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Illustrator / concept artist / graphic designer. A CG Artist mainly in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Gothic Horror...[ CLIENTS ]MOVIES: Blur studios (US) | Paramount (US)BOOKS AND COVERS: Spectrum (US) | Ballistic Publishing (Au) | EMAP (Fr) | Soleil (Fr) | Gallimard (Fr) | Pocket (Fr) | Flammarion (Fr) | Fleuve Noir (Fr) | l'Oxymore (Fr) | Le Belial (Fr) ...RPG & BOARD GAMES: Wizard of the Coast (Us) | White Wolf ltd.(Us) | Wizkids (Us) | Asmodée (Fr) | Rackham (Fr) | éditions du Matagot (Fr) | Sigh Press (Ger) ...VIDEO GAMES: Ubisoft (Fr) | Magic Lab (Fr) ...RECORD LABELS: EMI music (Fr) Earache Records (Uk) | Ferret (US) | Horch (Ger) | RagingPlanet (Pt) ...PRESS: InQuest (Us) | Art Scene (Ger) | Science & Vie Junior (Fr) | Elegy (Fr) | Casus Belli (Fr) | DP World (Cn) | Art Photo Akt (Ger) WebEsteem (Pl) | New Web Pick (Cn) ...ADVERTISING: Atletico International (Sp) | SEAT (Sp)JS Rossbach is 34 years old and lives in Paris (France). Please pay a visit to my website:
no TV. it washes your brain.
my woman is my hero.