Yukio Matsuki profile picture

Yukio Matsuki

I'm playing centering on Hokkaido and teaching.

About Me

Hi,all,I’m Yukio Matsuki,live in SapporoCity Hokkaido. Japan/ Hobby: movie watching, sports, music appreciation, cooking, sake, outdoor, drive, travel, art, language study, reading, anime, Internet../
It's comparatively slow that I started the guitar. After I had obtained a cheap GATT guitar when I was a junior high school student, the guitar was practiced. Way reason that I strummed the guitar is not clear even if it thinks now. But I think that it's lovely sound of the guitar is the largest reason. At first, I wasn't interested in the classical music (especially, Batorven etc.) at all. However, it was gradually interested in Renaissance, the baroque music, and the contemporary music. And, I began to listen and to play it. I came to do various studies gradually and "like the classical music , especially Batorven,yep Ilove German music " more than "other genres Music."To tell the truth. After I had grown up comparatively, learnt it from the teacher of the guitar. After it had moved to Sapporo, I learnt it from 'Isamu Hirano ', 'Tadashi Sasaki ', and 'Shinichi Fukuda' each my teacher.I'm doing the performance activity playing now,and teaching the guitar,it's easy to understand,detailed and polite.A lot of people hope as follows. "I can play the guitar. However, I want to come to be able to understand from reading music more."Please consult about this by all means. I'm teaching in the home classroom(in Sapporo), the Chitose classroom, and the Bibai classroom now.
皆さん、こんにちは。私は松木幸夫です。ギ ターを始めたのは割と遅く、中学生の頃に安 いガットギターを買ってからです。きっかけ 云うのは、今思えばはっきりしないけれどギ ターの音が好きだったと云うのが一番大きい 理由だろうと考えています。 初めは、クラシック音楽(特にベートーヴェム³ç­‰)に全く興味がなかったのですが、次第に㠃«ãƒãƒƒã‚µãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒ»ãƒãƒ­ãƒƒã‚¯éŸ³æ¥½ã¨ç¾ä»£éŸ³æ¥½ã«èˆˆå ‘³ã‚’持ち聴いたり弾いたりし始めました。 次第にいろいろな勉強をするようになると、 他のジャンルの音楽よりもクラシック音楽、 特にベートーヴェン等ドイツ音楽にはまって しまいました。 先生に就くのは非常に遅く、札幌に出てから 平野勇、佐々木忠、福田進一各先生に習いま した。 現在は、演奏活動の他、「分かり易く、丁寧 に」をモットーにギターの指導を行っていま す。ギターの奏法だけに限らず、楽典、リズ ムその他基礎知識に関する指導も併せて行っ ています。ギターは弾けるけど、楽譜をよく 読んで理解できるようになりたいが、 うまくいかないと悩みを持っている方も是非 ご相談ください。 現在、札幌の自宅教室・千歳教室・美唄教室 で行っています。
1stアルバムが出ましたので是非聴いてくださ い。(日本の方のみです。)
Yukio Matsuki guitar CD application form ( Japanese exclusive uses)
____________________ _________
↓↓↓↓↓↓注文フォームはこちらです。↓ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
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入金が確認されましたら発送させて頂きます 。
北海道函馆出生。15å²å¼€å§‹å­¦ä¹ å‰ä»–ã€‚å…¶åŽåœ¨æ —¥æœ¬åŠå¾·å›½åˆ†åˆ«
师从于福田进一、佐々木忠、平野勇。音乐理 论师从于老子元。
另外受讲听取了Vladimir Mikulka、Thomas Muler-Pering等演奏家课程。
1984å¹´åœ¨ä¸œäº¬ä¸¾è¡Œçš„æ–°äººé€‰è€ƒæ¼”å¥ä¼šä¸ŠèŽ·å¾—å¥–åŠ ±èµã€‚
除1999年以来每年在札幌举行Recitalå¤–ã€ä¹Ÿå‡ºæ¼”å ¸‚民大厅音乐会、
1990å¹´è€å­å…ƒä½œå“å±•â…¡ã€ä»¥åŠä»¥æœ­å¹Œä¸ºä¸­å¿ƒçš„å „地各种演奏会。
初演了老子元「吉他的5个小品」、木村雅信 「Prelude第19号」等。
和小提琴奏者冈岛晋、佐々木一树、Cajon(打击 乐器)奏者金井秀正等

