Kitty Kowalski profile picture

Kitty Kowalski

I gave my life to Rock 'n Roll, and Rock 'n Roll gave me everything

About Me

I have been called "The Punk Rock Paris Hilton", and "Courtney Love without the damage" (by Kim Fowley. BTW, What IS Courtney Love without the damage?)
ROCKER: Oh, yeah, I have a band, Kitty & The Kowalskis. I don't send myspace invites, but if you are curious, check out our web site.
MOCKER: As a wannabe sex therapist, I write a not-so-professional sex advice column, so feel free to send me questions for an armchair-but-nevertheless-entertaining response in my blogs!
(Kitty as Hunter S. Thompson by Chuck E. Cheese)
WRITER: Speaking of sex, and rock and roll, and, uh, whatever, here's my regular column of rock world meanderings on and on Live Journal. More shite in my blogs here.
WRECKER: I used to co-own a nightclub called Coney Island High on St. Mark's Place, which was full of punk rock, underage drinking, all-ages mayhem, girls dancing on bars, sex acts in dark corners and after-hours debauchery. I can say that NOW because the city shut us down - for the DANCING part! Now I use my Acute Contagious Disco Awareness Power hunt down the action.
BAND PIMP: I promote shows so we can have something fun to do. I have my own band to pimp, but if I like you and your band and I have time, I will book you. Be nice, and most of all, ROCK!
PAPARAZZI: I have had photos published in Rolling Stone and Young Miss and tons of web/fanzines, as well as on CDs for The Epoxies, The Black Halos, Red Hot Poker Dots and more...I have over 23,000 images on my flickr site
REVEREND: Yes, that's The Reverend Kitty Kowalski to you, but the only thing I believe in is Rock and Roll. Say it, brother!
When you first meet me, you will think I am a complete and utter idiot. After you get to know me, you will realize I am an idiot savant!

My Interests

"All the way is never enough - too far is where you start gettin' to the good stuff - Rene Risque and The Art Lovers

rock, making the rock, playing the rock, photographing the rock, writing about the rock, promoting the rock, living the rock...

being a punk, a wise-ass, a big-mouth and an overall irritant, the antagonist movement, yoga, critters, dancing my ass off, photography, writing and otherwise spewing my drivel, DiY whatever, burning man, film, sweating, looking for experiences in all the weird places.

I am starting a revolution against our evil government, complacency comas, consumer culture, reality TV, celebrity worship and feminine deoderant spray.

I'd like to meet:

I like real people, not internet personas, websites, clothing companies or some other commercial interest. I get requests from folks who have heard about my bulletins or who have read my blogs. Just ping me first and I may add you. I DON'T REALLY NEED ANY MORE "FRIENDSTERS" for this interweb high-school popularity contest. Please don't be a loser or myspaceslut collector who can't take the enough time with my profile to realize I am married and don't really live my life on this thing. I don't do "chat". If you have time to waste, please visit

There is a reason I don't add bands I do not know here. If you think you can actually blow my mind, go to my BAND PAGE and I'll check you out there.

People who pay heed to these simple requests...


DON'T EVEN TRY TO ADD ME IF YOU ARE - "Death"-anything, whiney emo, "screamo", nu-metal, honky-"Funk", goth, formula-billy, or McPunk like every crap band on radio. Hardcore has sucked since 1984. "Serious" bands like Nickelback or Creed can fuck off. I don't care "how much you feel". BE FUN and HAVE FUN. If you rock, I will find you. It is one of my special talents.

This is the crap I like, and there's quite a lot of it:
Cheap Trick, Mozart operas, Kitty & The Kowalskis (because I have to), Queen, Turbonegro, Rezillos, Undertones, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, D Generation, Jesse Malin, Danny Sage, The Clash, The Ramones, Devo, X, Generation X, 6X, Johnny Thunders and/or The Heartbreakers, Ultravox, Visage, Captain Beefheart, Buzzcocks, Ohio Express, David Bowie, Mott the Hoople, Elton John, BellRays, Johnny Cash, Black Flag, Iggy and/or The Stooges, Dead Boys, New York Dolls, Dead Kennedys, The Carpenters, ABBA, Gram Parsons, Flying Burrito Brothers, Descendents, Bee Gees, Blondie, Dickies, The Toy Dolls, Mamas & Papas, The Monkees, Big Boys, The Soft Boys, Syd Barrett, Chuck Berry, George Jones, Ronnie Dawson, Drag the River, ALL, The Muffs, Supernova, CCR, Riverboat Gamblers, The Replacements, Paul Westerberg, Tommy Stinson, Gore Gore Girls, The Paybacks, Bad Brains, Sex Pistols, Psychedelic Furs. Pixies, DLR-era Van Halen, KISS, Motley Crue, Poison, Vic Thrill, The Kills, The Trakes, all Motown/Funk Brothers, Parliament/Funkadelic, The Damned, The Dictators, Desmond Dekker, Bon Scott era AC/DC, The Manges, The Move, The Ventures, The Vandals, Slade, The Sweet, The Sonics, MC5, Patti Smith, Hank Williams, Etta James, T Rex, Angry Samoans, The Wierdos, Henri Mancini, DOA, AOD (Adrenalin OD), Sux, Patsy Cline, Electric Six, Gary Numan, 45 Grave, The Go-Gos, 1910 Fruitgum Company, The Atlantics, The Neighborhoods, The Plimsouls, The Last, The Fast, The Real Kids, Rocket From The Crypt, Rocket From The Tombs, The Testors, The Wildhearts, The Rasperries, Badfinger, Big Star, Motorhead, pre-90s Guns 'n Roses, and any music I can spazz to.

