Dano profile picture


Don't make me continue calling you out on your bullshit. I tire easily.

About Me

- I IGNORE FRIEND REQUESTS. Don't break my balls... get a friggin' puppy.
- I'd much prefer you send a message to say hello, than a 'friend request' which I may never see
- If you send a TXT message advertising your next gig, I will be sure to purposely miss it. Having you pimp your show directly to me while I'm home, sleeping, eating or screwing will only irritate me. Your band is good - but not that flippin' good. Feel me?
- Allergic to liars and schemers
- Be honest with yourself before trying to be anything with me.
- If you're seeking the path to happiness, pay attention to the on-ramp when it presents itself
- Judge me all you want, but keep the verdict to yourself
- I'm terrible with names, but I remember tastes well.
- I have a snaggletooth, and I'm not afraid to use it.
- In the end, it's really all about Lemmy.
- There are 3 types of people in the world: Those who can count, and those who cant.
- Techno makes my colon hurt.
- While talented, neither Kurt Cobain nor Bob Dylan should be classified as a genius.
- IMHO, J.C. certainly WAS tapping Mary M.
- No, portobello mushrooms are NOT "just like a steak"
- Watching a lefty write makes me cringe
- Cowards and time-wasters, need not bother
- Joke 'em if they can't take a f*ck
- It's important to find your comfort zone... and stay out of it.
- There is no room in friendships for ultimatums
- Don't make me continue calling you out on your bullshit. - I tire easily.
- People are not meant to be treated like artichoke petals
- Insanity trumps beauty. Always. Trust me on this one.

My Interests

red meat * red wine * red heads * molten caramel body waxing * photography * anything involving melted cheese * salt 'n vinegar chips * sammiches * communicating with the 'quirrels * L&B sicilian after Coney Island beach * Roll & Roaster at midnight * Roast Beef w/ mozzarella, brown gravy and onions from John's Deli * Nag Champa * Red Pear @ American Trash * Ketel One @ Three of Cups * Blacktooth @ Duff's * Angry pirates * fresh guacamole * Strawberry Quik * TANG * Slushy/frozen Cran-Grape * Carvel banana shakes * King Cones * going into a bakery and asking for a half pound of pound cake, just to see the glazed look I get * laying naked and inhaling that ozone smell during a lightning storm * post-coital ice cream * feeling as fresh as a country lane after a spring shower, which can only be brought on by a good Summer's Eve douching * Touching my junk while thinking about a foursome with David Hasselhoff and Statler & Waldorf (the balcony hecklers) from the Muppet Show * laughing so hard that no sound comes out * airbrushing * trivia * Scrabble * nostalgia: old-school tunes, video-games and photos * random acts of kindness (like paying the toll of the stranger behind you) * random acts of cruelty (like crapping in your friends Froot Loops while he's out the room) * joking around about the above random acts of cruelty * spanking it before going to work * tex avery cartoons * calling people 'schmucknutt, jacktart, and humpsmack' * increased self-awareness * struggling to change my negative traits * accepting that in myself that will not change * letting the candy shell of individual M&M's dissolve on my tongue * rubbing off the 'S' on Skittles and painting on 'M' just to fuck with stoner friends * removing the tags from pillows and mattresses * running with scissors * having L'Amour flashbacks * writing 'Thanks for the hummer!' in the memo section of checks I write * my LoveSac (www.lovesac.com) * Odd Todd (www.oddtodd.com)*

I'd like to meet:

-People who have nice things to say about others
-People I can learn from
-People who give without expecting
-People who respect others as well as themselves
-People willing to ASK for help, instead of just expecting it
-People who own up, stand up and man up.


Motley Crue * Brides of Destruction * Tom Jones * Toby Lightman * TON * Sass Jordan * Frank Sinatra * MOTOWN * ... Oh, just go to Three of Cups on a Friday night. It's all there...


The Godfather 1&2 * Midnight Run * Office Space * Goodfellas * Casino * Animal House * Glengarry Glen Ross * Pulp Fiction * Better Off Dead * Reservoir Dogs * The Boondock Saints * The Warriors


Curb Your Enthusiasm * Family Guy(NOTE: If you don't find Family Guy hysterical, then you don't deserve friends.) * Jeopardy * L&O * The Odd Couple reruns *


The Four Agreements * The DIRT * Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life : A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life by Larry Winget


My paternal grandparents for coming to this country with nothing and building a life...
My maternal grandmother, simply because she rocked (and made meatball surprise w/ cubes of mozzarella inside) :)
Raff, because she rocks balls
and Wile E. Coyote, because he's a super genius. *duh*

My Blog

Deal or No Deal creepiness

So, the current contestant is a Scout Master - and so NBC had the models come out dressed as scouts.Hmm...   I think there's something creepy about this.Do we really need to be going out of ...
Posted by Dano on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:48:00 PST

STOP pimping your self/band to me via TXT or EMAIL

MySpace Bulletins and your own blog is perfect for such purposes. please don't use personal information that I furnished as a way to mass market your next show! And along those lines, use BCC to h...
Posted by Dano on Thu, 29 May 2008 03:22:00 PST

Investment Advice

I get it now.  I'm not supposed to sleep.   Ever.After being up for a day and a half, I finally crawl into bed.As soon as I get settled in and start to drift... *BOOM* a flash, and ever...
Posted by Dano on Sun, 25 May 2008 11:30:00 PST

pierogi desires

for a majority of my life, I was uninformed and sheltered from the wonder that is pierogi. [clarification - i refer to a moment in my late teens]I was far too obsessed with ravioli since a toddler, an...
Posted by Dano on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:05:00 PST

Is the Toothfairy a size queen?

What is going on with toothbrushes in recent years?Why are the handles getting so MF'ing big?I get ergonomics, but c'mon already.  It's a toothbrush, not a Harley.Any decent quality toothbrush se...
Posted by Dano on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:49:00 PST

stop. yelling. you.

six flags! more flags, more fun! Yeah. okay Iron Chef... you and Billy Mays need to drink bleach.
Posted by Dano on Thu, 15 May 2008 04:02:00 PST

Sleepwalking is one thing, but sleepwriting?

After being awake for 36 hours, as well as being rain-soaked twice in 24 hours, I crawled into bed to recuperate.I woke up earlier, to fetch a beverage, and found this note on my apartment door:I don...
Posted by Dano on Sun, 11 May 2008 07:11:00 PST


A week ago, I commented on the latest Department of Health PSA.There are actually 3 different ones - and in at least one version, "Marie" (aka: Stumpy) says: "...And I've had about 20 amputations"ABOU...
Posted by Dano on Wed, 07 May 2008 05:04:00 PST

Fast Food Felony / DWI

Awesome.After a bad few days and very little sleep, I crawled to Coney Island to see friends.Upon second wind acquisition, I decided to play nitrate-fairy, by bringing some Nathan's to my favorite (an...
Posted by Dano on Sat, 03 May 2008 05:40:00 PST

Stimulus Checks: My Retort

Amusing bulletin going around as follows: As you may have heard the Bush Administration is issuing a $600 rebate on average.If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we sp...
Posted by Dano on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:29:00 PST