the infamous lady t profile picture

the infamous lady t

kill men now

About Me

a blue self existing hand waiting for time to change and for the noosphere to replace this silly game.
the logo t available now !!! myspace special
My pussy is pissed off.
It all started when bushes started to spread like weeds, and became violent. She hit the streets looking to manufacture the demise of the man, perpetuating her savagery through me. She joined the frontlines of the kitty connection (a.k.a. the pissed off pussy patrol). My pussy transferred her leadership to me. I write her propaganda in order to keep your mind moving between trips to the gas station, McDonalds, & your TV.
Consider this weekly news to abuse the man with.
This is the quantum physics of the revolution / shit before its time to expand the mind and lay waste all your automated assumptions. To feed this system is a crime. Pissed Off Pussy maintains the function of the vigilante fist used to puncture the eye of the man as he cries / to punish for all of the lies about “freedom” while we sit incarcerated to wait for a bush to detonate his blazing nuclear tomahawk with his childhood playmates.
This is not just a survival guide, but a tool to oppress the oppressor.
Pissed Off Pussy spits: ‘kill men!’ and you ask why? Why does the man kill? Why does he try to place his slimy little conspirators between my thighs when he really wants to crush me / purchase my pleasantries / own the reason why I’m allowed to survive, as if it’s a gift to me?
Follow the leader(s): kill because you can.
Use the man’s lies to victimize his mind. Flip the script. Rape “politically correct” ideologies. Curse. Massacre. Split him from his sanity. Lack sportsmanship. Play for the Pissed Off Pussy Team.
Pissed Off Pussy is the pusher of hallucinogenic mind energy, reflecting the transverse of the piss and shit we are fed daily. She intoxicates angrily, hungry for the destruction of the dick who smacks her in the face while she bleeds; trying to perpetuate seeds of revolution.
She asks: ‘Why are we expected to give out pussy to members of patriarchy so freely / accused of pimping ourselves for profit / first date fuck nightmares as he thinks I owe him the spread of my cheeks for the cost of the putrefied meat he wants to buy me from Denny’s?’ Reciprocity is not a realistic part of this dream. Dick verbiage to me is as deep as a condom.
And for the “men” who hate, realize as you grab your rocks to get off your cock, I mastered more than you ever will before you even started masturbating. Real men are on the Pissed Off Pussy team. Don’t try to hate, try to eliminate the predisposition for brutality. Consider it unsafe to stroll through the streets holding dear your capitalistic notions of safety, security. Pissed Off Pussy is now on the scene.
For the ladies who need a more explicit directive in your quest to capture the revolutionary spirit, Pissed Off Pussy has a poem to help inspire you:
as they stare at your tits, try to kill them.
as they learn your gaze, change your hair.
as they steal your heart, steal their wallets.
as they smack your face, punch them there...

My Interests

revolution, money, violence, killing men, pissing stupid people off, hating on all forms of power except the manipulation i myself perpetuate, people worship, lies, sex, reasons to live, people to hate, harassing cops, disbanding the government, stealing, crop circles and the connected cattle mutilations, astral projection, making my cat purr loudly, scaring people, dreams, illegal things, rape

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who shows up at this spot:

Please note:

I only talk to random men who compel me to spend time typing. Often, it is to remind them how disgusting they are.

Just because you are some dude who thinks I am hot does not entitle you to a message back from me, or a comment on your ridiculous looking pics, or even a listen to your crappy band. Bad music hurts my ears, and my comments about it would hurt your ego...I promise.

a note about comments:


or those who call themselves men, dont leave your comments that are pictures of yourself grabbing the breasts of a woman or carrying one off to bed. It makes me want to vomit, literally. Dont think about leaving a picture of your face looking "sensitive" because that just makes me want to hit you to be quite honest. I try to block fuckers whenever i get a chance, but DAMN there are so many of you on this computer box.

Also, when you threaten me with violence or send me your little message about how I should eat shit and die, I actually feed off of your negative energy and a new posse member is born. Every fucking time. So just know that every time you tell you girlfriend to "stop looking at that bitches page", there is a woman who hits a man back and declares, "well hell, I suppose I AM a pissed off pussy!!"




the movie that is playing inside of my head.


in the closet.


subscribe to blog

the one i am writing:
sexy violence
yes, this is a real book.
send an email to pre-order. visit pissed off pussy dot com


CURRENT MOON moon phasesNat Turner / mothers everywhere / anyone who can get the job done

My Blog


Posted by the infamous lady t on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 03:11:00 PST

empty sex

essence ripped from eyeball glancesentranced by demons protecting the goddessyour insides dance to the melody my scent leaves on your tonguehoneyed, drunkthe air from me is genesis and you cum home ne...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 01:02:00 PST

Time Code Shift - full moon wednesday

From "Children of the Sun"*************SOLSTICE AND THE GAIA GATEWAY Time Code Shift ~ One Harmonic Overtone CreatedChildren of the Sun Foundation received the following information which is in synch...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:03:00 PST


I don't really care or share with you I would rather walk alone I'm forgetting where I wasI don't really think it's fair of you I would rather stay at home I'm forgetting just because*Don't ...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 09:18:00 PST

NHI video featuring Aloe Blacc

Thank you to the Street Inc. crew for their editing work on this video from NHI 5.28.08. A clip of the poem I read that night is on here too (me looking nerdy), so check it out. See you tomo...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 02:10:00 PST

magnetic poetry trilogy <<kill the men>>

kill the menuse your kisspoisonmagicsee the prisoner stiff with secretsnaked smilequestioning over slow sex seeping like loverememberthe universe is wildwetdarksome ghosts bleedembrace selfcelebrate y...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:24:00 PST

for my ladies who are bleeding...

...bleed with ease and know we are naturally regulated by the new moon that was dark with possibility. reflect on what you can do to fill it up, to allow the world to fill you as the moon gets full be...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:02:00 PST

neighbors can make you want to...

...kill them. but i dont really want to KILL my in murder. i think i just want to sew his mouth closed.i am not going to proofread this blog. i am going to type it and then maybe i am go...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Sat, 31 May 2008 10:27:00 PST

my Stevie playlist

1. Looking for Another Pure Love - Talking Book2. Tuesday Heartbreak - Talking Book3. Rocket Love - Hotter Than July4. Superwoman - Music of My Mind5. You've Got it Bad Girl - Talking Book6. Track 11 ...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Mon, 26 May 2008 10:38:00 PST

lectures of love coming from cocks...

lectures of love coming from cocks derived out of hate to keep me in my place but I see clear through the cum stains through the dirty rain painting my balcony muddy I smell the sewer and I know the g...
Posted by the infamous lady t on Sun, 25 May 2008 11:35:00 PST