Expecting a baby? Got milk? Don't know what to do with it? CHANCES ARE NEITHER DOES YOUR OB, YOUR PEDIATRICIAN, OR YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR. That's why WE are here. Breastfeeding does not always come naturally to everyone. Unfortunately, there is a lot of incorrect, dated and unsupportive information out there bombarding new mothers. My goal, with the help of other veteran nursing mothers, is to weed out the bad info and support your new nursing relationship.Here, no question will be considered stupid. While this group was formed to advocate breastfeeding, no mother will be met with criticism, judgment or negativity. It will not be tolerated - No soapboxes!We are here to help! We want you to be successful and confident! So, ask away - milk supply issues, growth spurts, frequency of feeds, yeast, etc. Odds are, you will find someone who has had a similar situation and can completely identify with you. If not, I will make sure we research the situation and find you an answer or direct you to a professional. Your Breast Milk Can Help Save Premature and Critically-Ill Babies Like This OneGive Your Best To Those Most In Need. Become a Breast Milk Donor. Visit the National Milk Bank website at: www.nationalmilkbank.orgA baby dies every 30 seconds from unsafe bottle feeding The photograph below tells the tragic story of the fatalities that occur due to unsafe bottle feeding. "Use my picture if it will help" said this mother. The children are twins, the bottle-fed child is a girl who died the day after this photograph was taken by UNICEF in Islamabad, Pakistan. Her brother was breastfed and thrived. The mother was incorrectly told she could not breastfeed both children. This horrific picture demonstrates the risk of artificial infant feeding, particularly where water supplies are unsafe. The expense of formula can lead to parents over-diluting it to make it last longer or using unsuitable milk powders or animal milks. In all countries breastfeeding provides immunity against infections. Despite these risks the baby food industry aggressively markets breastmilk substitutes encouraging mothers and health workers to favour artifical infant feeding over breastfeeding. Such tactics break marketing standards adopted by the World Health Assembly. Nestlé, the world's largest food company, is found to be responsible for more violations than any other company and is the target of an international boycott.