I like photography, Illustration, design. Manic book & record collector. Like comics but working in the biz took away some of the magic. Anything imaginative - fantasy, SF, Horror. Like ancient history and art. Like putting my designs on stuff - fashion, packaging, walls, badges.
Not really interested in celebrities or hero worship really. Did meet Norman Spinrad online once, thats about as good as it gets. Would like to meet people who could get my stuff colonizing the world - publishers, t-shirt makers, bands who need art, curators etc. Or anyone with similar interests, humor or aesthetics. !
Mostly buy german adult film soundtracks, japanese pop, italian exploitation soundtracks, 60's french pop, Barry Grey, international breakbeat loungecore, a bit of punk/garage, Devo, 80's electronica (sing: jazz, lounge, negro spirituals - if only they were not religious). More and more kooky electro acts are available here in the big city - lotsa nerdcore freakers online too. Miss my record collection!!!
Anything with special effects and fantasy. Blade Runner, 2001, Metropolis, DerGolem, retro sf and horror, 5th Element, etc - a story is a pleasant bonus surprise. Talking heads on screen make me sleepy. If I wanted to cry i could just watch the news, if i wanted to think id probably read instead. Trasharama Film Festival is an awesome touring event of horror films made by slackjawed bogans and other rabble - i heartily endorse it.
Don't watch much. Like The Prisoner, Avengers, Dr.Who, UFO, Space1999, monkey, history docs. Most cartoons are better than most live shows and so many are watchable from sth pk to simpsons to justice league. Dare i admit it Buffy...
Kim Numan probably favorite right now. Party Monster by James St.James. Mostly like classics, icelandic epics and shit - don't like modern fantasy or horror so much. 60's new wave fantasy like Spinrad, Moorcock, Brunner, Sladek plus Lovecraft circle of horror fantasy like Clark Ashton Smith, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert Block. Robert W. Chambers the king in yellow is best ever horror novel. Probably like comics for fiction and books for non fiction, reference, art and technical books. Recently into Rabelais. Like Assyriology.In a more highbrow mood i might read A perfect Vacuum by Stanislaw Lem, The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov?, Early modernism, philosophy, encyclopedia of pornography...
Probably anyone who makes the above stuff. More into do it yourself than slavish subby to others. Lots of my fave celebs are all dead: H.P. Lovecraft, Louise Brooks.