revolution, money, violence, killing men, pissing stupid people off, hating on all forms of power except the manipulation i myself perpetuate, people worship, lies, sex, reasons to live, people to hate, harassing cops, disbanding the government, stealing, crop circles and the connected cattle mutilations, astral projection, making my cat purr loudly, scaring people, dreams, illegal things, rape
Anyone who shows up at this spot:
Please note:
I only talk to random men who compel me to spend time typing. Often, it is to remind them how disgusting they are.
Just because you are some dude who thinks I am hot does not entitle you to a message back from me, or a comment on your ridiculous looking pics, or even a listen to your crappy band. Bad music hurts my ears, and my comments about it would hurt your ego...I promise.
a note about comments:
or those who call themselves men, dont leave your comments that are pictures of yourself grabbing the breasts of a woman or carrying one off to bed. It makes me want to vomit, literally. Dont think about leaving a picture of your face looking "sensitive" because that just makes me want to hit you to be quite honest. I try to block fuckers whenever i get a chance, but DAMN there are so many of you on this computer box.
Also, when you threaten me with violence or send me your little message about how I should eat shit and die, I actually feed off of your negative energy and a new posse member is born. Every fucking time. So just know that every time you tell you girlfriend to "stop looking at that bitches page", there is a woman who hits a man back and declares, "well hell, I suppose I AM a pissed off pussy!!"
the movie that is playing inside of my head.
in the closet.
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the one i am writing:
sexy violence
yes, this is a real book.
send an email to pre-order.
visit pissed off pussy dot com
CURRENT MOON moon phasesNat Turner / mothers everywhere / anyone who can get the job done