VFX, sculpture, art, illustration, music, open water diving
Inspired, dedicated artists. Please don't add me if you're a band looking for mass saturation, or you have over 10,000 friends, and your request is the last time we communicate, or you've set up a page pretending to be some historical figure. - it's a cute pastime, but I'm just too busy.
Bowie, The Jam, The Replacements, Billy Bragg, Shriekback, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxie, Pink Floyd, 70's R&B, Funk, Punk, 80's Euro-trash, and really cheezy disco
Love movies, All of them. Love everything about the experience. DVD's are a godsend. I'm a little creepy-obsessed with behind the scenes footage. It's o.k., I've got a problem and I can admit it. :)
Can't watch much television anymore, It's gotten so wierd and stupid. I do love the nature shows.
Too busy to read much anymore.
Always had a soft spot for Jim Henson and Richard Branson.