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bruno aleph wizard

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

See the new video from The Homosexuals. "The Way We Whirr", directed by M.Henry Jones! Click Here to Watch!
I sing, write produce, collaborate,arrange,drum,perform with various musical incarnations that I have put together since 1976 when I did my first ever shows in the birthplace of punk in England, The Roxy supporting The Damned and the Adverts. My band then was called The Rejects which rapidly metamorphosed into The Homosexuals in1978. Since then I have worked under many names and guises including working WITH,El Vague, George Harassment The Prolific Urdos and Sir Alec and The Phraser to name but a few. I would say my personality is hopefully non-existent but my character, noteworthy,reliable, mercurial,entertaining, flimflamboyant yet understated, apparently contradictory, porously oozing love from above, every day a new adventure and challenge. Let today be the day that I learn something that turns everything I thought I previously knew UPSIDE DOWN. Let me feel gravity in my ceiling,reality at my feet . I love to write, appreciate the warmth and inner beauty of a woman in love, to feel the breath of Spirit blowing through the miracles that surround me in Nature everyday, to kiss ,travel, to be moved by the magical properties of words from the mouth of others and myself. To sing with my body ,dance with my voice and paint with my words whist travelling through this realm as an invisible mystic architect/troubador leaving behind a treasure of beautiful songs in bombed out buildings. Relics of a memorable civilization. I may feel differently tomorrow and if that proves to be the case I may let you know at some point. Who knows? Life is such a sweet mystery. I have been doing my first shows since 1985 with my latest incarnation of The Homosexuals, a mixture of great young Russian musicians and guest perfomers who happen to be within my creative orbit. In 2004 I played in New York with The HOMOSEXUALS (In Exile) agroup of very talented artists who I met for the FIRST time 5 hours before the gig at The KNITTING FACTORY in downtown NEW YORK. Needless to say the show was magnificent, well according to The Village Voice, and I will return early in the New Year for a further series of shows /performance art/spoken word/ritual fetish style execution!!! in New York, Baltimore/ Chicago/WashingtonDetroit and possibly some West Coast dates. For more info on The Homosexuals check out THE TRUTH WILL OUT!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED VOAGUESTERS AND CHARLETANS. Ah Life is such a sweet mystery. WHO ARE THE GURU DOLLS???. LOOk IN YOUR HEART FOR THE ANSWER. Now you see why some call me a twat!!!, but I love them for it

My Interests

writing in all it's myriad, delightful forms, writing and performing music/poetry/rivers of consciousness/travelling/reading/discovering the beauty in an empty can of beans/ saying goodbye to a whole millenium in my lifetime, going to New York (my spiritual home) confronting my own physical rmortality and learning how to live forever. I discovered that I cannot create or destroy energy, merely channel it in a relevant way or be swept away by it. This is my consuming interest, to understand how I move and am moved by this energy, whether , physical, mental, emotional, spiritual . I am transfixed with interest on where my energy came from , how it is manifesting itself at this very moment and this is the Big One ; where is it headed .I observe the way millions consume themselves with religion, the business of spirituality the delusional feeding of their fears with a kind of spiritual materialism, politico-religioso mantras, good folk bad folk, what does there heaven/paradise look like//full ofvirgins??? politicians who bombed innocent people in the name of Jesus/Krishna/Allah/Jehovah. INTERESTS ??? Yes these things interest me along with many other things too detailed to document here //////// to be continued /// in the best tradition of The Illuminati/Rosicrucians/Da Vinci Code/ Ha Ha Ha / The Secret Protects Itself

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who realises that Love is the only worthwhile bond in any relationship, whether Divine, Agape, Filial, Platonic or Erotic; anyone who feels that there is no love without trust, love is not selfish, it considers another before itself, love is compassionate and unconditional. any given time it would appear that less than 0..000000001% of the population of this planet are conscious of the true nature of reality, the rest are asleep. I would love to meet these people and possibly the manufacturer of the world's biggest digital alarm clock!!! Consciousness , like love is qualitative , not quantative and so a few conscious people working together can have an exponential effect out of all proportion to their numbers. Do I make myself clear? I love to meet women who still have love in their heart regardless of how much they may have suffered at the hands of immature men ( most men are little boys who hit 12 years of age and never get through puberty) and I love to let them mirror the female aspects of my own nature. Is this asking too much.? Of course not !!! This is a condition of life on this planet and women love Love. I look forward to meeting the people I NEED to meet at the appropriate time whether in cyber/outer/inner/myspace I cannot tell you anything about myself really, I depend on YOU for that. Until that time let me carry on whirling in my vortex of ragga/rock/electro/hip-hop/blues/indie/drun'n'bass/classical /house/disco/countryandeastern/reggae/world music and see who I encounter there


