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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

    Acrylic, airbrush, Photoshop, coffee and music are my primary components. Illustrator by (artistic) birth, painter from a little time, I’m always in search of new challenges for my two main engines: heart & brain.
    “Drawing is not that difficult, but it's difficult to know how to draw!”
    .. Acrilici, aerografo, Photoshop, caffé e musica sono gli ingredienti che mi compongono, illustratore da sempre pittore da poco alla continua ricerca di stimoli per i miei due motori principali: cuore e testa.
    "Disegnare non è difficile, il difficile è saper disegnare!"

My Interests


My Blog

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Posted by [ § t R 9 ] on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 03:46:00 PST