Norman Cabrera profile picture

Norman Cabrera

Monster Maker

About Me

Movie Monster Maker for over 22 years. My work is featured in the upcoming film, HELLBOY 2 directed by Guillermo Del Toro. My past credits include...X-MEN 3, FANTASTIC FOUR, BLADE 3, HELLBOY, GRAVEDANCERS, KILL BILL, THE HULK, TIME MACHINE, PLANET OF THE APES, 13 GHOSTS, SPY KIDS, LITTLE NICKY, THE CELL, HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, ANGEL, X-FILES, STARSHIP TROOPERS, AMISTAD, SPAWN, PHANTOMS, WISHMASTER, FROM DUSK TILL DAWN, THE SANTA CLAUSE, SPECIES, THE STAND, ROSWELL, DEATH BECOMES HER, ALIEN III, BEETHOVEN, IT, EXORCIST III, GREMLINS II, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, FRIGHT NIGHT II, COMING TO AMERICA, GORILLAS IN THE MIST, SUMMER SCHOOL, MOONWALKER, HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS, SCARECROWS.Nominated for an EMMY for Best Make-up on BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (TV SERIES) and STEPHEN KING’S THE STAND (TV MINI-SERIES).Also, currently writing and developing short films and feature length projects. More on that soon. In addition, my band THE GHASTLY ONES is in our 10th year and going strong. Check out the Ghastly Ones at MySpace... and on the web at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Like-minded artists, filmmakers, musicians. No friend collectors or spammers, please. If you're actually a friend or you have some cool art to show off, go ahead and add me. It's great that we now live in an age where you can show the world what you have to offer merely with the internet and a home PC. I look forward to checking out your art. Hope you enjoy mine. Check out the pics section to see some of my work and/or go to www.


The Beatles, The Ventures, early Rolling Stones, early Who, Sex Pistols, The Damned, The Misfits, The Cramps, movie soundtracks and dozens of obscure Garage and Surf groups from the 60's.


The original Planet of the Apes film with makeups by John Chambers changed my life. My passion for monster movies was fueled by late night "Creature Features". The original Universal Monster Movies and Hammer Films are untouchable. Argento's Suspiria, Fulci's Gates of Hell, Kubrick's The Shining, Bava's Black Sunday and Black Sabbath, Robert Wise's The Haunting, Legend of Hell House, American Werewolf in London, The Howling, and John Carpenter's The Thing are also big faves just to name a few. Some more recent favorites include The Others, Sleepy Hollow, Del Toro's Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth which in my opinion is a work of pure genius.


Carnivale is a recent favorite but I don't have much time to watch TV to be honest. Growing up it was the original Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, The Munsters, M*A*S*H, The Monkees, Wild Wild West, Batman and dozens of others. Still love watching those on DVD.


Horror fiction short story writers of the early to mid 20th century, Lovecraft, M.R. James, Algernon Blackwood, etc. Vintage ghost story collections, Artbooks, etc.

My Blog

HELLBOY 2 trailer NOW SHOWING!!! featuring The Angel of Death

I'm very proud to announce the new Hellboy 2 trailer is online featuring my work on The Angel of Death!  The trailer kicks ass and I'm stoked that my creature is featured prominently in it. ...
Posted by Norman Cabrera on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:22:00 PST

My first film SCARECROWS from 1985 featured in latest issue of FANGORIA

On the newsstands right now in the latest issue of FANGORIA you will find an extensive article written by Brian Albright on my first feature film SCARECROWS shot in Florida back in the early...
Posted by Norman Cabrera on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 01:22:00 PST

Check out my short film UNDONE

Check out an old short film of mine called UNDONE, inspired by the films of Argento, Bava, and Fulci.  I just found that someone posted it on YouTube so I thought I'd link it here. I shot this in...
Posted by Norman Cabrera on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 11:01:00 PST