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[SIGN HERE][GO TO THE COOLEST SITE IN THE UNIVERSE!!! Andrew Colomy:My name is Andrew Colomy. I'm a twenty year old person and I go to Community College of Philadelphia. I like to draw and play games on my computer a lot. I'm mostly on MySpace for the artistical point of it; I like messing around with the layout and improving my web design skills. I'm not an outside guy but that's mostly cause I live in a shitty neighborhood filled with losers. I want to be successful and make a lot of money. I currently don't have a girlfriend but that doesn't really bother me. My brother Chris, my cousin Alexis and my friends: Rob, Brandon, and Marquise are the greatest people in the world. I love my parents because they're doing the best they can to provide me with everything I need, and I love them every moment for it. I've lately gotten into the whole "role-playing" phenomenon here on MySpace.Peter Puppy:Peter Puppy is Earthworm Jim's faithful sidekick. Personally, he's a bit of an artistic dabbler. He likes to paint, write poetry, cook gourmet meals and decorate. While Jim blasts away at his foes, Peter tends to use logic to figure out solutions, which has led to much of Jim's success. He is the voice of reason. He has a bit of a short temper and turns into a ferocious monster whenever he gets angry, scared; he will then transform and attack Jim, which gives the villain time to escape. Sinse being once fired as Jim's partner, he has become significantly braver, more tolerant, and resistant to pain. He has proven to be as loyal to Jim as any dog is to his master.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would very much like to meet Rob Zombie, his bandmates from White Zombie, his wife Sheri Moon, his brother Spider One, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson, Howard Stern, Charlize Theron, Doug Tennapel, and George Carlin. I would like to meet the many friends I met on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, DeviantArt, RocketWorm, Imeem, Gaia, and QuakeLive: Mandy Mink, Danny Cat, Hades, Mac, Nicole, M1Rock, Betrunken, GasmaskAvenger, RobZombieIsAGod, and Lemm. I hope to meet them all someday.

My Blog

My review of Rob Zombie's Halloween series.

I dont get people. If you like the original, fine. If you don't, whatever. Im glad hes making Michael a bigger character than in the previous movies. People say well, Michael was cooler when you d...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 20:48:00 GMT