Albi, the racist dragon profile picture

Albi, the racist dragon

The fuck you lookin' at?

About Me

CURRENT MOON lunar phaseI live in South Texas with my baby and my baby daddy. He is 16 years younger than me and I adore him. Together, they are my entire world.I love dark chocolate, fine wine, gourmet food, sex toys, twisted humour, writing, conversation, perfume, cooking, singing, making faces in the mirror, daydreaming, decorating, walking, sleeping, learning, traveling, asking questions, smelling things, textures, science, water, breathing, kissing, painting, baths, stretching, October, executions, nose picking, orchids, sharp cheese, pedicures, feather beds, candles, holding my son, tattoos, sushi, butterflies, nudity, farmers markets, antiquities, law, old houses, animals, creaky wood floors, voodoo dolls, languages, museums, asking more questions, thunderstorms, serial killers, black and white, vintage fabric, jupiter, the sweet science, peacock feathers, laughing, glittery shiny things, avocados, pajamas, grocery shopping, hating on mullets, gangbangers, hippies and pedophiles. My favourite game is "Come here and pull my finger".

Myspace Layouts at / Blue World


My Interests


I'd like to meet:

myspace layouts




Fuck mainstream Hollywood. I prefer indies, asian horror and fetish porn.

myspace layouts


Documentaries on genocide and torture, human anomalies, prison culture, tribal life, tattoos, serial killers, astronomy, decorating, cooking, real estate, history, comedy.


My favourite book of all time is "The End of practically Everything and Everybody", by Charles Panati.


Anyone who enjoy's sticking it "Da Man".

My Blog

Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes

I am a fan of gangster films.  The old school "La Cosa Nostra" genre.  The Godfather trilogy.  A Bronx Tale.  Goodfellas.  The Untouchables.  Basically any movie where yo...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:36:00 PST


Give me your thoughts please.Here's my points of interest:I am Pro-choice, Pro-death penalty, Anti-religion.....I like children, old folks and pupp...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:03:00 PST

Sometimes I moonlight as a famous Thai actress...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 08:35:00 PST

Ooh, Here we go again!!

Quick!!  Somebody get my Al Sharpton's phone number.....I just said the "N" word and it wasn't with the "gah" .....It was with the "ger" suffix!!  Holy shit!  If I don't apologize to HI...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 12:19:00 PST

What happens when you take the big dirt nap??

I am terrified.  This question has been eating at me, like a lesbo at the Lillith Fair.  And I have put a lot of thought to it and frankly I just want you all to opine out there, and leave m...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:33:00 PST


Respect.  It takes a lifetime to earn and just a day to lose.  What I am refering to in this blog, is the lack of respect for one's own self.  My homeslice, Jimmy Rants, has a po...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:57:00 PST

Last Meal

So....I have asked this question before.  But I have lot's of new pals and I want to hear from them.  IF YOU WERE BEING EXECUTED TOMORROW, WHAT WOULD YOUR LAST MEAL BE? No money or time lim...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:36:00 PST

I am a tree hugger

Sheryl Crow is my hero.  Sheryl Crow is omnipotent.  Sheryl Crow is has seen the true path to glory and enlightened us with her vision.  And for that, I am truly grateful. You see, ...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:46:00 PST

The "N" Blog

This will be a short blog.  I have but one question.  Pretend I am a celebrity of colour.  Now pretend I have just called a white member of my audience (or women's basketball team) a "...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:09:00 PST

THE UNCLEAN....part deux

Okay....Do you remember my blog about hurling the perfect insult, at just the right moment to a person that is beyond deserving of it, but then, all you managed to do, was stuff a diaph...
Posted by Albi, the racist dragon on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:51:00 PST