people interest me... width="425" height="350" ..
Charismatic people who are sweet and imaginitive. And a bit nuts.. .. ..
TLC, ACDC, KRS1 ( this is really a secret code..) and Joan jett...any song that gives me that feeling...
Napolean Dynamite. Lost in Translation. Annie Hall, - any Woody Allen film, Drugstore cowboy. ....very, VERY, serious and heavy ARt House shit.
nah -oh - yeah, maybe GM tv... I'm a morning person.
Welcome to hard times - E.L Doctrow, anything by Jean Rhys or Katherine Mansfield. Ghostwritten - David Mitchell. Oh, and Lolita.
My sisters. Mala,( -GENIUS! ), Zlata, Kerry, Tom, Rabbit, Lizzie, vickie, Rebecca C and introducing Angel B. Dad. all in a canary yellow charger on the way to the beach...??