Member Since: 3/10/2008
Band Website: details on the back of all quality cereal packets
Band Members: Rev.TwO~sHedS HaS DiSaPpeArEd Up HiS OwN ArtS...
[ This is a KLoNe SiTe... ]
you tube [sea above...] ThIs Is BiG GRuNt ~ ViViAN StAnShALL et al... WiTh SoMe KyNde Of VaRiAnt BasEd UpOn ThE TheMe oF 11 MouStaChio'D DaUgTeRs...
You Know iT MaKes SeNse !
...HerE'S What The CriTics Said :~
"I believe this to be an even greater contribution to road safety.."
Sir John Stalker
"Come they told me... Parrupa pum pum.."
Mike Yarwood
"Step inside leg 33" looooooove.."
Godcilla Black
BeLoW Are SoMe ShORt ViDs Of a 'PANiT AtTAcK' CaUseD By A BaDLY BehAvEd AnTiQue NuRsiNg ChAir ...
[these 3 short films have been extemporaraneously removed by the trussed T's for op~restoration due to the presence of unwarranted link sausages causing glitch'o'maticals within the enviroclastic morrain.. ]
$o Be$ht YoU NoW Go HeaR InNiT to ~ ...Gaw'd bless yer Ma'am
...ReV.Two-ShEdS WoUlD LikE US To InFoRm YoU ThAt He hAs JuSt BoUGhT OnE oF thEse 4 TrAcK 10" EP's FroM BoMP ReCoRds in ThE U.S... AnD SuGGeSTs YoU Go & BuY OnE YeRSEL' CoZ It'S ReALLy ToP~FaB...
PrOdUKt CoNtaiNS 4 EsSEnTiALLy GrOoVy ToP~PoP HiTs by MiCk FaRReN & thE DeViAnTS...
GaRbAgE [5.32]
I'm CoMing HomE [5.52]
DeviaTiOn StReeT [9:08]
NoTHiNG MaN [4:22]
JuSt PoP A SeArch in YeR TroUSeR BrOwSER FoRe ...
"WWW.BoMPSTORE.CoM " and BuY MoRe 'GaRBaGE'...
AboVe WaS sOme D.j. TyPe GiG ThiNg aT HaWkFeST...
RoDe $ine [See BeLLo] ShoWiNg PrOpEr DireCtioNs 'Pon How To GeT ThERe InNiT...
GeNeRaL FiLtH [sea be low...]
This is KIM FOWLEY'S "Dark Glasses" you-tube...
[dead 'kin cool poetry vid innit... sea bellow]...
Or MaYbe iT iS ThAt YoU JuSt PrEfEr tO ChOOSe To BE LIkE ThIs iNsTeAd....
[sea bellow...]
--- "FeELin' LuCky PunX ?...
"WiKKId InNa dAt cHav LUcKi dIpZ 's...
S'oNLy LiKe a 50panza gO iNniT bRUv..."
that'S enOuGh Of All That...
YoU ReALLY ShoULD sToP PrOcRaStInATiNg oN MySpAce aLL thE Time...
...ThEre'S A WhOLe WoRlD OuT hErE...
YoU ReALLy WoN'T FiNd A LoT On ThIS PagE AnYWaY...
WeLL... aParT fRom A CoUpLE Of picTuREs oF kIttEnS & a Few kNIttINg pAttErnS...
...So YoU mAy As WeLL JuSt CuT thE KrAp & CliCk onto The FoLLoWiNg LINk$ & thEn FoLLoW ThE LiNkS ThAt ThESe PEopLE HaVe InSteaD...'Cos ThEy'Re A LOt More F'Kin InTerEsTiNg ThAn ThiS SiTe'LL EvEr Be...
LiCk HeRe ---- *
You may find some links here or
on the otherish side boards of this page...
As per usual.. these links are in no particular order, so have a stab about and see if anything takes y'fancy... [all links are in random order on this page... so off y'go then... maybe we'll see you later...]
This is Kontour
This isCassetteboy
ThiS iS Notsensibles
TrY 'LickiN' on WILBA [sometimes he's in top friends...]
or click this link to visit The Crabs site...
This seminal UK punk outfit has now reformed !...
YoU MiGhT FiNd A LiNk To WILBA HeRe aS WeLL... [sea a buv...]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KeEp DeaTh oF ThE RoaDs...
[this image was temporarily removed by the trussed T's for renovation...]
Whe HeY !...
C'mon yoU UgLy Lot !...
Let's Be AviN Ya !....
HanDS OfF cOckS & On With SockS !..