I am a total 80s fag - Hair Metal, New Wave, etc. I am also a power-pop nut. 60s and 70s AM radio pop "gold" is freakin' fantastic.

I also don't get Black Sabbath or stoner rock. I mean, even LEMMY said he doesn't like Black Sabbath, so I'm not crazy, right?


Broadway Danny Rose (ya know, the FUNNY Woody Allen movies, but I'll add Crimes & Misdemeanors), Godfather II, Fight Club, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, City of Lost Children, The Krays, Office Space, Goodfellas, Boondock Saints, The Blues Brothers, The Empire Strikes Back, The Road Warrior (I have a theme going of liking the sequel better than the original), Sixteen Candles, Frailty, The Changeling, Kill Bill Pt 1 & 2, Star Struck, Forbidden Zone, Raising Arizona, Cinema Paradiso, Alien, Blade Runner, Sophie's Choice, Star 80, Mean Streets, Hairspray, Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, Lost in Translation, Hedwig & The Angry Inch, Caddyshack, Ladies and Gentlemen - The Fabulous Stains, The Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Desert, Terror Firmer (Troma!), and The B Reel


Who needs TV when I got T. Rex?


Anything by David Sedaris, Camus, Ayn Rand, Hemmingway, Charles Dickens and Flannery O'Connor; The 9/11 Commission Report, Autobiography of Malcom X, The Fountainhead, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Class by Paul Fussell, Backlash by Susan Faludi, Psychotic Reactions and Carburator Dung (Lester Bangs), Please Kill Me, Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon, Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh, The New Jackals (book about terrorism), The Fruit of Desire, e, Hoax by Nicholas Von Hoffman, Rogue States by Noam Chomsky. I also like Nicholson Baker, Knut Hamsun and Martin Amis. I have a Will Self book I've never read. Someone stole my hardcover copy of THE DIRT before I read it, and they must DIE!


Jon Stewart, Harriet Tubman, Joe Strummer, Sacha Baron Cohen, Rosa Parks, Simon Wiesenthal, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony, Betty Friedan, Malcom X, Hiawatha, Stephen Hawking, Buckminster Fuller, Joan Jett, Timothy Leary, Lenny Bruce, Dee Dee Ramone, Patsy Stone, Lucille Ball, Judge Judy, Debbie Harry and any other significant rocker, cultural contributor, revolutionary, devolutionist or everyday people fighting for equality, justice and basic human rights all over the planet. Anyone that makes me laugh.

My Blog

...and in this corner, John McCain...

Looks like we will have Obama in one corner, and John McCain in the other, unless Hillary can stop coming off as completely bitter, or the superdelagates override what seems to be the popular vote for...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:32:00 PST

Is Rational Behavior becoming a thing of the past?

I was recently reading a new book, "The Myth of the Rational Voter", which set to prove that even though people think they vote with their heads, they vote based on their emotions. It argues that dem...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 06:41:00 PST

Whatever happened to CBGB

Yes, it will be a place where I am sure they would appreciate residents from the BRC stumbling in to bum change every once in a while. I love how The Bowery is an "up and coming" neighborhood still a...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 05:49:00 PST

Before you ask me for sex or relationship advice, read this...

YES, I am thinking about getting the Sex column up again, but just as the questions that come up seem to follow a pattern, maybe I can give you some stock relationship advice that might head off some ...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 02:28:00 PST

STOP hacking, spamming and phishing from someone who knows...

No, I don't go posting shit about ringtones, designer handbags or porn sites. I've been getting a lot of weird e-mail and comments from people whom I know would not post that crap, so I am not report...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 12:57:00 PST

Blood Lust & Glory

We are a society in love with violence.  We are one of the few countries where death, dismemberment and decapitation are forms of entertainment (guess what other region loves this?  You...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 03:44:00 PST

smile and the fortune cookies smile with you...

I got TWO fortunes BOTH yesterday..."Your smile always brighterns the cloudiest days."and"Your smile makes everyone realize that the world is a lovely and beautiful place."Now, I'm not so crazy to thi...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 09:12:00 PST

I pimp out to the NY Post...

Did you catch the article with me in the New York Post? Don't want me to work? Then BUY THE RECORD!!!! har....
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:04:00 PST

minute marriage

My Big Fat 52-second Civil Ceremony!
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:47:00 PST

2006! The year in review!

(The Digest Version for my holiday card mailing guys know WAY more! ha ha!)Dearest Family, Friends, Romans and Countrymen,I have had more than a few people in the last couple of years lash...
Posted by Kitty Kowalski on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:28:00 PST