danzig robzombie gvsb qotsa monstermagnet tool shelac bigblack melvins splatterheads slint bored warped godspeedyoublackemporer lard goldenlifestyleband acidking huskerdu novamob altamont wipers sonics boltthrower juneof44 seam cog powdermonkeys rodan dk blackflag modernlovers bluesexplosion whitestripes ministry butholesurfers kyuss pjharvey mazzystar faithnomore mmanson codine stooges aints pixies tricky leathernuns atomicbitchwax sugar abdulla metallica tad unsane reddkross sebadoh nirvana foofighters dirtythree aliceinchains pavement sonicyouth radiobirdman newbombturks ween squirrelbait solace rapeman mogwai swervedriver palacemusic royaltrux smog catpower the list just goes on SOME BANDS I WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO SEE LIVE ac dc rhcp gvsb gbvs tool cog morphine rocket from the crypt warped goldenlifestyleband monstermagnet fireballs damaged sig u ros toad hoss powdermonkeys splatterheads rootwitch redplanetrockets surfinpoobars jimjims magicdirt fugazi johannadeath napalmdeath legendsofmotorsport tumblweed youami dirtythree thestreets chemicalbrothers spagettiwesterns ambafear speedfreaks poppinmomas gutbucket deniztek boshog sebadoh pavement mouth nirvana seaweedgorilas asteroidb612 foofighters swervedriver bored gazebo melvins onyas cosmicpsychos theend I ALSO DID SLEAVE ART FOR the splatterheads bored the goldenlifestyleband and a subway records comp called found in the subway, plus posters for heaps of other cool bands.
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