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About Me

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I am a Writer of Novels, Screenplays, Comics, and Games. I write original material, and works based on independent properties. I write predominantly Genre material - Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller. I am a member of the Pop Culture Generation.I try not to take myself too seriously. I am told I have an odd sense of humor... go figure. In my life so far I've co-owned a games Company; run a Hellfiresque nightclub; trod the bricks of Tiananmen Square; climbed the highest mountain in South Australia; seen Queensryche play Mindcrime I & II live; eaten waaaayyy too much dutch licorice; bought a replica T2 Endoskeleton Arm with the paycheck from my first book; delivered a lot of pizzas; worked on a Lost in Space Comic... and won an Air Guitar Championship.My first novel, The Last Realm: Dragonscarpe - (written for Angel Phoenix Publishing) is finished and has arrived on bookstore shelves in the US, UK and Australia. My collaborators on the book are Fantasy and Pin-Up Art maestro, Michal Dutkiewicz (he’s produced some awesome art for this book), and conceptualist Gary Turner.,, This, first of a series (aren’t they all), epic, full-color illustrated fantasy novel has been released as a 320 page, coffee-table-sized (not a typo, it really is), hardback. And in the tradition of 'um, well, it's like a cross between...' - think John Carter Warlord of Mars meets Buffy. Genre-wise, I tend to think of it as Cinematic Fantasy – we’ve gone out and tried to capture the tone, feel and visual awe of a Hollywood blockbuster (preferably a smart, good one... yes, there are a few...).See the slide show below for a preview.And like all good cinema, the book comes with its own Trailer. Check it out here, or go to .html to download the hires version.And lastly - here's my 'I'm currently...'

My Interests

I'm a genre junkie and have been for as long as I can remember - and love it in any form I can find it - comics, film, tv, games, books, art. I love epic tales, haunted characters, villains who grin, morally challenged heroes - and Heroes who inspire the best in others (Capt Mal and the Mountie personal faves). I believe Han shot first. I've traveled a little, but nowhere near as much as I'd like, and I cook a mean curry.

I'd like to meet:

Roy Batty


It's a diverse bunch and more often depends on my mood, and if I'm writing, and what I'm writing. Metal bands - Queensryche, Iron Maiden, Nightwish, Megadeth, Malmsteen, Van Halen, Monster Magnet, Manowar. Film and TV Composers - Basil Poledouris, Hans Zimmer, James Horner, Bear McCreary, Ennio Morricone, Lalo Schifrin, Vangelis, Juno Reactor. Classical - Carl Orff, Prokofiev, Wagner... Or Peter Gabriel, Sarah McLachlan, VAST, Propellerheads, Linkin Park, Jan Hammer, Springsteen, Beatles, Stones, Alan Parsons Project, Pink Floyd, Chris Isaak, Billy Idol, Kate Bush, Queen, and of course the great one - William Shatner (no, really!)


I'm a child of the eighties (and Star Wars) - Terminator, Conan the Barbarian, Excalibur, Blade Runner, Escape From New York, Alien, Aliens, Raiders, John Cusack films, Near Dark, Holy Grail, Blues Brothers, 1941, Nausica of the Valley of the Wind, Akira, Highlander, The Thing, The Hitcher, Lost Boys, Spaced Invaders, She's Having A Baby, Ghostbusters, Spinal Tap, Mad Max, Hearts and Armor (I Paladini), Buckaroo Banzai, Bond, Die Hard, Star Trek II, Breakfast Club, and Local Hero.

Somewhere along the way (most likely the late night movies) I discovered Lawrence of Arabia, Network, Apocalypse Now, Forbidden Planet, The Day The Earth Stood Still, War Of the Worlds, Ray Harryhausen's films, Once Upon A Time In The West, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Italian Job, Bullit, Enter the Dragon, Dirty Harry. And my faves of late - Thirteenth Warrior, Serenity, Reign of Fire, Riddick, About a Boy, Matrix, Lord Of The Rings, X-Men, Mr & Mrs Smith, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Batman Begins, The Game, Platoon, Gladiator, Tremors, Seven, Children of Men, Kill Bill, Usual Suspects, Crank, Hellboy, Unbreakable, more Miyazaki films, High Fidelity, Incredibles, Toy Story, The Truman Show, Interview with the Vampire, Blade, Underworld, The Crow, Dracula, Army of Darkness, Hot Fuzz. And then there's a few of my fave cult classics - Lair of the White Worm, Barbarella, Flash Gordon, Perils of Gwendoline, Secretary, Preaching to the Perverted... hmmm, I think there's a theme there...


