CAR-E is Over profile picture

CAR-E is Over

iCAR-E do you?

About Me

START Block to Display Friends in Div myspace div code !-close tables, leave only one table level open-!

My Interests


Member Since: 9/5/2006
Band Website: Coming Soon
Band Members: !-START CUSTOM CODE IN band members -!: Shamefull Self Promotion: This code was written by me. Author's Blog : Close open tables (all but one) so that our div is less effected by the items we render display:none or visibility:hidden : !-Create and size our div.-! : !-IF you Add Content, to your about us space, you may want to increase this height, to avoid overlap with friends. -!: !-top image-!: !-left column. Outer div myDivA must have enough height to hold this, or this will overlap the friends. -!: Home Pictures Message Me Add Friend Favorite My Friends My Comments My Videos Add Comment My Blog Site Block Me Close div.links: !-Each menu block is slightly over-sized, so that the sizing differences between IE and FF are minimized and more evenly distributed. -!:

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CAR-E Info

Age: 20
Manager: Needed
Dreadpirate | Frankie

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Close div.leftside: ADD CAR-E TO myspace !-Each Paragraph is now in a div. Use of P causes more cross-browser sizing difference than a div does. -!: Please Note:: I don't really want to become labeled as a 'rapper' I use whatever means i can to raise awareness of the troubles we face on a daily basis worldwide. I am not a preacher, religious person or weirdo (haha) i just have a goal to send a message to millions worldwide and not only teach them about the problems people are facing but also show them. I wont stop until i succeed. The life i have lived so far has been far from terrible in fact i have seen and done so much more then others wouldn't be so lucky to even think about. Reaching 13 and i had already been to the USA twice and other places around the globe.What i didn't realise was my upbringing and surroundings was shall we say ad-normal. I was born in Toxteth, Liverpool 8; South Side of the city. My childhood was fun, i remember seeing many negative things many being things you would never ever dream of seeing and being surrounded by. If i said as a kid i was an angel and 100% innocent i would be labeling myself a liar. I must stress i was never no God and i have always remained far from perfect. At this point i would like to leave my surroundings for a later date. I didn't realise i was being bullied for quite a while, i thought fighting was normal. At 11 i was at my first and only comprehensive high school. I lasted three weeks and for me, it was living hell. I was severely bullied by older youths and i suffered allot of pain and that pain has mentally scarred me. I was chased and beating, i was physically and mentally made to feel bad about myself, made to look silly and used to make older gangs look 'tough'. At the tender age of 11 i attempted to hang myself due to school hate, bullying, lonely ness and pain. My pain was known and i was interviewed for a newspaper article which got named 'Call of the Child'. Time went on and i always remained scarred with deep memories of hopelessness and loneliness. At 13 the next thing hit me quite hard, my best friend, who was my granddad died on Christmas Day 2000. I couldn't believe it and it hit me like a tonne of bricks to the face. It hurt me greatly and i found it very hard to cope with. My parents decided they had to move, get away from everything. So they did, being 14 i obviously got dragged along, i moved away about 15 miles north to a place called St. Helens and said goodbye to everything and anyone i ever knew. That was the end of that. I thought being bullied so badly and having no one to talk to was lonely. Moving and knowing no one at all was tough, from 14-16 i basically lived indoors, feeling alone and had a computer as a best friend. I look back now and think 'woah, no wonder i was depressed!' Well if you aint' guessed yet i got depression at 11 and like most i wasn't diagnosed. I thought that pain and the feelings where normal? I didn't really see much happening so i decided to follow my brothers foot steps and join the army at 16 and 11months, Royal Engineers. I passed my barb test and i was prepared and ready to just go and do something with my life, but when push come to shove the army basically said 'o, wait, you are too young you should go college' So that i did; and never gave the army a second thought! I made so many friends and did so much only thing was i could never concentrate and i had bad mood swings, i lacked in motivation and i came from a different background to most in the place. I didn't really fit in and i went for the sake of going, i loved the dinner times more then anything. I didn't realise all the symptoms where those of the depression! I eventually found and fell in love for the first ever time, which i will never regret. I noticed my life's mental scarred events kind of disappeared, was this because i use the relationship and friendship with her as a hideaway? I believe so. I did actually have suicidal thoughts while being in love; i have always had them. i thought everyone did. After around two years we split and sadly the same week my dads best friend died. I noticed when i was back alone, it brought everything back, i mean everything. Every last detail. Was i going mad? Was i crazy, was i completely nuts? I didn't feel down because i was now single, i felt down because i felt everything had hit me (everything being my life events). Why was that? I had a breakdown. I was so down, upset, lonely, fearless, careless, angry i wanted to die, i was being told in my head i should die, i found myself crying allot eventually the pain and lonely ness took over me. It drove me crazy and on 6th June 2006 i attempted to take my own life via an overdose. So there we have it in a very brief view (until the site!) from 11 - 19 years of age i was depressed, now clinically proven and i was told by councilors, doctors and a psychiatrist that not only has my life hit me hard, i have been mentally ill for years growing up and the pain inside me has got bigger and bigger over the years. Depression in an illness, it's a mental illness which affects millions worldwide. When depressed who can help? Who can we turn to? You feel so alone and you feel no one understands. What can you do other then just end it? I am here to help and i hope to do as much as possible, we can chat, you can listen to my tracks, message me, poor your heart out. There is a tomorrow, tomorrow will come. Sexual abuse, racism, bullying, suicide and depression are very tough and 'mute' topics in today's society i stand up proudly and openly to help as many as i can. Please reach out to me. There's six billion people in the world what's going to make you stand from the crowd? Do you have a dream? You can reach it - Do you have goals? Make them! Get up and forget wanting, get it; Stay positive. Some people wake up with depression i say leave him asleep. You can achieve anything you want within realistic terms and you can make a difference, you can. I joined myspace 6th September 2006 here is what i have achieved so far, after 8 years of depression, two suicide attempts, severe bullying, four schools, three college 'years' and no qualifications: Over 500,000 MySpace plays Over 28,000 friend requests Radio Interviews Awarded at the Anthony Walker citizenship Gala dinner Been in the press/magazines several times Filmed several times VIP Night outs Become an ambassador for Miss East Africa UK Hosted events as a special guest the list goes on and on... I have also met countless amounts of famous people & become associates with some, no A-List ers as of yet! and most importantly reached and helped thousands of people worldwide So i ask you this if i can turn my life and illness around and do this, what can you do? I am no one special, Reach your dreams, you CAN and WILL reach them. I believe in you, but remember for every one person that believes in you 1000 people wont so learn about self believe. Get up, get out there! Use your skill, your talent, your knowledge and yourself to reach the impossible. Life is all about choices, sometimes you will choose the incorrect things but you use that to learn from. Use your faith to have hope and use your hope to achieve anything and everything! I started as a kid from Liverpool, now i am known worldwide and spend alot of time in London and many other places, you could too! Go for it. Close div.aboutus: Close div.myDivA: !-do NOT close div.myDiv. It will close automatically when the containing table closes. We want our music player to be logically inside this div, so we can measure its placement based on the div instead of the whole page. This is more important if you keep the search and top menus, but doesn't hurt in any case.-! : !!Open same number of tables we closed.!! :

