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The *Official* Happy Tree Friends Player is here!
Now you can add "Blind Date" to your website or profile. More episodes to come! Spread the mayhem -- add the Official HTF Player on your profile or site!
*You must have Flash Player 8 to view the video. Click here to download the latest plugin
This adorable bunny rabbit is so darned cute you'll just want to squeeze him with all your heart.
Cuddles is a part of a host of adorable animated forest animals that face eye-popping calamities at every turn. Cute, cuddly and horribly wrong, it's the Happy Tree Friends -- Resistance is futile!
To watch episodes or get wallpaper and more info about Cuddles and the rest of the Happy Tree Friends gang, visit the official site at
Cuddles' cute little mug can also be found on various HTF gear.
Cuddles and the gang now available on iTunes!
Click on the image below to download FREE episodes of HTF on iTunes.