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I am here for Friends

About Me

I grew up in Buffalo, NY and I now live in Tampa, Florida. I have been a KISS fan since I was 10 years old and am looking to get involved with a KISS tribute band playing bass. mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" src=" 63&aid=541188" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="445" height="230" FlashVars="culture=en-US"

My Interests

KISS, karaoke, designing graphic art and dream pictures, massage therapy, fire eating, break dancing, spicy cuisine- especially east Indian curry food and any type of food with a unique flavor. Cats, Sharks- especially Great Whites. I am facinated in the mysteries of violent weather-especially hurricanes & tornadoes (which is part of the reason I moved to Florida).

I'd like to meet:

KISS (a REAL meet & greet, not some hurried-ass hand shake and "thank you"). Anyone who shares any of my interests, music, TV, books, etc.


I am pretty open to all music, but I especially like KISS, the 70's & 80's music, dance and techno, and music with a dangerous or heavy cool bass line. I like music that is uplifting and has a positive message. I really hate depressed "music artists" who piss and moan about how bad life is and those who have to degrade people in their songs. I really admire alot of the bass players like Les Claypool, Steve Harris, Billy Sheehan, & the real funky style bassists.


I am a horror movie fan. I love movies like JAWS, and nightmarish things involving underwater monsters or being chased by something nasty. My favorite is the Trilogy of Terror. I LOVE that Zuni doll. I also like dance movies and videos that have alot of breakdancing in them. The 2 BEST breakdance movies I saw were Breakin' & Breakin 2. The movie Beatstreet had one INCREDIBLE dance scene in it that just was amazing.


I am a cartoon fan. I love how cartoonists exagerate facial and body gestures. My favorites are the Bugs Bunny / Looney Tunes stuff, Tom & Jerry, the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Beavis & Butthead, Flintstones, Sponge Bob, and Family Guy . I can do alot of the voices of many of the popular cartoon characters. I also like documentaries about venomous animals, sharks and violent weather.


I really don't read alot of books but if a horror novel catches my interest I usually give it a chance. I think that Bill Waterson who did the comic series Calvin & Hobbes is the greatest cartoonist ever. I wish that he did not stop doing that comic strip.


I would like to just to clarify the misuse of expressions towards rock stars . HERO (noun)- any person admired for courage or nobility. IDOL (noun) any object or person excessively loved or admired. This is the proper word to use to express your love for a band or famous star. KISS (and other famous stars) are not HEROES, but they are IDOLS.