About Me
.. "I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially." ~E.B. White
I'm an open book in which the pages are constantly changing as I evolve in this life. There are no accidents, every event has a purpose just as every person has a path to walk in this life. The universe knows where you need to be, why don't you just let it take you there?
"I would enter your sleep if I could, and guard you there, and slay the thing that hounds you, as I would if it had the courage to face me in fair daylight. But I cannot come in unless you dream of me."
~Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn
Why I'm vegan and eat organically grown foods....Do you know what you are putting into your body every time you eat, drink or take some prescription drug? The books and movies listed below are the things that influenced my decision to first become vegetarian then vegan and to switch over to organic foods and household products. I refuse to eat man made chemical copies of food, I will never drink unfiltered water again, and unless Im forced into an emergency room for something and have no choice I will never take prescription drugs again. I hope the excerpts below get you interested in reading these books and informing yourself about the truth of our food.
"Aspartame, for example, is the most popular artificial sweetener on the planet. We see it most frequently packaged in sugar-free drinks and foods and in those little sky blue packetsSo whats wrong with Aspartame? Once inside your body, it breaks down to aspartate, an excitatory amino acid (EAA). It is common neuroscience knowledge that too many EAAs will kill a neuron in a heartbeatPublished studies with laboratory animals have very clearly shown that simply consuming aspartame can cause brain cell death in the hypothalamusIf you kill your hypothalamus, what happens?Among a host of other things, the hypothalamus controls feeding behavior. Furthermore, in a recent issue of Neurotoxicology, Dr. Olney pointed out that animals dont show the effects of hypothalamic damage right away. It surfaces later in life. These problems include obesity, alterations in the onset of puberty, and infertility." -Dr. Will Clower, The Fat Fallacy p196-198
Drink (toxic waste) to your health
"The chemicals used to fluoridate 90% of public drinking water are industrial grade hazardous wastes captured in the air pollution-control scrubber systems of the phosphate fertilizer industry, called silicofluorides. ("Fluorine Recovery in the Fertilizer Industry - A Review," Phosphorus & Potassium, No. 103, Sept/Oct 1979.) (Also, see 1-1: "Fluoridation: A Mandate to Dump Toxic Waste in the Name of Public Health", George Glasser, Journalist, St. Petersburg, FL, July 22, 1995.)
These wastes contain a number of toxic contaminants including lead, arsenic, cadmium and even some radioactive isotopes. The phosphate rock mined in Florida for this purpose has also been mined for its uranium content!
If not dumped in our public water supplies, these silicofluorides would have to be neutralized at the highest rated hazardous waste facility at a cost of $1.40 per gallon."
Read more at:
"Evidence from recent studies has linked caffeine use with insulin resistance, adreanal exhaustion, liver and kidney problems, thyroid issues, and a sugar-craving cycle that seems unbreakable. Even casual consumption of caffeinated beverages has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. Women especially should watch their caffeine habits, as caffeine causes valuable calcium to be lost through the urine. In addition, colas have a high phosphorus content, which also binds with calcium. Again, the calcium is leached out of the body through the urine, leading to increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis." -Alex Jamieson, The Great American Detox Diet p. 89
"For the past twenty years food processors have tried hard to use only natural flavors in their products. According to the FDA, these must be derived entirely from natural sources-- from herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken, yeast, bark, roots, etc. Consumers prefer to see natural flavors on a label, out of a belief that they are healthierA natural flavor is not necessarily healthier or purer than an artificial one. When almond flavor (benzldehyde) is derived from natural sources, such as peach and apricot pits, it contains traces of hydrogen cyanide, a deadly poison." -Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal p.126
"In 2001, 2.8 billion prescriptions were filled in the United States, or an average of 9.9 per person. We think that drug industry prescriptions have gotten far out of hand. Doctors have been bribed and brainwashed by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe new, expensive medications for every ailment--even when a simple change in lifestyle or diet can accomplish the same or a better resultthe drug companies benefit from the designation of new disease to fit their current supply of drugs, and then market them as such. For example, Prozac: Once marketed for depression, drug maker Eli Lilly recently targeted a new disease Prozac can cure. Television commercials now ask women if they have the disease coined premenstrual dysphonic disorder, or PDD. Up until recently PDD was simply PMS (premenstrual syndrome), but women would not have bought Prozac to treat that, so the company relabeled the symptoms and announce that they require a prescription medication to cure. And rather than simply selling it as rebottled Prozac, the company has reissued it with a catchy name Sarafem." -Mark Hyman, M.D. and Mark Liponis, M.D., Ultra~Prevention: The 6-week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life p. 76-77
“Nowhere does the Church’s Inquisition emerge as clearly as it does through the drugging of children as a means of control. The medieval Inquisition went beyond defining unorthodox beliefs and behavior as a “sin†and started calling them a crime. Criminals were punished, first by the Church and then by the secular authorities. Modern Medicine sets up its Inquisition to define behavior which doesn’t conform as sick. Then it proceeds to “punish†the guilty by “managing†them with drugs. Since the primary purpose of schools is not to liberate the intelligence through learning but to create properly socialized and manageable citizens, the Medical Church and the State join forces to maintain the public order. The Church enforces the behavior standards that suit the State, and the State enforces the exclusive view of reality that allows the Church to flourish. All in the name of Health—which, in reality, is not even a minor consideration of either party.†Confessions of a Medical Heretic, by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. (p. 35)
