Cuddles profile picture


About Me

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This adorable bunny rabbit is so darned cute you'll just want to squeeze him with all your heart.
Cuddles is a part of a host of adorable animated forest animals that face eye-popping calamities at every turn. Cute, cuddly and horribly wrong, it's the Happy Tree Friends -- Resistance is futile!
To watch episodes or get wallpaper and more info about Cuddles and the rest of the Happy Tree Friends gang, visit the official site at

Cuddles' cute little mug can also be found on various HTF gear.

Cuddles and the gang now available on iTunes!
Click on the image below to download FREE episodes of HTF on iTunes.

My Interests

To relax, Cuddles likes to blow into his carrot juice. It makes a soothing sound for his ears and tickes his pink little nose.

He can't drink it though -- he's beta-carotene intolerant.

Cuddles also has a big collection of really powerful antique electric toothbrushes.

His fur is SPF 90 to minimize exposure to the sun. He is fair-skinned and burns easily.

I'd like to meet:

Folks that like things that are cute, cuddly... and horribly wrong.


Download the Happy Tree Friends Theme Song and drive your friends crazy!


Cuddles' movie credits include:
"First Blood" (2002)
"Second Serving" (2003)
"Third Strike" (2004)

Box Sets:
"Overkill" (2005)


Cuddles makes an appearance every Wednesday night at midnight on G4 Video Game Television.

My Blog

Happy Tree Friends TV Series

The count down has begun.Check out the trailers for the new Happy Tree Friends TV series! The series features brand-new, longer episodes (starring your favorite ill-fated bunny). In the US, watch...
Posted by Cuddles on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 04:42:00 PST

Off the wall!

Download exclusive Cuddles wallpaper, and check out the other themed HTF desktops while you're at it!...
Posted by Cuddles on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 03:38:00 PST

Take Cuddles with you wherever you go!

Download Happy Tree Friends episodes on iTunes and play them on your iPod.
Posted by Cuddles on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:20:00 PST