My Interests


Member Since: 4/4/2007
Band Website: matukiyukio.sakura.ne.jp/
Band Members: Generally,a guitar solo,sometimes I play in concert.
Influences: Guitarist under whom I studied Each Mr. Shin-ichi Fukuda(maestro)and Tadashi Sasaki professor (professor at Aachen university) ,Hirano Isamu. I studied the theory from the former Hajime Ebiko,Hiroyo Otomo teacher. Other lessons of V, Mikulka, and T.M Pering were received. These teachers a lot of influenced me.
Sounds Like: In my concert, I perform a solo recital and a concert by ensemble with other musical instruments. Classical music is specialized. However, it can play Latin music Jimi Hendrix others. I wait for a request of a concert.

BACH Sonata No.2 bwv1003 Grave-Yukio Matsuki 

プロフィールに貼り付ける もっと見る~*~*~*
The first play electric guitar !!!

My Profileに貼り付ける もっと見る ~*~*~*

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


wDShÖí°’øDfD‹h k³áóÈ’øDfD_`D_ŠW~Y ³áóÈn†ioÖí°h¢ÂnjD¹Ñàc}D ‚n`K‰P@JdY‹ShkjŠ~Y hSL,Sk kMa“hW_³áóÈ’øDfD_`DfWfD~Y Ñø DfD_`D_³áóÈn è’T9ËW~Y bw‡YNf Œ~g­€kjŒ~[“c ÍW~Y...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 05:40:00 PST


Hå-LkB‹ÛüëkúKQB‹¢ÞÁ墪ü±¹ÈénO’tDfM~W_ Ûüëo'Mj½-jDkBŠ 4k@D_nL~`‹B“ˆŠ‚M`c_ngÛüëeŠãnMnï’“`hSkB‹áÇ£¢×é¶hDFb}] FjèKkecf~W_ ]Soѽ³óLZ‰Šh&“gDfUºKnºL±ÃkÅ1’"WfD‹ˆFgW_ Õoyk ¿y‹Sh‚jKc_ng‡dvWkên...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 05:54:00 PST


UE`F k3neK‰¡—á·nLðLjJ6aƒ“‚B SFfOŒo‹Qi Fa„cqŠ JÍaƒ“kSFf{ WDjUE`FînMLkX“ge_
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:25:00 PST


Ît굤¿ëgÖŠ R‹òxsgæ´Y‹굤¿ëj“`K‰ên>M_DipKŠ&yŒpDDnK‚åŒjDQŒi MJK‰ŒJkKFAŒLDDXkjŒpDD“`FL]SLF~ODKjD K’Y‹há¤óǣ÷ånjDÕë ³ü¹kjc_Š3nK‰jD!ýM™nªóÑìüÉkjc_ŠY‹n]F`Êto®¿üó}mhDF¤ÙóÈg²¹ ÈOY‹n`QŒi]nò‚~`z~c...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:26:00 PST

The music that I played recently in a concert

In several times concerts that I performed, it played the following music recently.M.Cesti Intorno all'idol mio (with sop)G.Giordani Calo mio ben (with sop)Y.Nakada Yuku haru (with sop)A.Mud...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Mon, 05 May 2008 07:17:00 PST

Walking on the water

Êåe_’LHån³óµüÈn-go¦©ü­ó°ªó¶¦©ü¿üLb}Kc_h‘cf~W_ BBDFó}oj“f‘F¸ãóëj“gYK j“f^KŒ_K‰b¯é·Ã¯ch‘cf_Qi —WfjDˆF`c_K‰b¤ü¸üê¹Ëó°cj“fãK‰g~K[’ ‘cfW~c_
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:49:00 PST

A concert on August.

A young composer died. His teacher family and a friend made a plan to hold a concert and an exhibition with his work. I was asked for the several pieces performances. There is music without score in t...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:34:00 PST

My favorite music.

The musical instrument which I was interested in for the first time was a cello. But it was the guitar which it bought for the first time for some reason. I bought blues harp and a banjo afterwards.Th...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:36:00 PST

-My Blog URL-

http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/matuki1/ I'm sorry. This Blog can read only Japanese now. ...
Posted by Yukio Matsuki on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:00 PST