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Aleksi Briclot -

About Me

My website for more : ANEYEONI.COM(not updated since more than 2 years, too busy / lazy ;) So I've putted some more recent stuff on the PICS section of this page. ALEKSI BRICLOT Concept artist and Art Director in the videogame industry for 9 years, Aleksi was lead artist on ColdFear, the horror-action game developed by DarkWorks for Ubisoft, then on Splinter Cell Double Agent, from the hit series and more recently on the big upcoming title Haze (still Ubisoft) and Dungeon Runners (NCsoft). He also contributed on the Heroes of Might & Magic 4 's trailer and the Prince of Persia 3 2005 E3 's booth banner. Also an illustrator, he drew pieces for RPG books (hundreds of interior illustrations), magazines, and comics. He did covers for Mage, Vampire , C.O.P.S Rpgs, Tolkien, J.V.Jones, Bradley books, Horroclix (Wizkids) packagings, Privateer Press, World of Warcraft gaming cards……He’s also one of the main cards and packagings' artist for Wizard of the Coast (Magic : The Gathering, Dreamblade,). As for comic-books, his early works were the comics adaptation of the videogame Alone in the Dark 4, then Spawn : Simony The graphic novel for TMP, best selling trade paper back in the US for May 2004. He had also taken part in the Legends of the Round Table, a comic-book for the European market. He’s also a cover artist for Marvel on the Annihilation:Conquest saga and for Hellgate, another Dark Horse limited comic-book serie. He keeps on illustrating Merlin, an ambitious 130 pages artbook about the legendary wizard and new Spawn Graphic novel called “Architects of Fear” for ToddMcFarlane Productions. He is also an instructor for the international ConceptArt / MassiveBlack workshops and you can find samples of his artworks in several international artbooks, fantastic and digital art anthologies and magazines. Aleksi is 29 years old and is living and working in Paris.---

My Interests

Art, Movies, Graphic design, Illustration, Fashion, Music, Books, Artbooks, Photography, Sculpting, SFX prosthetics and make-up, Writers...

I'd like to meet:

Haroun Tazieff and Le Commandant Cousteau.------------------------------------------Some recent artworks : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::


Tool Tool Tool, Faith no More, Mike Patton and all his experiments, Von Magnet, Dillinger Escape Plane, Genghis Tron, Othila, Isis, Kenji Kawaï, Deftones, Bile, Refused, Recoil, Sin, AntZen and stuffs, Atari Teenage Riot, Alec Empire, System of a down, The Young Gods...and more...much more...


A lot of them. I could fill pages...


I've got no TV


Enid Blyton, Colargol, Chuck Palahniuk, Dan Simmons, Neil Gaiman, Neal Stephenson, Alain Damasio (check this guy, he really worth it!, awesome work on language, wow !), Ayerdhal, Alan Moore, Brian M.Bendis, Terry Pratchett and more...Send me any review or reference you think could be interesting.


Ronald MacDonald, Commodore Cousteau, Haroun Tazieff and Prince Vaillant

My Blog

Awesome trips of the last months and new released artworks

First thank you all for the nice messages here. I would just apologize for not always having the time for answering them.These last months were even crazier than ever. I went to New York in December f...
Posted by Aleksi on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 05:28:00 PST


I've got tons of news but this blog is only about the last set of Magic the Gathering LORWYN, which was released recently. I've read here and there that it could be one of the best Magic set ever...
Posted by Aleksi on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 02:43:00 PST

News (July 2007)

[ENG] Random pics of recently released pictures and other news   -Merlin the Artbook : interview and preview in the french magazine Suprême Dimension 15...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-...
Posted by Aleksi on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:26:00 PST

News (January / February / March 2007)

News (January / February / March 2007) [ENG] This last months were absolutely crazy. Talking about works since the beginning of the year, I've finished more than 18 polished illustrations (book or co...
Posted by Aleksi on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:44:00 PST

News (December2006)

[ENG] When I've begin this news blog few months ago, I didn't think that I could have so many news each month. Lot of fun but that's certainly why I feel tired ;) So this month, there was two really...
Posted by Aleksi on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST

News (November2006)

[ENG] News for this month : -I was invited at les Utopiales, the biggest European SciFi event for some exhibition and demos. I was there with my friend Benjamin Carré who won this year the illust...
Posted by Aleksi on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 01:30:00 PST

TONS OF NEWS !!! (October2006)

[ENG] Tons of news this month ! Concerning previews, exposure and interviews : had released the line-up annoucement of the next Spawn 31 : Other Worlds figurines. And the NecroCop char...
Posted by Aleksi on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:11:00 PST


[FR] Jean-Sébastien Rossbach et moi sommes les invités d'honneur des Rencontres de l'Imaginaire de Brocéliande du 5 Août au 20 Septembre 2006. Une exposition comprenant 16 planches inédites du beau-li...
Posted by Aleksi on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 05:10:00 PST

Merlin, the artbook : Merlin is everywhere...

I'm currently working on an ambitious 116 fully-illustrated pages called Merlin with my friend Jean-Sébastien Rossbach and while working on this book, I'm amazed to find Merlin in such different place...
Posted by Aleksi on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 07:27:00 PST

Aleksi Resume / Bio

ALEKSI BRICLOT / artist   [ENG] Concept artist and Art Director in the videogame industry for 7 years, Aleksi was lead artist on ColdFear, the horror-action game developed by DarkWorks for Ubisof...
Posted by Aleksi on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 07:26:00 PST