Echo profile picture


Seek perfection in everything that you do.

About Me

I'm a professional illustrator specializing in sexy art nouveau women for advertising, bookcover, interior book illustration, pin up and poster design. I work digitally, mainly in Photoshop and Illustrator.
Clients include: Miller, Coors, Camel Cigarettes, Trek Bicycles, USPS, The City of New Orleans, The Dave Matthews Band, Arlo Guthrie, Rocket Dog Shoes, CT Opera, The State of Illinois, Penguin, Random House, DeKuyper Liqueurs, Gran Centenario Plata,, and Sears.
Used to live in way cool NYC, but retired to a cabana studio in sunny FLA...across the pool from my I can walk to work naked. Wow life is rough. :)
To view advertising and pin-up work, visit
All images copyright 2007 echo chernik or the client that they were commisioned for (including background art). Please email for permissions.
Tosca Posters incite Crime Spree!! Enjoy the below media footage (used with permission for personal use - please do not copy!). Click here to view the articles in full!

My Interests

I enjoy playing shadowrun (obsessively), illustrating, baking, kickboxing, butterfly gardening, and countless games of peekaboo.See samples of my work below (and see more in pics or at my website:

Check out my friend Nathalie at 3 Escargots!

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I'd like to meet:

More models. Someone really great (maybe asian) to incorporate in my work. I like self confident, spontaneous folks like myself.


Disturbed, Static X, Mortal Kombat sountracks, alt rock - sometimes a good dose of country music. Go fig.


City of Lost Children, The Incredibles, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick, Mr & Mrs Smith, The Professional, Blade Runner...


Dr. Who, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Lost, CSI, Battlestar Galactica, old reruns of twilight zone, real life crime tv.

My Blog

Orphan Works

For those of you that have not been following the (evil) Orphan Works bill, here is an *easy* way to make your voice heard. This website takes less than a minute to write a letter to your senator and ...
Posted by Echo on Fri, 23 May 2008 07:25:00 PST

Theres some real crazies out there...

So, this past Friday, I arrive to pick up Katheryn (3) from preschool, at the same time as the swat team. We pulled up to the light down the corner, and there were 2 police cars, just then a police ca...
Posted by Echo on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:06:00 PST

Glass Half Empty (Studio Half Empty too!)

Well, where there's one good thing, something equally sucky has to follow it. Someone broke into our home and studio buildings last night and just ransacked the place, taking a lot of stuff (including...
Posted by Echo on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:02:00 PST

Echo’s Posters being Stolen!!!!!

Hey folks! Check out this amazing media coverage! Apparently people are stealing my posters off the walls in CT, and this made the news....which led to a local news interview as well. It's amazing to ...
Posted by Echo on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:53:00 PST

Help Vote Please! :>

Hello Everyone!!!If you have time  it would be great, if you could go visit the altpick awards, and cast a popular vote in the illustration contest. :> preferably for the two pieces below&& ;> hint h...
Posted by Echo on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 06:19:00 PST

Awards - the results are in!

Hi everyone!Well, I'm pleased to announce that The Create Awards have chosen several of my pieces for awards this year. Last year, the Hype Gear Girl won Gold, Best in Category, and was featured on th...
Posted by Echo on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 07:53:00 PST

Puerto Rico

I just returned from my first ever trip to Puerto Rico, where I'm working on a wonderful poster for the (breathtakingly lovely!) El Conquistador resort.  The poster should be on the website by ea...
Posted by Echo on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 04:48:00 PST

The best review EVER!

This is by far the best review that I've ever received (and the second run of the RocketDog ad). All anyone really, truly cares about is strategically covered nipples - and MissBehave ...
Posted by Echo on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 03:13:00 PST

New Announcements

Well - The Spirit of Navigation has made it into Spectrum 14! That's one tough book to get into, I'll tell you! Second - Be sure to check out TalentSpeaks...they just posted up a really great article:...
Posted by Echo on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:53:00 PST

Rocket Dog Shoes Advertisement Launches

"Release your inner....." - The ad I illustrated for Rocket Dog shoes, working with ADD Marketing, is in the March issues if Vogue Teen and Miss Behave Magazines!. The Rocket Dog shoe campaign ce...
Posted by Echo on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:39:00 PST