Ruffly in 1948 a band emerged into the currently decrepit and uninspired music scene. After a few months of lazy practices in whichever garage that'll accept them the band was able to make a few but sweet songs. Those few (known) songs were all that was left by the band but they inspired Oh! so many. The unknown band ended up being covered by musical legends such as Bob Dylan, Miles Davis, and the androgynous Boy George, though they were never accredited by such acts. Though the band and those involved are still, and will probably forever remain unknown, their fandangled and enlightened spirit, to this day, remains in all the generations subcultures and the hearts of all semi-musically-inclined just-post-teen musicians with a way off fucking key singer. PreHistoric Time magazine dubs them as the most influentially uninfluenced band to this day. May their souls raise all young ones hearts.R.I.P. n? may the letters to fallow gain better praise.