"Even if by some miracle we stopped all pesticide use today, these chemicals would remain with us, contaminating our environment and our food chains for the foreseeable future. DDT, one of the earliest pesticides, is one of a mere handful of these poisons that has actually been banned. Yet four years after the moratorium on DDT had been declared, the government tested soils in Arizona that had once been treated with DDT and found no measurable decrease in the amount in the soil. Twelve years after the chemical was banned in the United States, researchers checked 27 bottle-nosed dolphins found dead off the coast of California. They found extremely high concentrations of DDT in every one. So persistent is DDT in the environment that even now it continues to be found in the bodies of penguins and seals in Antarctica, seals in the Arctic ocean, and in frogs living at very high altitudes in remote regions of the Sierra Nevada mountains." -John Robbins, Diet For A New America p. 318
"Fifty years ago, the great Ogallala aquifer remained virtually inviolate, hardly touched by the amount of water being pumped out of her enormous reservoirs. But with the advent of factory farming and feedlot beef, the amount of water drawn from the Ogallala has risen dramtically. At the present time, more that 13 trillion gallons of water are taken from this enormous aquifer every year, with the vast majority used to produce beef. More water is withdrawn from the Ogallala aquifer every year for beef production than is used to grow all the fruits and vegetables in the entire country. American's grain belt, often called "the bread basket of the world," actually produces far more grain for factory farm and feedlot animal feed than bread for humans....If we continue pumping out the Ogallala at current rates, it's only a matter of time before most of the wells in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Colorado and New Mexico go dry, and portions of these states become scarcely habitable for human beings." ~John Robbins, "The Food Revolution" p.238-239
"Today we find our world filled with cancer-producing agents. An attack on cancer that is concentrated wholly or even largely on therapeutic measures (even assuming a "cure" could be found) in Dr. Hueper's opinion will fail because it leaves untouched the great reservoirs of carcinogenic agents which would continue to claim new victims faster than the as yet elusive "cure" could allay the disease. Why have we been slow to adopt this common-sense approach to the cancer problem? Probably "the goal of curing the victims of cancer is more exciting, more tangible, more glamorous and rewarding that prevention," says Dr. Hueper. Yet to prevent cancer from ever being formed is "definitely more humane" and can be "much more effective than cancer cures." Dr. Hueper has little patience with the wishful thinking that promises "a magic pill that we shall take each morning before breakfast" as protection against cancer. Part of the public trust in such an eventual outcome results from the misconception that cancer is a single, though mysterious disease, with a single cause and, hopefully, a single cure. This of course is far from the known truth. Just as enviromental cancers are induced by a wide variety of chemical and physical agents, so the malignant condition itself is manifested in many different and biologically distinct ways." ~Rachel Carson, "Silent Spring" p. 241
"For years, food technologists and academics alike knew that, in addition to its properties of sweetness and stability (which made it so useful to convenience food makers) there was something else unique about fructose. Unlike its cousin sucrose, fructose is selectively “shunted†toward the liver; it does not go through some of the critical intermediary breakdown steps that sucrose does. This was interesting, bur for years no one knew what it meant. Eventually, cell biologists figured out that fructose was being used in the liver as a building block for triglycerides. This it did by mimicking insulin’s ability to cause the liver to release fatty acids into the bloodstream (as demonstrated by Zammit in Scotland). Bombarded by fatty acids, muscle tissue develops insulin resistance…The fructose trouble hardly ends there. Fructose consumption –it now constitutes 9 percent of the average individual’s daily energy intake (and up to 20 percent of the average child’s diet)—has lately prompted science to look at another, more controversial, theory – that fructose consumption itself may have led to increased rates of obesity, not merely through increased calories, but through a variety of complex chemical reactions it stimulates in the human body. The theory has its origins in the 1970s, when European researchers began to chart the exact cellular pathways that determine whether or not a cell burns or stores new fuel. They soon focused on two critical enzymes, acyl-CoA and acyl-carnitine, which act as pathway regulators on the cell surface. Both seem to “tell†the inner cell whether to “store†or “burn†a newly arriving fat particle. Scientists then looked at the effect of the different fats and sugars on these enzymes. Two elements, glycerol and fructose, emerged as principal players. When these were present in abundance, acyl-CoA and acyl-carnitine levels were depressed, thus leading the researchers to conclude that fructose and glycerol “lower the rate of fatty acid oxidation.â€" ~Greg Critser, Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World (p. 136-138)
"In an amazing display of collective insanity, the meat producers of this country are feeding all sorts of animals to the animals they feed to us. Dead pigs and dead horses are ground up for cattle feed, and so are dead chickens. A lot of chicken manure gets mixed up into the feed in the process...which can spread salmonella, tapeworms and chemicals like arsenic...You want to hear something really disgusting? The cattle industry buys millions of dead cats and dogs from animal shelters every year, then feeds them to the cattle who end up in your burger...Oh, and they do the same with roadkill. Is your mouth watering now?" ~Morgan Spurlock, "Don't Eat This Book" (p.105)
Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock
"The Future of Food"
The Corporation
Read, watch, be informed its for your health.
Lets go down the rabbit hole...911 Loose Change, 2nd Edition. ..