Most western popular music comes from the blues/Africa. I love to trace this beautiful mystical,musical mystery back through all the music that I love. If you have read my profile you will have seen the music that moves me and how I move through music. As the alchemist said " As above, so below" Let the music commence. Without music there would be no life on this planet. So let me hear you singing motherforya!!! If you would like to know more about my music , then check out The Homosexuals on Rhythmn and melody, uniqueness and diversity


I tend to just read reviews of movies and this stimulates the projectionist in my head to change the reel. Very few movies live up to the hype to warrant an actual visit to the cinema. Of course there are notable exceptions like Malcolm X, Excalibur, Night Porter, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, Gandhi etc. I enjoy hearing what other people like about THEIR favourite films


My screen attracts much dust and I can never be too sure of what I am seeing. However I have enjoyed documentaries, music and culture based programmes, late night educational programmes, cartoons as a healthy substitute for "acid", English and American comedies, news channels and general ambush, serendipity and surf t.v




I do not have heroes, merely people I respect for various reasons. I will elucidate further at some point in the not too distant future. We are human and as such all have feet of clay so I think it is dangerous to elevate any of us to hero status course!

My Blog

Playing at the Knitting Factory in NYC with John Zorn - May 11th, 2008

The Wizard will be playing a set of Homosexuals' classics backed by the boys of Apache Beat & Unsacred Hearts. This is going to be a good one...Sunday, May 11th@ The Knitting Factory74 Leonard St....
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Tue, 06 May 2008 08:36:00 PST

SXSW review from The Washington Post

SXSW: The Homosexuals Provide the Festival Highlight AUSTIN - I just had the closest thing to a religious experience since my bar mitzvah. The Homosexuals played the most dynamic, explosive set I...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:36:00 PST

Punkcast 1178. Bruno Wizard at Cake Shop. July 2007

..>..>..> PUNKCAST1178 Bruno Wizard and The Imaginary IconsCake Shop NYCJul 9 2007 sponsored by WWWhatsup Online Pinstand with thanks to Cake Shop ..> ..>..>..> 'laughing virgins' ..> ..>..>..>...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:56:00 PST

3 part video podcast from 1996

From Plastic Tourist ArchiveInterview 1: Bruno Wizard Part 3/Nature Thursday, September 14, 2006 listen...?   ...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:48:00 PST

From This is Romo

From This is Romo:Bruno Wizard What can we say? A living legend? Ever present at both Club Skinny and Arcadia offering sagely advice to the up and coming young starlets. ...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:43:00 PST

The Homosexuals: Astral Glamour Reviews

Pitchfork Media Brian Howe writes: "Astral Glamour might be the collection by which the best punk band that no one heard finally get their due... "Astral Glamour unites The Homosexuals' fragmentary oe...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:36:00 PST

A Punk Lourdes: Bruno Wizard on Dee Dee Ramone, The Chelsea, and Early Punk Rock

A Punk Lourdes: Bruno Wizard on Dee Dee Ramone, The Chelsea, and Early Punk Rock At last we get a real rock star in this hotel! Bruno Wizard, singer and songwriter for the seminal 70s punk b...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:35:00 PST

Pitchfork Media Review: The Homosexuals - Astral Glamour

Pitchfork Media ReviewHomosexuals Astral Glamour [box set] [ReR/Morphius Archives; 2004] Rating: 8.0 ..Buy it from Insound ..Download it from Emusic ..Digg this article ..Add t...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:05:00 PST


POP GOES THE EASEL        The story begins in the ladies restroom in Nambucca, North London. This place is the home of nu-indie in London and there is a shoot going ...
Posted by bruno aleph wizard on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:02:00 PST