I DJ, make music, write and promote the club CALLING ALL TRIBES with Buster Bennett. I AM ALSO PROMOTE C-abberation - London's weirdest cabaret party ********I AM A NEW FRONTIERSMAN -----I WANT A VISION OF UTOPIA.
I'm not exactly sure what the fuck is going on but it is certainly compelling.
I really like awkward social moments.
and looking at things I shouldn't be looking at
and trying in vain to understand other people and their motivations
and I'm learning to shut up and listen.
There are strange things happening right now; some of them are rerun on the network news channels for all willing eyes, filmed live, headlines slashed across the screen in porno primary colours - some of them happen in squalid backrooms, under blinking fluorescents on worn Formica tables, the product of subtle transactions you’ll never understand. The result is the same though; these are strange times, tuck the duvet up to your ears and hide times.
Even though I’m just another jaded observer, another Internet life supported desperate seeker, I can tell you with that weird authority of the perpetual outsider that there is indeed heavy shit going down. It’s time to wake up kids, the witchdoctors are jabbering and pointing at the clouds. The sky is down, the ground is up, there are chemicals in the water and the script has changed mid-performance. The clowns are in town.
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At what price this stupefied freedom?
This dead eyed, easy whore of slot machine satisfaction; this religiously enforced hegemony of dreams and ideals shrink wrapped to attain a commodified, sterile perfection and sold back to us on mass. What blunted horizons are we hurtling towards, what soured, half-lit home lives animated with dull emotion, the spectrum of human emotion nullified by the by the gentle but constant hum of impending doom. The same steady hum that is the unifying sound of mediocrity, of idling civilisation, of perpetual stale comfort. It’s the omnipresent air conditioning, the car idling, the refrigeration unit, the stand-by whir of a life that is promised but never quite really there. It’s stalled on the pages of a magazine, glinting playfully in somebody else’s retouched, winking eye, it isn't yours.
PLUS Every colour in the rainbow, no thought censored, no future impossible.!AIM FOR THE POINT OF NO RETURN!I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)