the label dégagée ( www.degagee.de ).

Oliver Thedieck has played together with the Bath Camerata , directed by Nigel Perrin and regularly appeared in performances at Bath Spa University and throughout Europe and South America .

He won the Leamington Spa Music Festival in two categories, both as soloist and with the Rodosthenous Duo (together with the English guitarist Gordon Dunn).

He has taken part in master classes with Odair Assad , Leo Brouwer , Johannes Tonio Kreusch, Friedemann Wuttke and Christian Gruber.

He wrote several pieces, one for example being Gegensatz for Alvaro Henrique , which was premiered in Brasilia , Brazil . He also composed a work for the British ensemble String Theory, which was performed at various festivals (e.g. Edinburgh Fringe Festival) in England and Scotland .

Currently he is working with the Munich based flautist Barbara Kahlert . The duo is called CordAria, further info is available on www.cordaria.net .

Together with Barbara Kahlert he has performed very successful concerts on a tour in Brazil and taught a masterclass at the academy of music Santa Marcelina in Sao Paolo (organised through the German Consulate, Sao Paolo).

Also he was invited to teach a masterclass for BRAVIO at the 1st guitar festival in Brasilia , Brazil .

Oliver Thedieck is working as a free-lance musician and guitarist in Munich . He is a tutor for classical guitar and music theory. He currently holds a teaching position at the Haidhauser school of music, Munich and is teaching private students.

press comments:

“Wonderful sound and perfect balance”
BRAVIO (guitar society)

“ competent and authentic ”
Süddeutsche Zeitung

“ highest musical level of a new generation”
F. Mattos (guitarist and concert organiser)

My Interests


Member Since: 4/7/2008
Band Website: oliverthedieck.de
Band Members:

Sounds Like: Heitor Villa-Lobos, Prelude No.1
..Heitor Villa-Lobos, Prelude No.3
..Pernambuco - Sons de Carilhoes
..Sonatina 2.mov by Moreno Torroba
Record Label: www.degagee.de
Type of Label: None

My Blog

new layout

Tam, tam, tam,. taaamm!Oliver proudly presents his new myspace layout.Finally I had the nerves to get my head round these myspace editors and surprisingly it was all very easy. Hope you like the new l...
Posted by Oliver Thedieck on Thu, 22 May 2008 06:56:00 PST

concert activities

Apparently there were 7 views of my last blog (I am deeply suprised) so I thought I write another entry!Two concerts have gone past with my new programme Sonatas and Variations and both have been very...
Posted by Oliver Thedieck on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 03:15:00 PST

First-time blogger

So finally I managed to do it: I have my own myspace site! It’s not the case tat I didn’t know how to do it, it was more or less that I couldn’t be bothered... ;) But -as you can all...
Posted by Oliver Thedieck on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 05:07:00 PST