MumsOnline is a growing, family run, parenting website primarily based in the UK but has members from all over the world!
Our niche (for lack of better word) seems to be that most of our members are very aware of environmental issues that threaten us globally and take action to do their part by using re-usable nappies (diapers), Mooncups, composting, etc as well as very child led parenting practices like attachment parenting, baby wearing, co-sleeping, and natural child births with minimal medical intervention.
We can boast that we have doctors, Douala's, midwives, health visitors, legislators, and mass media individuals who are all members on our site. With such a varied and topical group of people, the advice and support on hand is rarely equalled in typical online parenting communities.
We also have a fair amount of members who do not follow these methods of parenting or have the same concerns for the environment so the discussions can be heated at times, but I'm proud to say that even the most heated debates stay respectful of others' opinions and their right to have them. With that said, we invite all parents, parents to be, or any one else that can be a valuable member to our community! When it's all said and done, it's our members who make the site, no one individual!
We do not accept corporate sponsorships, nor do we plaster the site with advertisements as we never wanted to make money from the support and 'friendships' that our community offers. The advertisers we do have are mostly work at home parents who want to advertise their business to a very close knit community. With thanks to our advertising ethos, we do not have to toe the corporate line and we can remain ethical in what we promote to our members rather than huge Nestle campaigns dictating our site!
We are a friendly and open community who invites people from all walks of life whether they are parents or parents to be, or just those who may be able to benefit or provide information to like minded individuals.
Parenting forums
Start your own blog!
Review section (recently revamped, so we need your input!)
Competitions every month to win free stuff!And much, much more!
Feel free to stop by for a look, else add our Myspace account as a friend and be notified when we have new competitions that may interest you!
Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at MumsOnline soon!
And please remember, this Myspace page is a 'promotional tool' for us to get our name 'out there' and to reach as many people as possible... The majority of our community can be found at our forums . So, if you are looking for advice, support, interaction and/or conversation with like minded people about anything and everything, stop by today and check us out!