Due South, Firefly, Edge of Darkness, Angel, Buffy, Babylon 5, Lost, Twin Peaks, Docos (Especially David Attenborough), Brisco County Jnr, Dead Like Me, Dead Last, Battlestar Galactica, Alias, The Tick (Live Action), Starblazers, Blake's 7, the Avengers, Star Trek (Kirk, Spock & McCoy), Boondocks, Chuck, Entourage, Seinfeld, Dexter, Jekyll, Dr Who (Pertwee/Baker), Thunderbirds.

I also have a thing for music in Television. The Buffy musical episode, Christian Kane and Andy Hallett on Angel, Paul Gross on Due South, and while it wasn't one of my fave shows... Witchblade had a rousing Folk/Rock/Ballad which was a bit of a turning point for me in the show's development... Called the Ballad of Cathain, it really helped to bring the show's mythology to life.


Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings, Mark Helprin's Winters Tale, R.E.Howard (especially Conan), Michael Moorcock's Elric Saga, George R.R. Martin's Song of Fire And Ice Series, Frank Herbert's Dune, Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next Series, Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat, Sean Williams's Books of the Change, Jack Dann's Memory Cathedral, Ian M. Banks's Culture Novels, Douglas Adams's Hitch Hikers, Gene Wolfe's Shadow of the Torturer, to name a few... Comicswise... The Ultimates, Buffy, Angel, Serenity, Thanos, Wolverine, and the one with the little Gaulish village, sumptuous boar feasts, and druidic potions!
GamesHomeworld I & II, Dungeon Keeper I & II, Half Life, Alien vs Predator I & II, Far Cry, Pirates, Castles, Civilization, Ultima IV, Doom: Aliens TC, Gauntlet, Sword of Faragoal.
Art Luis Royo, Michal Dutkiewicz, Drew Struzan, James Gurney, Robert McGinnis, H.R.Giger, Hajime Sorayama, Frank Miller, Stan Winston, Frank Frazetta.


My Dad and Mum. Joss Whedon, James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Haggis, R.E. Howard, David Attenborough, William Shakespeare, Rosa Parks.

My Blog

A Titan passes - Salute, Stan Winston

I woke up this morning to discover one of my Heroes had passed. Stan Winston was an inspiration. He will be missed... and he will be celebrated. Salute to Stan Winston.  ...
Posted by Patmac on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 05:02:00 PST

Last Realm - Officially available in US, UK and Oz.

Just a note to let everyone know that The Last Realm - Dragonscarpe is now officially available in the US, UK and Australia. Cheers, Pat
Posted by Patmac on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:10:00 PST

Work continues on The Last Realm: Bk 2 - Triumvirate.

Just a quick update - With Book I now hitting stores everywhere, Michal, Gary and I are neck-deep in getting Book II of the series, Triumvirate, written and illustrated. And, if all goes according to ...
Posted by Patmac on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:47:00 PST

First review of The Last Realm online.

Well, the wait is over. The first review of The Last Realm - Dragonscarpe has appeared online... and Michal, Gary and I have heaved a great sigh of relief. It's a good one! You can have a read f...
Posted by Patmac on Thu, 08 May 2008 11:12:00 PST

Supanova Brisbane 2008

So that's what Supanova is. I had heard rumors, been told tales, but had dismissed them all as flights of fancy. But, no! It's real. 13,200 geeks and fans and artists and cosplayers and wres...
Posted by Patmac on Thu, 08 May 2008 10:57:00 PST

The Last Realm - Dragonscarpe Teaser - version 2 ...
Posted by Patmac on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:56:00 PST