!-END CUSTOM CODE IN band members -!:
Influences:!-START CUSTOM CODE IN Influences-!: !START Style Block For Hiding Elements on Band Page!: !End Style Block For Hiding Elements on Band Page!: !-END CUSTOM CODE IN Influences -!:
Sounds Like: Something unique
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Year - New Plans - New Hopes

Hey, So it is 2008, i am 21 this July. Happy New Year all. The first plan of action is to complete another 3 tracks and boost my MySpace Plays to 1million. I hope to get interest from radio nationwid...
Posted by CAR-E is Over on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 09:26:00 PST

Random Thoughts

  Like a man with no sight i fail to see the future, i am able to able to imagine my dreams but honestly cannot imagine living them After press, publicity, hundreds of thousands of plays, video ...
Posted by CAR-E is Over on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 05:12:00 PST

Sexual Abuse and Racism Stats & Figures

The more comments and Kudos this blog gets the more people that will see it, so support anti - racism and sexual abuse and comment/kudos it - thanks! What is racism? Racism is treating someone diffe...
Posted by CAR-E is Over on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST

Depression/Suicide Stats & Figures

The more comments and Kudos this blog gets the more people that will see it, so support the fact that depression is a problem that needs to be known and comment/kudos it - thanks! Have I Got ...
Posted by CAR-E is Over on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST

Bullying Stats & Figures

The more comments and Kudos this blog gets the more people that will see it, so support anti - bullying and comment/kudos it - thanks!Sonia Sharp, an expert on bullying, said in a speech for Brighton ...
Posted by CAR-E is Over on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:29:00 PST

Poverty Stats & Figures

The more comments and Kudos this blog gets the more people that will see it, so support the fact that poverty is a problem that needs to be dealt with - thanks!...
Posted by CAR-E is Over on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST