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Doubt is a magical thing. - Paul Park, SF author

About Me

What is the source of our first suffering? It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things --Gaston Bachelard
Most ideas here, mine or those of better representatives, run a bit counter to the prevailing (or once-prevailing) noises that the "W Gang" issue and enforce. Although the bad times and bad news of the world tempt us all into escapism, I've never thought that was a luxury I could indulge. The "Self" (including "myspace" 'virtual reality' ) is not an interest I overly cultivate unless its in connection to others, including the wide world. I prefer to thrive on awareness of everything around me near and far, good or bad, past and present, truth and fiction; it all MUST BE OBSERVED, even if not fully understood, whether it's someone's expressions, or their technique of music or writing that works, the furthest edge of Hubble Telescope images from 14 billion years ago, to musty corners of antique and vintage book shops, a new or ancient dance or song.
Too many people avoid and scoff at "the news" and especially avoid "sad" books or movies or documentaries.... Notice the root words: "A-Void." Avoiding, an aversion to, the 'void' that they fear, or feel, when they encounter the new, the strange, the Other, the painful. Yet, why shut down the mind, and its POTENTIAL ABILITY to reach and leap across the gap of the unknown? It's finally only the politicians, corrupt clergy or miracle cure-sellers who thrive on fear-mongering--and then ask for your money. Reality will squeeze in eventually, and they'll be unprepared! Sadly, their sheep-like fearful 'followers' will be too.
I prefer observation and confrontation over "belief" and always have. Show and see the evidence. (Mental effects on small laboratory machinery and quantum-sized objects is proven--simply called 'psi' in research literature; and poltergiests are apparently rare but real, but so much else is almost certainly psychological only... No, there's no evidence of 'vulcanism'...[sigh]; probably no evidence of ghosts either, except that people 'see something'); there's definitely no 'hidden planet' opposite our sun.... 2012 will end with celebrations of 2013 rolling in, for those who are left from hurricanes etc. I will not just 'believe' merely because an ancient (or contemporary) and likely epileptic 'seer' (or, Edgar Cayce the insomniac needing help; or, an 'engineer' who 'knows' the melting point of steel and glass towers in New York) 'believes' or 'saw' or 'is convinced' of something. (More is in the Blogs, especially my published/copyrighted article "U.S. Culture--Its Many Antagonists, 1770s to the 21st Century". Thanks to Sandra at SheVibe.com for April 2007 publication of it.) We must resist lazy "magical thinking," the worst bits of 24/7 pop culture escapism, coupled with the "a-voidance" by even post-modern "hip" culture of the dual threats posed by domestic authoritarian right-wingers and violent religious fundamentalism abroad (two sides of a similar phenomenon)-- all of these "laid back" easy-going cool-howz-it-goin crutches which too many smart people rely on are some of the real reasons we are in the dire straits we face as a world. Dig around, these opinions are backed up with some material inside the blog and in the Bohemian Gallery in My Pictures; a lot of people as you probably know are in this struggle.... (The Dreamfable page is also very much about some "laid back" escapist things, too, since I admit we need a break now and then to enjoy something artistic as an outlet, not to mention music once you find something decent.)
Wanted for the Bush-Cheney wars:
"Tempo passa, l'amore scompare e la danza finira', ma la speranza rimane, fino il prossimo ballo." - Time passes, love dissapears and the dance will end, but hope remains, until the next dance.
"John, look what we have here..." ..
.. Medium "Eva C." in 1912 Seance, Photo Likely Doctored in Development; see others like this in my photos
.... From 'Calendrier Magique' by Austin De Croze. Paris - L’Art Nouveau, 1895. Page 15. More at http://fantastic.library.cornell.edu/
--PAUL PARK, Science Fiction/Fantasy Author, interview in Locus Magazine, October 2006 (http://www.locusmag.com/2006/Issues/10Park.html) has this to say, which makes great sense:
“It struck me at a certain point that faith is almost antithetical to spirituality, not just in religious matters but in many others. When people have faith in their country, in their political party, in their leaders, it causes them to act in a way that can be controlled by others. That behavior comes out of a kind of laziness, where they don't examine the reasons why they do things. Doubt is a magical thing, doubt comes from God's hands and everything good that happens comes out of it, so it can't be inimical to spirituality. THE SEARCH for transcendence is very necessary, yet people want to stop and say, 'Now I've discovered the thing that is true and I can stop.' Especially in monotheism, this leads to a legalistic worldview: 'This is God's plan for us and we have to follow God's rules.' PEOPLE INVENT STRUCTURES that are largely about separating the world into groups of believers and nonbelievers.... [But] if you're honest with yourself, you admit that those moments when you say 'Now I understand' are ephemeral."
Caspar David Friedrich's 'Cemetery of the Cloister in Snow'. "The image...enables us to gain an understanding that is universally applicable of the obscure impulses that move beneath the surface of our emotional life--an understanding not possible through artificial analyses. Ideas stand outside this life as fixed.... [But] since it is prelogical, the image mirrors psychic life in the process of gestation, sometimes even at its source." - p. 306, Ideas and Images in World Art by Rene Huyghe, 1959.
"Friedrich, the sole landscape painter who…had the power to move every part of my soul, the one who created a new genre: the tragedy of landscape." --sculptor Pierre-Jean David d'Angers
Actress Sarah Bernhardt and historic painter Alphonse Mucha embodied the Art Nouveau movement. Forget the irony and deconstruction of our dry era for a moment and just look at how they did it:
* * * *
"Countdown" with Keith Olbermann, weeknights on MSNBC, 8:00 ET, 7:00 CT, exposes the conservative right wing's corrupt grip on our government and culture in prime time, and in the ratings routinely beats the Oh-Really Factor on Fixed Noise Channel. Here below in YouTube is Keith Olberman's complete March 12th 2008 scathing "Special Comment" against the negative, old Alabama Governor GEORGE WALLACE-STYLE race-baiting, religion-baiting campaign being run by Hillary Clinton and her neocon gang against incipient Democratic nominee Barack Obama.
Excerpts include: "....your own advisers are slowly killing your chances to become president. Senator, their words, and your own, are now slowly killing the chances for ANY Democrat to become president. In your tepid response to this Ferraro disaster, you may sincerely think you are disenthralling an enchanted media and righting an unfair advantage bestowed on Sen. Obama. You may think the matter has closed with Rep. Ferraro’s bitter, almost threatening resignation. But in fact, Senator, you are now campaigning as if Barack Obama were the Democrat and YOU were the Republican. As Shakespeare wrote, Senator, that way madness lies. ...Do these advisers have Senator Clinton say..., “This is how I police my campaign, and this is what I stand for,” while she fires former Congresswoman Ferraro from any role in the campaign? No. Somebody tells her that simply disagreeing with and rejecting the remarks is sufficient. And that she should then call them “regrettable,” a word that should make any Democrat retch. And that she should then try to twist them, first into some pox-on-both-your-houses plea to "stick to the issues," and then to let her campaign manager TRY to bend them beyond all recognition, into Sen. Obama’s fault! And thus these advisers give Congresswoman Ferraro nearly a week in which to send Sen. Clinton’s campaign back into the vocabulary ... of David Duke. “Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let’s address reality and the problems we’re facing in this world, you’re accused of being racist, so you have to shut up. Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s that?”
HOW'S THAT? Apart from sounding exactly like Rush Limbaugh attacking the black football quarterback Donovan McNabb? Apart from sounding exactly like what Ms. Ferraro said about another campaign, nearly 20 years ago? So, apart from sounding like insidious racism that is at least two decades old? Apart from rendering ridiculous Sen. Clinton’s shell-game about choosing Obama as vice president? [When he's had the lead in delegates and popular votes ever since Jan. 3rd!] It sounds as if those advisers want their campaign to be associated with those words, and the cheap, ignorant, vile racism that underlies every syllable. ... She is still letting herself be perceived as standing next to, and standing by, racial divisiveness and blindness. And worst yet, after what President Clinton said during the South Carolina primary, comparing the Obama and Jesse Jackson campaigns; a disturbing, but only borderline remark. After what some in the black community have perceived as a racial undertone to the “3 A.M.” ad, a disturbing but only borderline interpretation ... And after that moment’s hesitation in her own answer on "60 Minutes" about Barack Obama’s religion; a disturbing, but only borderline vagueness ... After those precedents, there are those who see a pattern, false or true. After those precedents, there are those who see an intent, false or true. After those precedents, there are those who see the Clinton campaign’s anything-but-benign neglect of this Ferraro catastrophe, falsely or truly, as a desire to hear the kind of casual prejudice that still haunts this society voiced and to not distance the campaign from it. To not distance YOU from it, Senator! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-CpdOH5wm4
Rolling Stone Readers Poll: #1 2006 Artist, Bob Dylan; #2 Album of 2006, Dylan's 'Modern Times'; #2 Single of 2006, 'Someday Baby' by Bob Dylan. I'd rank it all #1!
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My Interests

Interests range across Activism, Arts & Science, Reading, preserving nature, watching Bellydance, successful conversation on late nights...



The Nation, Unconventional Wisdom Since 1865

The Progressive

(CSPAN-2 48 hrs each weekend, authors round the clock)

Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines




Common Dreams


Global Consciousness Project, collecting data from a global network of “random event generators” since August, 1998, in order to scientifically examine subtle correlations that appear to reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world of mundane events (and in events of global impact, such as the 9/11 disasters). http://noosphere.princeton.edu

I'd like to meet:

There's a great line in a Gordon Lightfoot song: "Everyone you pass seems to almost say 'Hello'"... This era of iPods, cell phones, busy agendas and calendars... there seems no time or space for spontaneity, or trust in spontaneity. I learned spontaneity from artists & bohemians of a different era, maybe I wasn't even born for this time... And I try to "spot the loonies" who aren't part of the problem. Creative types who remember to be fully human keep me going. "Everyone you pass seems to want to say Hello, even late at night on the freshly fallen snow." -- The song, "On Yonge Street," Gordon Lightfoot, 1997, from "A Painter Passing Through."

In 'My Pics' I have a Bohemian Gallery of alternative agitants from the past and present. Some nonfiction authors who do great work against the tide of ignorance are: Sudan Jacoby, Wendy Kaminer, Mark Crispin Miller, Bob Herbert, Joe Conason, Katha Pollitt, Todd Gitlin, Elena Poniatowska ("Tinisima"), Tarik Ali... and on the wilder limits of experience, check out Sallie Tisdale; or Laura Kipnis' "Against Love." Fiction artists on the front of the line are Douglas Lain, Kim Stanley Robinson (start with his global warming SF trilogy), Ursula LeGuin, China Mieville, John LeCarre, Nick Mamatas, Ian R. MacLeod, angry British political SF author Ken MacLeod, naturally the great Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and there isn't room to even get started. Some musicians who've confronted the urgent situation we're in are on the other side of this page, plus Dylan above.


The Genius of Bob Dylan in "Modern Times" album. When's that Nobel Prize for Literature comin'?

Neil Young: Heart of Gold, filmed at Nashville's Ryman Auditorium. See the DVD

There was a brief period when popular music was also the most challenging and adventurous creative activity going, relevant to the times and inspiring to those with minds open to new ideas, plus it still got played on FM radio. That period still has a vast impact on culture: roughly from 1963 Bob Dylan up through 1974 John Lennon, Neil Young, Curtis Mayfield, Joni Mitchell, Dylan again, War, Bob Marley, Parlaiment, et al.

Radio played both black and white artists in the same format, and those artists also toured and appeared on TV together--something almost unheard of today, in our segregated sub-markets. By the late 70s early 80s, post-disco/post-punk era, musical segregation ruled...

The backlash against the 60s continues, unfortunately, in the "culture wars" by other names.

Yet, challenging music artists still go on, well under the Top 40, usually even well under the Top 100, willing to write and record against the commercial tide of blandness (i.e., the latest buzzing soundalike group on major labels...) and who stake a claim in the territory once explored by the giants of the past, on whose shoulders so much stands. John Fogerty is still a contender with the righteous call to arms, "Revival." People should listen and learn. Many of the artists on Lost Highway Records, such as Tift Merritt, are committed. Jay Farrar (Son Volt) is still out there, somewhere. Latin sounds are bigger than ever, and New Orleans blues still rolls up the Mississippi. When radio fails you, and it will, tell them about it! (Then go online or to satellite.)

"Don't Let Me Down" Beatles 1969 rooftop concert, click HERE in this sentence, anywhere, and watch the vid; seriously, you'll have fun!

Gordon Lightfoot sings “Knotty Pine” before a nighttime stadium crowd:


"Good Night, and Good Luck" about heroic CBS journalist Edward R. Murrow, who blew open the scam of 1950s right-wing Senator Joe McCarthy, the sickoid who black-listed countless innocent people.
"The Constant Gardner," based on John LeCarre's novel, exposing the deadly lengths to which drug companies can go to test lethal drugs on unsuspecting sick Africans.
Al Gore's Oscar-winning "An Inconvenient Truth" is a film-making breakthrough. It popularizes science in an anti-science age of head-in-the-sand fundamentalism and magic-thinking (see my March 2007 blog). Some remember late astronomer Carl Sagan making astronomy popular with TV specials and books, "Tonight Show" appearances in the '70s. This is more profound, urgent and personal than anything ever before regarding the planet's peril.
"Y tu Mama Tambien" In the background of the drama as they drive across country, the poverty facing ordinary Mexicans is on view through every car window, like a witness looking back through the movie camera lens. The woman's almost desperate drive for wild times is painfully illuminated by the poignant ending.
All-time favorite conversation movie is "My Dinner With Andre'" which covers the post-60s search for meaning in a vapid, self-centered America desperately looking for answers in gurus, by eating sand, by spacing out--and Andre's survival of the extremities, his happiness to be back with family, friends, work and home.


Holly Hunter as Grace Darko in TNT's "Saving Grace," along with Laura Ann Giancomo, showed more spit and fire than a dozen indie movies in Summer-Fall 2007, luckily returning in 2008. The most imaginative shows often get cancelled, such as ABC's, "Invasion" a couple of years ago--the tense, unpretentious science fiction drama now on DVD. Since so many "U.S. Americans" really are being taken over by group-magic-thinking, Repuglican/"Fox Noise" or 2012-End-Times "predictions" (2000 wasn't quite the Apocalypse, the Selection of W came close...), and grasping for seemingly firm fundamentalisms, the metaphor of "aliens are us" in that show was eerily appropriate, too much for most viewers.
Keith Olbermann on MSNBC's "Countdown" uncovers, and lambasts, the malignity of the Bush-Cheney gang and their minions on the fringe right (like "Fox Noise Channel" as Keith calls it.) See samples of Olberman's coverage and commentary across this page to the right, and in the blog section.
Below, original "Star Trek" 'android twin' Ted LeGarde shot into Bookman, Sept. '07, with good cheer and autographs; he and brother Tom will be in the next movie.


John LeCarre's anti-war novel "Absolute Friends"
"Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & How They'll Steal the Next One Too" by Mark Crispin Miller
"Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib" by Seymour Hersh
Some old vintage paperback covers (among others) here in Dreamfable from the paperback heyday when books sold 250,000 copies with fine illustrated covers, then got reprinted and sold out once again...
Sir Arthur C. Clarke's 90th Birthday Greeting to the World from Sri Lanka, taped Dec. 9 for Dec. 17 2007 release; Three Peaceful/Optimistic Wishes, his awareness that "Peace takes more than wishing but hard work and perseverence as well"... and his "Goodbye" and fond wishes for us all, to remember him--for all his inventions, diving adventures and brilliant thinking--"as a writer."
And one more video on this side, the great John Lennon charming New York in late 1974; the original sound is lost, and here is backed with his 1973 hit "Mind Games." In 1974, John was celebrating the #1 album "Walls and Bridges," a beautifully, brilliantly pained & honest effort, and the #1 dance single "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night." Carefully produced...in 4 days, a must.

My Blog

Eulogy For Humble but Heroic, Gentle, Smiling, Giant Stepfather

..> My Stepfather Robert's Eulogy Even some close friends haven't yet learned that my stepfather Robert died Sunday Feb. 17, following his long, brave (and sometimes irreverent) battle with prosta...
Posted by DreamFable on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:56:00 PST

The Culture of the U.S.--Its Many Antagonists, 1770s to the 21st Century

The Culture of the U.S.--Its Many Antagonists, 1770s to the 21st Century And How Creative Counter-Culture Through History Has Defied the Odds  by Dreamfable, February 2007     &nb...
Posted by DreamFable on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:18:00 PST

Keith Olbermann, Retd J.A.G.s, Ex-Intels & Other Brave Ones

"Ultimately, Mr. Bush, the real question isn't who approved the waterboarding of this fiend Khalid Sheik Mohammed and two others. It is: Why were they waterboarded? ... "[T]orture does not get th...
Posted by DreamFable on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:24:00 PST

Birth Control Pills for Men Soon; Safety on Women's, from NPR

The NPR interviews with Cynthia Pearson, director of the National Women's Health Network, and Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, medical director of the Family Planning Center at Columbia University, during M...
Posted by DreamFable on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:28:00 PST

Scholars urge Bush in person to ban use of torture

Did everyone see those Brave future leaders, the 2007 Presidential Scholars, at their annual White House ceremoney Mon. June 25?! "Presidential Scholars urge Bush to ban use of torture" WASHINGTON 6/2...
Posted by DreamFable on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:47:00 PST

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion, short video

In which he points out that all of us are 'atheists' about most of the deities that different societies have believed in...and some just go one god further.Richard Dawkins's - The God Delusion ...
Posted by DreamFable on Wed, 16 May 2007 10:14:00 PST

Out of hospital, spinal headache cured!

Briefly: Thanks to everyone who messaged and commented during this week from hell. Finally on Thursday afternoon, following daily pleadings by me and my physician, the hospital re-admitted me for a "b...
Posted by DreamFable on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 01:36:00 PST

For Greystoke, my dear old cat and companion

Greystoke stopped eating Wed. Nov. 29, other than the treats I could give him through a non-needled syringe, along with his medication twice daily. That whole night crashed onto me...
Posted by DreamFable on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:25:00 PST

Calif. Couple Calls for Orgasm for Peace

Thanks to Shiny Happy Feoshia for first blogging this article: November 19, 2006Calif. Couple Calls for Orgasm for Peace By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSFiled at 9:08 p.m. ET SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Two peace ac...
Posted by DreamFable on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:37:00 PST

The John Lennon Immigration vs. Nixon Gang Radio Show

On Wednesday, Oct. 18th, I was  interviewed on a low-wattage local independent liberal FM radio station (live streaming on www.radiofreenashville.org) by an immigration attorney to talk abou...
Posted by DreamFable on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 07:37:00 PST