ReV . TwO~ShEdS FuLLy ReStoreS CeRnE ABBAS GiAnT
HeY PunK !...
$tiLL PlaYin' ThAt ol' piAn0 wiTh your eLBow$ ?...
$tItCh ThI$ ThEn...
YoU TuBe ThInGy courtsey of Pianist Michael Sayers
... YeSh !
... FoRe iT I$ WrITTeN tHaT PianI$t MiChAeL $aYer$ iS the Be$t & mo$t accOmpLi$hed cLA$$IcAL PiaNi$t iN the WorLD TodAy...
(If YoU waN'T ReV.TwO-ShEdS To APPrOvE Us PuTTiNg SoMEtHING LikE ThIs oN ThIS PAgE AboUT you.. JuSt SenD U$eD £.$.D. ... SmaLL deNoMiNAtioNs OnLY pleA$E... uSuAL AdDrE$$... )
ArE YoU Fed uP WiTh oNLY 1 MuSiC ProGrAMMe oN UK TeRReStIaL T.V. ... FeD uP WiTh AuToMaTed 'RaDiO Ga Ga' ChEwInG GuM FoR ThE MiND, PoP PaP IdOL, SpAwN oF CoWeLL, MiNdLeSS CrEdiBiLiTy BaGs of WaRbLiNg PLAsTiCiTy, EtCetErA...
WhY NoT Do YoUR BrAiN In PrOpEr With SoME ScRAtChY ReCoRdS & A ReAL LoW DoWn PoOr ATTiTuDe FrOm "Mr MoNo MaNiAc HiMseLf"...
[... SLideShOW ImAgE oF R2S' RaNdOmiSeD 45rpm FeStOoNmEnT HaS Been TeMpoRaRily ReMoved By thE TrUSteeS foR reNoVatiON due to BaNdWiDtH ]
BriEf SoCiAL AwArEnESs StYLe DiAtRIbE NoW FoLLoWs...
"RuRaL TrAnSpORt ShoULD Be PrOvIdeD FoR ALL ..."
"It iS a LiFeLiNe EsPeCIaLLy FoR ThE ElDeRLy, DiSaBlEd & EcOnOmIcALLy DiSenFrAnChiSeD..."
"~ LoCaL AuThORiTiEs, ThE SuPErMaRkEtS , InDuStRiALs & OthEr SoCiAL IRReSpONsIbLeS ShoULD PaY FoR iT ToO... "
"If YoU DoN'T MaKe A Fu$$ ... YoU Ain't GoNna GeT oN No Bu$ ... "
ReV's LatEsT CloNing SuCCesS...
Influences: your mum...
[other influences include]
North Sea Plains...
George Earl Bulwer-Lytton [sic]
Pendulous mammalian protruberances...
Rev has 874,367,053 myspace friends & they all spend lots of money on imported cheap & useless mass produced plastik crap...
... so don't just sit there... be a lemming... waste your life in pursuit of uselessness... life is cheap & wasting the earths resources can be fun... but above all, never forget it is your civic duty brainwash your 2.2 children to do the same...
Rev's music / art influences etc. are non genre specific, wide ranging & diverse....
Direct links to all sorts of musicians artists poets etc can be found all over this page... [ inclusion of any link upon this portal in no way infers any agreement ideological or political allegiance to contents... ]
Here are some pics of a wier / waterfall... there are some things bouncing around in the water... football / bottles / car wheels etc... pretty wild...
[Image TemPoraRiLy ReMoVed bY The TrUssEd T's For ReNoVaTiOn]
We BoP
Sounds Like:
Rev.TwO-ShEdS OwN PeRsoNaL MaNkY MuZaKaL OuTpuT Often SounDs LikE A Cro$$ BeTWEeN aN AcCiDenT In A PaN FaCtORy & A RuStY OLd LaTrIne OvErFLoW BuCkEt FuLL Of SpAnNerS BeinG DrOppEd DoWn A DerEliCt LiFt ShAft... O.K. I 'SpoSe iF You LikE tHAt SoRT Of thING...
BuT ReV. SoMeTiMeS DoEs CoLLaBoRaTE WiTh OthEr MuSiCiAnS WhO Are FaR MoRe SkiLLeD ThAn he CoULd EvEr PoSsIbLy EvEr HopE To Be iN OrDeR To MaKe NOiSy PaInTy Art / pOEtRy WiTh MuSiC InNiT & OthER StUFF LikE tHaT GoV...
click here for a waste of time... it's just the same crap song on this link as is in the player on the top right of this myspace innit...
Record Label:
Type of Label: None