Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony profile picture

Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony

The Female incarnation of Gene Simmons,,,,,,,,,,

About Me

*****NEWS FLASH-if you send me an add request but your profile is private and I can't look at it, you will be denied,sorry**** -------------------------------------------------------- I live in the Atlanta area, been here 14 years, grew up in upstate NY. YES, that WAS me on the "VH1 KISS FANCLUB" show a few years ago!! I am a dentist by day, but on the weekends I like to get out there and play bass,,,,,,,,,I'm currently portraying "Maddie Anthony" in the FIRST ever all female tribute to Van Halen, "She-Ruption"~! Check out our myspace page and add us! I also portrayed Gene Simmons in the first all female tribute to KISS "Black Diamond" for 4 years, but due to personal differences, we are on hiatus. Tribute bands, if you need a Gene to fill in, I'm available!
Hosted By SparkleTags.comMe in 8th grade,,,,,,,,some things never change!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow I LOVE candy corn, hehehehe,,,,,,

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My Interests

Mine goes ONE HIGHER!
KISS, 80's hair bands, getting proficient at playing my bass *(practice, practice, practice!!), horror movies (LOVE Freddy, Pinhead, Michael Myers, etc), reading Stephen King novels, working out. My new favorite artist Daniel Horne, does this Creature painting kick ass or WHAT??

I'd like to meet:

I've already met ALL the members of KISS ,except for Eric Carr (God rest his soul). I also got to meet Motley Crue, what a TRIP!!! I want to meet Michael Anthony and also David Lee Roth someday!!!!!! I would love to meet Alice Cooper someday too. CRISS ANGEL, he rules, I want to meet him and have him MINDFREAK me, that would be awesome!! I got to meet 'Freddy Krueger', Robert Englund! Freddy's always been my 'favorite' as far as horror icons! Well, besides the old school ones like the Creature!! I LOVE meeting other KISS fans,,,,,,,,,,,there's nothing like meeting someone that 'understands' (You hardcores know what I mean!!) Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


KISS has been my number one band since 1975, ORIGINAL KISS ARMY MEMBER!! Second fave is Van Halen (DLR era of course!!), then I also love Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Def Leppard, Sebastian Bach, Queensryche, Y & T, ManOwar(they're from my hometown Auburn,NY!), Megadeth. I also love 70's rock like Styx and Journey, what can I say. I love Jeff Scott Soto, he's sexy as a mo'fo' and he freakin' rocks! hehehe,,, I absolutely LOVE the SIRIUS satellite radio stations "HAIR NATION" and "BUZZSAW"!!!! Man, I wish Mikey was on this tour, I wish Eddie would get his finger out of his ass and realize how much it would mean to the old VH fans to have Mikey there,,,,,, THATS HOT, hehehe,,,,,,


Caddyshack, Spinal Tap, Nightmare on Elm Street, American Werewolf in London, Lost Boys, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Hellraiser,Alien,Predator,OLD horror like Creature From the Black Lagoon and Frankenstein, Napoleon Dynamite, ANYTHING with Will Ferrell, KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park. I like horror movies, gore, special effects. I DONT DO "Chick Flicks". OH I take that back, I have a soft spot for John Cusack, well, cause he's hot :-) Why is this so freakin' FUNNY?? It kills me!!


I like to watch OLD shows, like the TVLAND channel, such as Sanford and Son, Welcome Back Kotter, Partridge Family, Three's Company. I also love Seinfeld and Sex And the City, and Living Color. Benny Hill is ALWAYS great too!! I've recently gotten into the show "Boston Legal" with William Shatner and James Spader, what a GREAT show! And I constantly have VH1 Classic on,,,,especially METAL MANIA!!!! I am now addicted to CRISS ANGEL:Mindfreak on A&E channel!! It doesnt SUCK to look at Criss, hehehe,,,, Keith Partridge, my first 'love',,,,,,,he was so DREAMY!! hehehe,,,,


anything by Stephen King, books about KISS or by KISS, The Crue biography"The Dirt", "Tommy Land" by Tommy Lee, The David Lee Roth biography "Crazy from the Heat","The Heroin Diaries" by Nikki Sixx, are among some of my faves. If its horror or if its about my favorite rock and roll Gods, then I'll read it!!


My Daddy, and my three favorite bass players who inspired me to learn to play bass,,,,..1. Gene Simmons, ..2. Michael Anthony, and ..3. Nikki Sixx.

My Blog

"The Mist" movie review

Worst piece of shit EVER! Basically, its a government project gone AWRY, lol...the mist of course encircles the town, and OUT of the mist come cheesy ass huge spiders and bugs, I mean, COME On, thats ...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 05:08:00 PST

People are INSANE,,,,

SO, I went running today, as I do a few times a week after work. I'm going to cross an intersection, and suddenly this lady turns right and almost rides over my f**kin foot! So I yell "ASSHOLE" as lou...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Wed, 28 May 2008 03:29:00 PST

Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull-my review!

I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie tonight. I LOVED the old Indy movies, I had pictures of Indy on my wall interspersed with the KISS pictures in middle and high school, YES I was IN LOVE with ...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:16:00 PST

DELTA can steal shit out of your suitcase but its ’not their responsibility’

OK folks, on my return trip from the NY KISS EXPO, I KNOW I packed my wireless system in my suitcase with my pedal board. I had to check it because I was already carrying on my bass. The wireless was ...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Wed, 14 May 2008 02:18:00 PST

We made it on KISSONLINE!

YAY! I'm in 2 different spots! Thanks for writing the letter Matt, you rock!! There's a picture of KISSTERIA, then down a little bit there's another pic of me with a fan.  COOL!!    Gre...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:54:00 PST

NY Expo was a blast!

Well, I went to the NY expo this past weekend, with my 'surprise' being that I was filling in as Gene for "KISSTERIA"! The first part of the trip was NOT FUN,,,my flight got CANCELLED, then the next o...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:50:00 PST

"The Goddess of Thunder" may be coming out of retirement,,,,

Actually I am OFFICIALLY out of retirement, lol  RETIREMENT SUCKS! I have  a 'surprise' coming up soon, PLUS I am going to be GENE for the guys in Florida and we chose our name,,,,,,,,so st...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 03:26:00 PST

Set of Black Diamond picks on ebay! Unbelievable

http://cgi.ebay.com/KISS-BLACK-DIAMOND-Guitar-Pick-Set-Best- Chick-Band_W0QQitemZ250224954154QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item2502 24954154 damn, if I had known a set would go for $50, I would have saved more th...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:15:00 PST

Mean "Mikey" messages will not make us 'friends',,,

OK, I really don't appreciate messages such as the following I received recently, and I've received similar ones before,,,,,,but now I'm just over it,,,,,, "Last night in Jacksonville,,,Van Halen,,,I'...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:14:00 PST

Thank you all

I just wanted to thank everyone that messaged and called me about the loss of my friend Robert. Gosh, I just lost my friend Geoff not too long ago, now this. Life just isn't fair is it? Robert was a ...
Posted by Goddess of Thunder/Maddie Anthony on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:55:00 PST