Random Raff facts and FAQS:
First, I am very grateful for the loving attention that comes via myspace and really enjoy the connection it can bring. However, sometimes it's hard to keep up with the mail and comments, so it may take me a little while to get back to messages.
I am not a dominatrix! Yes, I look like one, and certainly have nothing against any sort of fetish lifestyle, and indeed have many friends who are involved in all sorts of games and careers along those lines. But I'm not interested in being anyone's mistress and humbly request that you refrain from sending photos of yourself in a diaper or a maid's uniform.
My life is a half-open book--you are welcome to ask whatever questions you like and most will be answered. However, if you are rude, uncouth, or obnoxiously invasive you will be deleted. I am a rock and roll bitch but abhor truly rude or unnecessarily unkind behavior. In other words—be nice and fucking polite, jerky.
I believe with all my heart that that anyone over the age of 12 caught riding a scooter on the sidewalks of NY (or any city, for that matter) should be elbowed into traffic.
I am regularly accused of being a gay man in a woman’s body, most often by gay men.
I am completely melodramatic but find unnecessary drama tedious.
I believe that friends are family that you choose yourself, and value my friendships very highly. I am very loyal and take it personally if someone hurts or harasses the people I love.
Wes Anderson films make me homicidal. I also have strong suspicions that Sarah Silverman could very well be the Guf spoken of in the Seventh Sign.
I am extremely territorial but working on it. In the meantime, it is wise to step lightly on my stuff, especially if there is alcohol involved.
Sometimes I am asked for my private beauty tips, so here is my number one myspace beauty secret, which I adhere to religiously: Post only the most flattering photos of yourself whenever possible.
I am nowhere near as cool as I pretend to be. My family, many of whom are also on myspace, will be more than happy to back this statement up with photos, diagrams, and tape recordings.
I hate people who say, “I never use the word 'hate'.†Shut the fuck up, Pollyanna.
No, I am not a full on vegan, but I try to eat vegan/vegetarian as often as possible because I believe it’s irresponsible and selfish not to--irresponsible to the animals who suffer to become our meals, to our environment which is damaged and ill-used by the raising/murdering of “livestockâ€, to our own bodies, and to our souls and energy bodies. I don't wish to cause suffering or bring the energy of suffering into my body. That being said, I am a work in progress and still prone to snatching bits of steak off of your plate when you aren’t looking.
I am an old school rock chick. Meaning that I prefer Aerosmith before they got clean, I loathe hipsters and the scene in Williamsburg makes me want to beat my head on the Brooklyn pavement. I also still think long hair looks hot on guys and believe that the White Stripes would sound great if Jack White acquired a good bass player and a real drummer. I yearn for the days when rock stars roamed the earth as plentiful as bison. I guess this is the long way of saying no, I’m very sorry but I am not interested in taking the L train to check out your new emo band.
I've been tattooed by Mike Ledger , Chris Garver , John Clue , some maniac at Hanky Panky in Amsterdam, and Louis Lombi.
34D, yes they’re real and thanks for the interest.
I am a powerful person. As are you.